Smoke and Rat Holes

Seems to me that the only way is to smoke them o. This feeds the fumes down rat holes(the ones in the ground!) and gasses them out, only.
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If the nests are active then it is usually clear of vegetation and their runways are smooth and packed in. Roof Rats are also known as black rat, ship rat, gray-bellied rat, Alexandrine rat, and white-bellied rat. Roof rats are smaller and more slender than the Norway Rats. Roof rats have a smooth, usually brown and black intermixed or gray to black above with underside white, gray, or black. However if the population grows, they will nest underground. Roof rats will mainly feed on fruits, nuts, vegetables, and seeds, but they will also eat meat and grain products.

Their droppings are pointed shape. Unlike Norway rats, roof rats can swim and they have excellent hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Their vision is very poor. Both the rats are active at night but most active at dusk or before day, but they can still be seen during the day. Both of the rats will leave behind hind footprints and will drag their tails.


That will leave a mark between their feet tracks. The rats will gnaw on wood, but they can also gnaw on electrical wires. The most common way to inspect for rat infestation is by their droppings. You can tell how severe the infestation and where more rats are recently by their feces. After hours, their feces will harden, but fresh feces will be soft. You can set the traps along the wall or anywhere else where there is a lot of rat activity. The glue boards on the traps will not release the rats, so it will be stuck there and die.

While using the traps, drop one or two drops of the attractant onto the trap to attract the rats to it.

The baits are rat poison, so please be cautious so placed out of reach of other animals and children or pets. Place the baits along the runways of rats and the entry points. The liquid bait will need to be mixed with water following the directions on the label and placed along the wall or to the side where rats have a lot of activity. Pallets can be used anywhere that has rat activity.

Do not open the package but place them along the wall or corners of the infested area. It is better to place the bait first where rats are frequent. Once you notice that the bait has been gnawed at, place them in the stations.

Beginning no more than 1 foot out from the outermost bags, lightly broadcast the repellent DR. When the odor becomes faint, the effectiveness may be diminished. Retreatment may also be necessary after heavy, washing-type rain. Do not leave the repellent inside the home for too long because the smell will be bad. When using this repellent inside the home as in the attic, does not air circulate because the smell will circulate throughout the rest of the home.

Also sprinkle the repellent using gloves around the structure of your home. This will create a barrier around your home to prevent future rat infestation. This product can be used with this item when covering the hole after the rats left: Place the cartridge fuse ends outwards, light the fuse, and cover the hole quickly. Make sure that other holes are covered as well to ensure the smoke does not come out.

Baits are not recommended for the use in places with heavy food competition, because the rats might not eat the bait since there are many other foods around. You can use rodenticide blocks that are placed inside bait stations that can be locked with a key. We always recommend a bait station so that you can protect non-target wildlife and children from reaching those poisons. I have a rat problem in my boiler room in my basement. I placed many wooden traps and poison down. It took several days and I finally caught two rats In the wooden traps. It has been a week and the rats have not eaten the poison or touch the food on the traps.

You can try to move the traps and baits to different locations. You want to make sure you clean though and then continue to inspect afterwards to look for signs of a continuing infestation. You may have already just caught the two, unless you know that there are more. I hope that helped! If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know or give us a call at The main difference between Fastrac and Contrac Blox is going to be the active ingredients that are used. However, the active ingredients work very differently and regulations are also very different on the two. Fastrac Blox is made with a Bromethalin active ingredient.

It is categorized by the EPA as a non-anticoagulant. The Bromethalin active ingredient kills because it will interfere with the nervous system and causes respiratory failure.

how do you smoke out rats ?

Contrac Blox is made of a Bromadiolone active ingredient. Bromadiolone is categorized by the EPA as a second generation anticoagulant. The EPA says this about second generation anticoagulants:. They are highly toxic, and they persist a long time in body tissues. The second-generation anticoagulants are designed to be toxic in a single feeding, but since time-to-death is several days, rodents can feed multiple times before death, leading to carcasses containing residues that may be many times the lethal dose.

Predators or scavengers that feed on those poisoned rodents may consume enough to suffer harm.

Those will be the differences, but both are very effective rodenticides. However, since the EPA has changed regulations on rodenticides, there are restrictions on the quantity and how we can sell the rodenticides. Consumers used to be able to purchase the Contrac Blox in a 4lbs. If you have any questions about the rodenticides, feel free to give us a call at Hi Matt, We do not carry any gas bombs for rats in basements nor is it very effective.

We do recommend rodenticides like rodent blox or traps, whether they are glue traps or snap traps.

how do you smoke out rats ? - Country Talk and Tips

If you have any children or pets that chase the rodents, we do not recommend using rodenticides. I have the sound things under my house I have the electric traps I have reggular traps I have bate stations. I cannot get this thing to die. We recommend Provoke Rat Attractant which we have found to be very effective. Exterminators laughed at us when my girlfriend and I called….

If your neighbors have outside dogs or you have outside dogs… and there is food… and water… you will have rats. I prefer hav-a-heart traps and then shooting them in the trap with a pellet gun. Poison only works for awhile, they learn to avoid it, snap traps also work but they can learn to trip them then eat the bait….. I love animals and hate killing anything…… but rats under your house need to die by any means necessary….

Everyone in our area, Florida panhandle, has had a problem with what are being called dune rats and wood rats. But you can hear them clawing in the walls and occasionally squeaking, although to me it sounds like whimpering puppies. We have a terrier with a high prey drive that kills anything her size or smaller that she comes across out side. But there are no exterior entry holes on the foundation or in the attic. The vents have no holes or evidence of chewing. I am too big to fit in the space but from what I can see popping my head in, there are no holes in the plastic ground covering.

What can I do!? Once you locate the den, examine the area and find all of the possible exits.


Seal them, but leave at least two open. Using the attached hose, direct the smoke into one end of the rat den while observing the exit. The rats will emerge as their den fills with smoke. You don't have to put up with this. Step 1 Locate the mesh end of the insect fogger where the fog emerges. Step 2 Slide the large radiator hose over the end so that the mesh is entirely covered. Step 3 Connect the propane tank to the fogger. Step 5 Locate the rat den. Step 6 Light the smoker.