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Henry Albus and the Transformigation Watch [Yahya Ashraf] on *​FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Henry Albus who is normal person who gets​.
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Critics, however, have mentioned that the plot, which features a variety of good and evil magical sword-fighting birds, is extremely similar to Redwall and that the book suffers from a lack of originality. After finishing, he allegedly searched the internet for tips on getting published and got an agent two days later.

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It was also featured in Publishers Weekly. His mother always made him and his sister each complete a book every summer, and he says he took this one more seriously than the others. He plans to continue the series for as long as possible. He suffered from ill health following a childhood illness and had a curved spine, asthma and headaches. He also had a disjointed education due to his illness and tough laws against Catholics.

According to his sister, all he did was write and read. His first major work, Pastorals , was published in , which brought him instant fame at age This was followed by An Essay on Criticism in May , which was also highly successful. His most well known poem is The Rape of the Lock, a satirical look at a high society quarrels. He died in The Guptara twins finished the first draft of their page epic fantasy, Conspiracy of Calaspia , when they were just eleven.

Set on the fictional titular planet, hero Byrn Bellyset joins a motley band of brave individuals to fight an enemy who defies logic. It is the first book in the Insanity series — they had to rewrite it ten times before it was finally accepted for publication when they were seventeen.

The twins speak fluent English and German, and learned to read and write at age three.

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Mattie Stepanek was born with a rare form of muscular dystrophy, had to lug around an oxygen tank and was wheelchair-bound up to his death at the age of He started writing poetry when he was three years old to cope with the death of his brother his mother has an adult-onset form of muscular dystrophy and his three older siblings died of it in early childhood, in the worst family tradition ever.

Four more books of poems that he hoped would inspire people followed. He died in June , having achieved all three of his wishes — publishing a book, meeting Oprah, and talking about peace with Jimmy Carter. A strange, unknown portal-like phenomenon, or death and torture. Great choices, but one is the lesser of the two evils, as far as he knows. Harry freezes. Harry coughs, though, and a gush of blood rolls down his chin. He shakes off his confusion and drags himself through the door, and through the musty corridors leading to the Great Hall.

The infirmary. He buries himself into his pillow, turning on his side, and lets out a sigh. Wait… Dumbledore!? A sigh. But if the boy is really just a boy then you shall wait until he wakes up! The sound of footsteps follows her hesitant relentment, and Harry grimaces from the cover of his blanket. The ominous swishing of the curtain partitioning foreshadows the words Harry hears next. Harry lets out a quiet sigh, and sits up from his pillow, which makes him realize how wonderful he feels.

Could it be real? Did he really end up in such a place just because of some curious but unknown bit of condensed magical energy?

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But then why is he here? Harry instantly trains his gaze on the hand after wiping away his multiplying thoughts, but with a sheepish he looks away. With an inquiring look, Harry faces the wizard beside him, meeting his stare. Those bright blue eyes stare back at him solemnly, studying his face with a puzzled twist to his lips. Lad, what is your name?

Harry heart thunders in his chest, and he can feel his hands grow clammy with the pressure on his shoulders slowly gaining weight. Potters are generally known for hazel, brown eyes and untameable hair. Whenever he sees his hair slip in front of his eyes, freed from being tucked behind his ear, he can see that being weighed down by its length has almost made it seem manageable! Well, it would if he could get the knots and gunk out.

Dumbledore gives a slow nod as he runs a hand down the length of his beard. Harry looks at him confusedly. They liked new blood and minds, but the Potter genes still ran rampant even in our diluted family. Harry sighs.

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He corners the biggest market holders and forces them to join the ranks of his Death Eaters or die a cruel death. Malkins and Mr. Ollivander have been wary about leaving their shops on Diagon Alley after the disappearance of Mr. Fortescue and Mr.

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Goldleaf from Eeylops Owl Emporium. The Brazier family has always been very influential in France, and so I think Voldemort wants to use our power and money to support his war effort. Gave us their terms.

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We wrapped up any loose ends on our parts and booked it out of there. So much progress lost. Can you remember the identities of the Death Eaters you faced? Dumbledore sighs and probes him with an appraising stare. Harry silently meets his gaze before the aged man stands on creaking bones. As if he has already lived more than twenty years with a wizarding war under his belt and the pressure of a second one. Harry hopes to never be like this man, who cares but never becomes more than the powerful War General he became towards the end of his life.

Harry inwardly bristles, as the compliment sounds almost condescending to his ears when he has lived the life of a War General for almost three years. For the war that came.

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His emotions must show on his face, because Dumbledore has regained the twinkle in his eyes and he looks at him with faint humour showing on his face. He did it. He deceived Albus Dumbledore. And everything he said was true. If you looked with the right perception. After Dumbledore left, Madam Pomfrey instantly bustled in with a worried fervor.

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  • She casted repeated diagnostic spells on him, being extra thorough in her work. Potion after potion she gave him, pastes to heal his torn muscles and healing potions that soothed his torn throat, his nerves that had seemed to simmer under his skin cooling under her Nerve-soothing potion. Harry is sitting quietly on his cot when Madam Pomfrey walks in, a clipboard in hand. The mediwitch scribbles something on her parchment with a quill. She hums sadly. Harry scowls. Pomfrey smirks. Harry sobers slightly. He dearly needs to get to Gringotts, and only then will his place in this strange world look seamless.