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Apr 26, - Ulysses is my favorite novel, first read at age . I was 4 or 5 on the reservation, and it was the first book I ever read with a brown-skinned.
Table of contents

The 15 stories in Sing to It demonstrate the masterful way in which celebrated short-fiction writer Amy Hempel can pivot between humor and sadness, often in fewer than two pages. Hempel constructs quick and quiet narratives that probe the intersections of love and loneliness. When a child goes missing in the mythical world of Black Leopard, Red Wolf , a mercenary named Tracker is hired to find him.

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From the immigrants who ran the facility to the single mother of the child who was killed, Kim makes a case for compassion that surpasses the suspense of her page-turner. Together, their voices create a vivid image of a fractured America. What if the living could communicate with the dead? In her latest book, novelist and memoirist Yiyun Li imagines conversations between a mother and her son who recently took his own life. In pages that transcend time, Yi conveys in delicate, moving prose the ferocity with which a parent can love a child.

Although a devastating read, Where Reasons End provides a sensitive and essential look at the complexities of grief.

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A family pulled in different directions makes its way across the U. What ensues is a heartbreaking quest, inspired by The Odyssey , as Chinonso makes the long, trying trek home. Although the melodrama in the last quarter of the book undercuts the expertly crafted tension that precedes it, Normal People remains a deeply immersive rumination on social class, self-doubt and first love. This multi-generational epic follows three families over four generations, beginning in a colonial settlement near the Zambezi River in The characters in The Old Drift interact in subtle and surprising ways, adding to a bigger narrative that tackles class, race and ancestry.

Since then I have never stopped writing.

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More people do it than will admit to it, and the difference between people who regard themselves as professional writers and other writers is much more shady than we suppose. The book that made me want to be a writer in the first place was Gone with the Wind —I read it and wanted to create a whole world out of words, too. His short, simple sentences and familiar-seeming characters made writing look, if not exactly easy, then at least possible. That book got me to work harder, but more important it opened the door to other contemporary short story writers like Tobias Wolff and Alice Munro.

There was a library and it is ashes. Let its long length assemble. Reading this at the age of 13, I understood that fantasy, the place I was looking for, is not to be found in dragons, ghosts, or magic wands. It resides in language. Fantasy is death by owls. An inverted heart. Le Guin. There was no single epiphany, but I recall a few early flashes.

When I was ten I would be transported by certain books—Ursula K. Sometimes that burning prompted me to start writing, though I never got more than a few pages down. But hey, I got color in Australia! The kind of color where my forehead looked like a boiled lobster and has been shedding its flesh for the last two days. This is why I stay inside and read books and stuff. The book that made me want to write was The Passion by Jeanette Winterson. I was 4 or 5 on the reservation, and it was the first book I ever read with a brown-skinned character—this, you know, inner-city black kid wandering the snow-blanketed city all by himself.

And the book spoke to me in a way few books have ever spoken to me throughout my life. But in that instance, I had this recognition of another human being in the world, fictional as he was, but that there was another person in the world who was like me. That one book made me a writer. And I can point to other books throughout my life that did the same thing—that made me who I am. I am constructed of stories that have changed my life. Tom Wolfe: Napoleon , Emil Ludwig.

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Regarding writing, was there any particular book that influenced you? It begins as the mother sits suckling her babe in a tent. I was eight at the time. Reading books that you fall into, the essential thing that happens is it gives you permission. And it gives you permission. It was like somebody cracked my world open when I read that book. Carl Hiaasen: the Hardy Boys series.

But long before that, what really made me want to be a writer was the Hardy Boys series, and also daily newspapers. My mom says I learned to read on the sports pages of The Miami Herald. My ambition, that toward which I aspire to write, has long been guided by Toni Morrison, Beloved , and through her words, seeing how a novel can be mysterious and true, mythical and raw, how a novel can honor memory even when we want to look away or forget.

My ambition has long been sharpened by Alice Walker, willing to tell the stories of black women without apology, willing to write politically without apology— Possessing the Secret of Joy , a haunting, gorgeous novel about female genital mutilation that keeps me transfixed and heartbroken and helpless each time I read it, because sometimes the only way to tell the truth is to tell a story.

Nadine Gordimer: Scoop , Evelyn Waugh.

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  • Perhaps the isolation of your childhood helped you to become a writer—because of all the time it left you for reading—lonely though it must have been. Yes… perhaps I would have become a writer anyway. You know what made me want to become a journalist? Enough to make anybody want to be a journalist! I absolutely adored it. I was already reading a lot, obviously, but of course I was reading without any discrimination. I would go to the library and wander around, and one book led to another. An Oxford student who is doing a thesis on my writing came to visit me in Johannesburg the other day.

    I would meet him at lunch. He would emerge, and so would I, from our separate labors. There was a review of Gone with the Wind. Do you know what was underneath it? Richard Ford: Absalom, Absalom!

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    What book had the greatest impact on you? What book made you want to write? Probably Absalom, Absalom! I read it when I was Reading is probably what leads most writers to writing. Dag Solstad: the work of Knut Hamsun. Oh, reading Knut Hamsun at I was introduced to Hamsun by a schoolmate, a boy from a working-class family who quit before graduation. Once I started, I read everything in one go. I went to the library several times a week to borrow more books, and I cleverly wrapped them in the paper we used for schoolbooks so it would look like I was doing my homework, studying like hell!

    Lewis was the first person to make me want to be a writer.

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    He made me aware of the writer, that there was someone standing behind the words, that there was someone telling the story. I fell in love with the way he used parentheses—the auctorial asides that were both wise and chatty, and I rejoiced in using such brackets in my own essays and compositions through the rest of my childhood. I think, perhaps, the genius of Lewis was that he made a world that was more real to me than the one I lived in; and if authors got to write the tales of Narnia, then I wanted to be an author.

    It struck me very early. My father brought me a box of books once when I was about three and a half or four. I remember the carton they were in and the covers with illustrations by Newell C. Do you remember him?

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    He was a wonderful illustrator of Robert Louis Stevenson and other books. Robin Hood. I remember how struck I was by the ending when Robin is supported by the window and shoots his last arrow. I was very affected by it. I was very comfortable being by myself. I spent a lot of time alone and particularly out in the natural world. I think I had a particular moment when I was 15 years old. I can remember exactly where I was. I was in a biology class.

    ‘A Fine Balance’ by Rohinton Mistry, published by Faber & Faber: £8.99, Waterstones

    I was supposed to be listening to the teacher but I was on the back row.