Saved and Single

Saved and Single has 78 ratings and 10 reviews. Sarah said: This is the book that convinced me that what I was writing in NaNoWriMo might actually have s.
Table of contents

Expressing interest and communicating your availability to a man does not mean that you are chasing him.

Saved, Single, Dating, and Marriage

I believe in miracles, but I also believe in working to make things happen. Be Selective and Hold your Ground. A desperate and indecisive person will always be at high-risk for making bad decisions. Desperate people typically lack good judgment and often accept whatever is put before them. Learn to hold your ground and do not waiver in your selection process.

Say what you mean, mean what you say when it comes to selecting your future mate.

5 Keys to Overcoming the Struggles of Being Saved & Single. | Forholy - Strengthen Your Faith

If you do not stand firm, manipulative and egocentric men will pick you apart. Practice what helps you stay grounded. If being spiritual has helped you with celibacy, then do not stray away from it. Being grounded in Christ may be your greatest weapon against your flesh. As you wait on love, continue to live harmoniously with yourself and God. Wanting to be loved is normal; however acting impatiently or desperately is abnormal.

Listen to your heart; if it hurts and you feel troubled, that means that you are moving in the wrong direction. If you have questions for Dr. The ideas, opinions and recommendations contained in this post are not intended as a substitute for seeking professional counseling or guidance. Any concerns or questions that you have about relationships or any other source of potential distress should be discussed with a professional, in person.

The author is not liable or responsible for any personal or relational distress, loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or recommendations in this post. Also through the whole book we read of tiffany wanting to be married and when she finally gets asked we don't get to read about her wedding. But all in all it was a good book. Nov 07, Kim rated it it was amazing Shelves: Got half way through and just skipped to last chapter.

Jan 25, Carla rated it liked it Shelves: Deborah got on my nerves. Not Sheila Copeland's best work, but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Mar 03, Marilyn rated it really liked it. Oct 21, Shavonna Futrell rated it it was amazing. Great book I really enjoyed it , these characters had me laughing and dying to know what was going on next or happing with them.

I Look forward to reading more by this author. May 01, Latonya added it. Dionne Bell rated it really liked it Mar 29, Diane Rembert rated it really liked it Sep 29, Kacie rated it liked it Oct 02, Lgb rated it it was amazing May 23, Vonnee Greenwade rated it liked it Jul 08, Rhonda rated it liked it Oct 26, Anessa rated it liked it Aug 03, Trenell rated it liked it Dec 19, Lovie rated it really liked it Sep 13, Samantha rated it really liked it Jun 20, Jeanette rated it did not like it Jan 06, Sheryl Boyce rated it really liked it Sep 07, Akilah rated it it was ok May 15, Lisa rated it it was amazing May 15, Be decisive and selective, and always stand firm on what you believe in.

When you're desperate and indecisive, you're ripe for making poor decisions and accepting anything. Practice the things that help you to stay grounded, and don't waiver in your selection process. As corny as this may sound, it can be helpful to make a list of non-negotiables — things you absolutely will not be flexible with. Writing things out can help you to think clearer. As challenging as it can be, waiting on God will always bring the most blessed outcome. Don't let impatience or desperation cause you to settle for anything less than God's best. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles.

They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Make yourself available to meet someone. How can you ever meet someone if you don't make yourself available to do so? I do believe in divine connections.

See a Problem?

Some people make themselves so unavailable that the chances of them ever meeting someone is slim to none. I do also believe in showing interest in the person who you believe meets your qualifications. To the women reading this, don't mistake this for pursuing a man. Let the man find and pursue you, but he can't do that if you're always locked in your house watching movies on Netflix.

To the men reading this, communication is key. Developing a friendship first is always a great step. Make yourself available to BE the qualities you seek in a mate. If you want a compassionate man, learn how to be a more compassionate woman.

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If you want a patient woman, learn how to be a patient man. A few years ago, I wrote a prayer request to God with all the qualities that I desire in a future husband. The most important part of that letter was about the work that I desired for God to do in me. I asked God to work in me and help me to increase in everything that I want in a mate.

And He really has and still is.


As you abide in God, He promises to abide in you and grant your requests. Waiting on God can be challenging at times, but the absolute best way to overcome the struggles of being saved and single is to stay grounded in the Word.