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According to Nihon-Sho-Ki, he was the Emperor Tenji's brother with the same mother and from Muraji tribes but there was no proof that he was from Muraji tribes.
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If Job continues to follow God then God has the advantage, on the other hand, if Job listened to his wife and friends and cursed God, then Satan would have had the advantage. That is if he was the only righteous person on the world. This is an amazing situation. Something really terrible and awful must have happened in Heaven when Satan initially rebelled.

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To have a third of all the angels of Heaven take off to side with Satan, against God in a war. Remember this rebellion happened in Heaven! How could this happen? To have the angels who live in Heaven, in the very presence of God, to rebel against God himself! What did Satan do to the angels to have them rebel against God? What did he say to them that would make them fight against God Himself? We know that God is all powerful, that He created all things. So why would they decide to enter a war that could not be won by power? They must have known something about God perhaps.

It is quite possible that they knew enough about God that they were confident that God would play fair. God would keep to the rules of the Universe that He has created. So they knew that this war must be over opinions rather than power. All the worlds of the Universe might have to decide who is right in this war. It is also possible, that because Satan is the source of evil in the Universe, that he and his new followers just became so selfish that they lost all sense of reason when they started demanding things of God.

They knew that God would play by the rules even when they broke the rules.

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They probably thought they could take advantage of God. What is happening with Job and the behind-the scenes battle is clearly part of the war that Satan started when he was initially in heaven. Since then Satan and his angels are now kicked out of heaven and they are reduced to fighting a war involving the planet earth.

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Let's continue the story of Job to see how it ends out. Pay special attention to what happens in this story because it has special relevance to what happens to the ,!

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A second meeting of the sons of God with God is described in Job chapter two. Again the same issues are brought up but with slightly different specifics in the arguments. Satan failed the first time around to change Job's allegiance from God to himself. So this time he is calling fowl. He still claims the Earth as his and he wants even more power in trying to force Job to obey him.

Read the account and see what happens. We can see from the actual text that Satan still claims the Earth. It seems that Satan believes that if all people were under his control then the Earth would rightfully belong to him! There also seems to be some truth to Satan's claim since God counters Satan on the very level that Satan is thinking on. It seems that these meetings are a regular event and here, God counters Satan's claim by pointing to Job which Satan was unable to control.

God adds to what He said before by stating: he still holds to his integrity. But God repeats what He said before: He calls him, His servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil. This could very well indicate that Job was the only one who followed God fully during that time. Also very interesting to note, we see that God takes the blame! He doesn't say that Satan is moving to destroy Job but He says that you have moved me against him, to destroy him.

So, Satan asks for more power and he suggests to God that there is a limit to Job's loyalty. If Job was afflicted with pain on his body, he will curse You to Your face! This is really the ultimate question. Will Job continue to fear or reverence God even when it threatens his life? This is the same question that Daniel and his three friends faced. Was Daniel still willing to pray to God at his open window facing Jerusalem; Even if it meant his death Daniel 6? What about his three friends; Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah?

They faced King Nebuchadnezzar and said that they will not serve his gods, nor will they worship the gold image that he set up! The king had already told them that they would be thrown into the flames if they would not bow down. But they stood their ground anyway Daniel 3.

To them it was more important to serve God then whether they would face death or not.

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To me, these are moving and amazing stories and I must ask the question: I wonder how you or I would act if we were faced with the same decision? Daniel and his three friends were just like Job. They kept their integrity toward God even when facing death. Daniel and his friends were actually willing to die rather than to worship another god.

If the story of Job actually shows the conflict happening behind the scenes, then we can know that Satan definitely had a central role in the conflict against Daniel and his three friends. Also, we now understand that Satan has to have fought for the privilege of threatening their lives. He just can't come and destroy us, he must first ask for permission for whatever he does against us. Normally God places a hedge around His people. He protects those who fear Him and are loyal to Him:. God has angels around those who fear Him. And God delivers them out of trouble. Because God is always looking to protect and lead those whose heart is loyal to Him!

Satan would never have been able to attack Job unless he first accused Job before God. He said that Job would not remain faithful if he ever faced real hardship. The story of Job not only tells us how Satan operates but it also shows what his limitations are. He can't do anything without God's permission. In addition, we now have a better idea why he does what he does. He is contending for ownership of the Earth. In order for him to win the rights to our planet he must control all the people on the earth! Satan is called the deceiver of the world. But he has had to continually accuse God's people so he could attain the permission to attack them.

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This is an amazing point to consider. Down through the history of this world, Satan has been constantly accusing God's people before God. He is the accuser of the brethren! And this is an amazing verse because it helps to confirm that the story of Job, with all it's behind-the-scenes information, is actually a reality.

Satan really does go before God to accuse God's people day and night! And it sounds like this has been happening ever since sin entered the world.

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In Revelation 13 where the Mark of the Beast is introduced, we see that in the last days God is going to allow Satan to do what he has always wanted to do.