A Working Mans Haiku

where kanye west meets mother teresa upon vintage typewriters.
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leondumoulin.nl: Haiku Novels, Translations and Criticism by David G. Lanoue

Search tips Delete the words "erase this; type keyword" in the box. To look for haiku containing a single keyword, type it into the box and hit "Search. Note that searches are case-sensitive type "Buddha", not "buddha". Use the "Year" drop-down menu to limit your results to a particular year. More search options available with the Advanced Search. Random haiku Don't have time to read 10, poems by Issa at this moment? How about just one? My Books about Issa —sales of which help pay for the continued commercial-free hosting of this website.

TV Japan segment on The Haiku Guys

Issa and the Meaning of Animals explores Issa's poetic vision of animals as fellow travelers in a shared world. Issa and Being Human: Haiku Portraits of Early Modern Japan explores Issa's poetic answer to the question, What does it mean to "be born human"?

Available as a paperback from CreateSpace Amazon. A Translator's Selection of Master Haiku presents over 1, evocative and inspiring haiku arranged in seasonal order—including an introduction to Issa's life and poetry. Issa paintings by Mark W.

Here was my first haiku:. Some were fun, casual and anecdotal; about something interesting that happened that day:. Others were less surface level; less mood-based breaking all the rules! Speaking of breaking the rules, I caved and used a couple of metaphors and personifications along the way. There were some haikus that I thought were reasonably good:. I lost 20 pounds as a result of another personal challenge I took on. Some things fell apart, and some things fell into place.

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I learned that really and truly, done is better than perfect. If I had spent time agonizing over every syllable, I would have grown to hate the challenge. Sometimes, you just have to put it out there, even when there are mistakes, like this:. I was impressed that I never miscounted my syllables, even while writing and posting under the influence.

There were a couple of judgment calls I had to make, because some words have syllables that are hard to count. Is it two or three syllables?!

My Google searches yielded conflicting results. Also, to be clear, I wrote this one while I was on vacation. Which is what I was coming dangerously close to doing. I can confidently say that I am a writer. Gone are the days when I lived on the beach in Australia and did nothing but write my novel all day.

Haiku in the Workplace: The Man (or Woman) from IT

Or if I make use of that notepad next to my bed with a particular rhythm of words that just feels right. Something powerful happens when you hit publish. Someone has to see that shit. You have to hit publish.

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A lot of friends participated in the Day Challenge by lettering, drawing, writing postcards or taking photos. They hit publish and became creators. It was pretty inspiring to watch. I still find myself tapping my fingers against my thighs as I count out syllables.