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Not Rated | 1h 28min | Western | 7 July (USA)​ Legendary lawman and gunslinger, Wild Bill Hickok, is tasked with taming the wildest cow-town in the west.​ While delivering his own brand of frontier justice, the infamous gunfighter's reputation as the fastest draw in the west is.
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  • Wild Bill's Shootout.

The stage is set for his stumbling descent into early-morning drinking, gambling losses and cruelly deteriorating eyesight. An infection caused by syphilis?

Kramer Hickok PGA TOUR Profile - News, Stats, and Videos

Another unknowable detail. A widow of 45 Hickok was 11 years younger , she was the first woman in America to own a circus.

  • Mommy What Time Is It?!
  • Where Wild Bill Hickok was born - Wild Bill Hickok Memorial;
  • Hickok Reviews - Metacritic.
  • Access options.

The circus and Agnes move on, but her affair with Hickok proceeds by post. They reunite, marry and set off on a two-week honeymoon. Fatefully, Hickok heads for the Black Hills to strike it rich at the gaming tables or gold fields.

This article appeared in the Books and arts section of the print edition under the headline "The legend of Wild Bill Hickok". Reuse this content The Trust Project. More from Books and arts The ironies of revolution A love affair with liberal democracy that soured. Glass half-empty It takes four good things to overcome one bad thing.

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Mad in craft The psychologist who pretended to be insane. Undaunted, Clavin, who is a wily veteran of the writing trade, tacks up the truth like wanted posters in every chapter, while simultaneously savoring a few of the more fanciful falsehoods along the way, a neat trick in which he displays some ambidexterity of his own.

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Perhaps aware that a focus on shootouts might fall flat in this age of mass killings and gun-control debates, he detours into the skirmishes of the Civil War and into such historical arcana as the origins of the Pony Express; the adventures of the 10th Cavalry, whose enlisted men were all black; the early days of the circus; and the backgrounds of the bad guys. In one such pencil-sketched interlude, we watch Hickok umpire an early baseball game between the Kansas City Antelopes and the Atchison Pomeroys. The Antelopes win by the astonishing score of Next come the jobs as a scout, deputy United States marshal and sheriff, and the famous Kansas gun battles at Hays City and Abilene, in a career that is largely over before it begins.

Wild Bill Hickok is murdered

By heavens, you are safe at last with Wild Bill, who is ever ready to risk his life and die, if need be, in defense of weak and defenseless womanhood! Clavin has fun debunking an alleged romance between Hickok and Calamity Jane , who appears in a late cameo as an insufferable drunkard and braggart. Not all of the scenery here is interesting, not all of the events are credible and we may even suffer a few mental saddle sores from blunt transitions and dull Wikipedia-like prose, but for the most part this is a pleasant enough trail ride of a book.

The story ends predictably even Wild Bill predicts it at a card table in the mining town of Deadwood. In his open coffin, Hickok makes a handsome corpse, his hair still hanging in auburn ringlets.