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An Ocean is a Snowflake, Four Billion Miles Away (John Barnes Short Story Collection Book 4) eBook: John Barnes: Kindle Store.
Table of contents

The Merchant of Souls , in which the continuing protagonist endures a fluctuating relationship with the recorded personality embedded in his brain see Identity Transfer , is more intimate. The sequence continues with The Armies of Memory and a final volume has been projected. A simultaneous series, The Century Next Door , comprises four loosely connected tales — Orbital Resonance , Kaleidoscope Century and Candle , all three assembled as The Century Next Door omni , plus The Sky So Big and Black — which created a recomplicated pattern of Future History through intersections of Time-Travel wipings and rewipings of narrative strands, and the threatening universal ascendance of the Meme One True, which is a kind of combination of hegemonic software and Hive Mind.

These intersections are focused through various takes on the War of the Memes, the outcome of which will determine the shape of humanity, perhaps for good. But The Sky So Big and Black — which is set in an Alternate History version of a future Mars — depicts a culture as complex as that unfolded in Kim Stanley Robinson 's Red Mars and its sequels, so that perhaps something of the entropic desolation that underlies much of Barnes's ethical and social speculations here seems more conditional. Over and above two comparatively routine sequences — for Timeline Wars and Jak Jinnaka titles, see Checklist below — Barnes has also published some singletons.

In Mother of Storms , which is his most impressive early novel, he creates a powerful and complex portrait of a Near Future world wracked by the eponymous self-fuelling storm see Climate Change , and on the verge of numerous cusps, ethical and practical. Through Virtual Reality , Sex has become extraordinarily present in everyone's consciousness, and Genetic Engineering helps point the way to the stars. Meanwhile the storm continues, in a narrative which makes profitable use of both the bestseller disaster mode and of Cyberpunk. Apostrophes and Apocalypses coll ; vt Apocalypses and Apostrophes assembles short stories, most of them early, and some nonfiction.

There are other factors, but these are enough to discuss for now. When Clifford Simak was writing his robot stories in the s, his only inspiration was probably other science fiction writers and their stories. Robots were all speculation. He had the play R. It was a well respected book. In , City is quaint and it would be very kind to just say the speculation is full of holes, but the story telling is still magical. I look forward to every moment I can spend with it.


If I could interview my self, even though he was a kid in junior high, he probably knew the speculation of the story was silly then. The quality of the story telling held me then as it does today. Simak if far from a great writer, and his prose is barely a step up from pulp fiction, but damn, he does have a lot of far out ideas in such a small book. Just the concept of building artificial beings is mind blowing. One of the things that has tarnished old science fiction stories is real science. Robots have a reality in — yet their reality is far from science fiction then and now, but strangely I think science fiction robots have a better chance of finding their place in the real world than interstellar space travel, aliens or time travel — the other major motifs of early SF.

Science fiction robots have evolved in the years since He is a simple faithful servant, intelligent, but hardly more than a mechanical Mr. In just the concept of an intelligent machine was cool. The possibilities were endless. There is a chance I even majored in computers in because of those stories. They were a far cry from the IBM I was programming with punch cards at the time.

Working with real computers taught me the limitations of science fictional computers. He pictured atomic power, private planes, helicopters and hydroponic farming causing such a societal paradigm change that cities were dissolved and people chose to live far from one another independently.

While this was going on, Simak imagined the development of robots and the uplifting of dogs. His speculation of de-urbanization, or re-ruralization seems silly today, but it is elegant speculation. That holds up. What my year-old self needs is a novel about robots that is as ground breaking as City was in This wished for novel needs to have the story quality of City so it remains in print until and later. And I need to live to be a so I can reread it and evaluate my sense of wonder one last time before I pass into oblivion.

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Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is the new YA novel that all my adult lady bookworm friends are reading. At my office four women have already read it and two have even finished the two sequels, New Moon and Eclipse , and are anxiously awaiting for August 2nd to bring them Breaking Dawn. Is this the beginning of a radical movement? I feel like a spy reading a classified document meant for her eyes only.

Can women really read our thoughts from looking at our eyes? Is attention, talk and protection all what women really want from men? If Twilight is a big time fantasy for girls, then boys, all those porn fantasies you spend every waking moment on, are on such a vastly different wavelength from the object of your desires that I think maybe you ought read Twilight , just to learn what the enemy is thinking while you are picturing them without their clothes. They are picturing you in clothes.

Nice clothes. Rowling had used a female as her lead character instead of Harry, would the Hermione Granger series have had as many readers, and would the working of the magic unfolded as it did for a male point of view? Edward Cullen becomes the ultimate beautiful male that must control his instinct to kill, which for the average guy is the instinct to get laid.

This is a fun way to review a book. I can tell you the book is gripping, full of tension between Bella and Edward, and that women love this story. I like the convenience of WordPress.

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The basic idea is to write a post and get comments. Older posts are pushed down and stored away, and the general method used to find these older stories is either by categories, search box or calendar grouping. I have no idea how WordPress makes its money. I assume WordPress wants to maintain their current marketing plan of offering a free service, but I can picture my blogging needs expanding, and I imagine so do others.

Right now there are too many Web 2. I can share my thoughts on WordPress, my photos on Picasa, computer work on Zoho.

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They are too restricting. Right now blogs model people with the diary format. However, those formats depend on linear progress and some random discovery. Generally you start talking about a subject, and this is covered by blogging with categories. But you need a face to represent the whole of your being. Magazines use their covers and table of contents to promote their top stories, hoping an eye catching headline will get you to buy a whole magazine and read the rest of the issue.

Home pages on blogs take you to the latest post. Also, let this page have more layout options, use a column HTML table to organize the structure, and allow the maximum customization. Marketing people might come up with a better word. Maybe tie it in with major personality traits. Another fun format to add would be the TimeLine — something to help people remember when and were things happened.

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Users could enter birthdays for family, and then school years and schools. That way people could quickly know how old they were in a during a particular school year, or what years they worked as a bag boy. Bloggers could enter dates for when they met people, got jobs, saw concerts, had children, went on vacations, etc. Additional fun features would be hyperlinks to web sites that show the TV schedules, top news, best selling books, big movies, etc.

Lots of people are list makers, and so having a list making module would be awful cool.

sfadb : John Barnes Titles

Like the TimeLine module above, this would force WordPress to get into the database business, which moves them more into the Zoho. WordPress could offer both custom database applications and do-it-yourself kits. Blogs are about people. I use my blog to help remember things. I really would like to use my blog as a supplemental brain. Now do you see what I mean when I think of a blog as a digital analog of myself?

Right now blogs are a collection basket for thoughts, but it could collect other personal items, like photographs.

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Why separate thoughts from images. I moved around a lot when I was a kid.