The Furtherance of the New Way for the Lords Recovery

It contains seven chapters, beginning with a definition of the Lord's recovery and its new way and continuing with a discussion of the commission and definite.
Table of contents

This does not mean that the globe has changed or shrunk; rather, it means that methods of transportation have greatly improved, making travel more convenient. Furthermore, the development of the television, telephone, and other telecommunication technologies has increased the spread of news. To prepare for the full-time training, nearly every day we have to make long-distance phone calls, and the calls are quite numerous. It is not like when I first went to America; back then I had to think carefully about what I would say before calling because I did not dare to waste a second.

Now we have approximately seven hundred full-time trainees in the training center. They sleep, eat, and meet there without any problems. This is not a small matter. Just the matters of cooking three meals a day and arranging the sleeping quarters require our painstaking preparation, almost all of which has been accomplished entirely by fellowshipping on the telephone.

This shows us that the globe has not changed, but the activities, the means of transportation, and the technologies of communication on the globe have been improved again and again. The messages we release here in Taipei can be heard simultaneously by telephone in numerous places in America. This is why we must have a change in the system.

In the recent ten years I have been continuously and tirelessly exhorting the young co-workers in Taiwan, telling them that they must make a change. Almost every time they went to America, I mentioned this matter to them. I told them that Taiwan has been reformed and is still improving in business, industry, education, and all other aspects, but in our church life we have made no reforms or improvements.

Take the Gospel Book Room as an example. The packaging of other bookstores has improved and changed for the better, but in our bookroom we have been doing things in the same way that we did thirty years ago without making a single change. I certainly never imagined that in the end I would have to return to Taiwan to lead all the churches to have a change. I was very busy with my work in the United States and was bearing a heavy burden with no possibility of leaving, but in , when I finished writing the footnotes to the book of Acts in the New Testament, I told myself that I would return to Taiwan.

Hymns - The Lord's recovery

The saints in America can all testify that when I returned this time, it was not an easy thing. I put aside all my work in Anaheim and completely devoted my heart to Taiwan. I have been speaking for the Lord for more than fifty years, but I never used the term push, because I believed that it signified human effort. Now, however, I have changed, and I intend to use this word a lot.

Living Stream Ministry

All the full-timers are my helpers to help me push the elders and the church in Taipei. The church in Taipei is like an old car that cannot be pulled or pushed, so I need these more than seven hundred full-timers to push together with me. In saying this word I might greatly offend the elders in Taipei, but my intention is good and proper. We have changed neither the truth nor the life. Rather, we still highly regard them as much as in the past. We are only changing our ways of working by correcting our errors and making improvements.

If the church in Taipei still would not move, I will have to ask these more than seven hundred full-timers to help me pick it up and carry it on our shoulders. We are all one family. I am like the eldest in this family, and when I see the second, third, and even fourth generations among you being raised up, I am full of emotion in my heart. Especially among the elders, there are many who are only a little over thirty years old, of whom I feel very proud. However, if you do not move, cold water will be poured upon my pride.

I am not blaming you. I am only blaming the fact that we have waited so long to change the system, because as early as I should have promoted this change. Even though it is now ten years too late, I believe that the Lord will give me a period of time for us to have a success. My wife is very concerned about my physical health and hopes that this time while I am here, I can work less and rest more. But I am only concerned about one thing—changing the system.

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When Satan and his followers see this house, this Body, which is the church, they will know the multifarious wisdom of God. Our God does not just want people to know this mystery; He especially wants to show this to Satan. You get everything you want by hook or by crook. Nevertheless, you have only cleverness. Two thousand years ago you began to employ your craftiness and to show off your cleverness, and you have been doing so until now.

Furtherance of the New Way for the Lord's Recovery, The - Living Stream Ministry Bookstore

But in the end whatever you have done will have been all for the expression of My wisdom. This is His economy. In this period when nearly all of Christianity has been ignoring His economy, God needs a further recovery in order to accomplish all that He has revealed, promised, and prophesied in the Bible. Through Brother Nee this recovery was brought in among us. Even our going out door-knocking to preach the gospel is different from what Christianity is doing. When we go out door-knocking, we first preach using The Mystery of Human Life to show people that man was created with three parts: This is to let people know that God created man in this way for the purpose of having man as His vessel to contain Him so that He could enter into man, and in the end man could express Him.

Many who have been Christians for years still may not be clear about this truth, but today when we go out door-knocking, the first thing we give people is this truth, and when they hear it, they are saved. This kind of gospel preaching is revolutionary and of the recovery. Some have asked why the Recovery Version has the word recovery in its title and what it is that needs to be recovered. The entire New Testament begins with a genealogy Matt.

Formerly, not many people understood this genealogy, but today if anyone reads the Recovery Version, he needs to read the footnotes for only about ten minutes in order to be able to understand its deep significance. Thus, what we call the recovery is a recovery of the divine truths in the Bible. The full-time training is not a training in methods; rather, it is a training to get the saints into the truth. The truth produces life. If the trainees study the truth every day according to their schedule, in the end they will spontaneously be nourished due to their knowledge of the truth.

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After they have been built up in this way, if they go out door-knocking, they will bring people to be saved by the recovery truths, and these new ones will be solid. Thus, the new ones will be established in the truth. In the past we were accustomed to big meetings with one person speaking and everyone else listening. However, after all that speaking and listening, some who have been meeting with us for thirty or forty years have not even graduated from spiritual elementary school.

They are not even clear about how they themselves were saved. This is because they have never studied the truth thoroughly. Now we have put out the Truth Lessons, but the sad thing is that we lack teachers. I am afraid we will be like the blind leading the blind, and everyone will fall into a pit. Therefore, the teachers must first study and get into the truth before they can teach the saints.

In the same way, since we all have a heart to go out door-knocking and to care for people, we must spend time to get into the truth. The training gives us a way to get into the truth. How much we gain, though, depends upon the price we pay. Nevertheless, it is much easier for us to get into the truth today than it was fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, if we wanted to study the genealogy in Matthew, it was hard to find a book explaining it.

If we wanted to study the parables in Matthew 13, it was hard to find a proper reference book.

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Once, I found a book which said that the leaven in the meal is a positive thing, referring to the gospel and truth in Christianity, which are able to influence all society. When I first read this, I felt that it was very good, but later my eyes were opened to know that it was absolutely not in accord with the truth. However, it is entirely up to us to spend the time to study them. When doing a certain thing, each person will do it differently, and the results will be related to the person doing it. Take door-knocking as an example: When we go door-knocking today, and a person answers the door, if we know the truth, we will be full of the flavor of the truth.

However, if we do not know the truth, what we speak will be merely commonplace. I admit that it is high.