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It was outrageous and over-the-top and I loved it!! First off, I love the cover of the book! I actually did judge a book by it's cover because I never really read totally what it was about, which didn't seem to make any difference because it kept me laughing and that's what I want in a book at times. Just the commentary alone of Dot, Kato and Rexi are enough to keep you in stitches, but throw in hydra's, monkey's, evil witches, www.

Just the commentary alone of Dot, Kato and Rexi are enough to keep you in stitches, but throw in hydra's, monkey's, evil witches, wacked-out princes, and so many beings it makes for a great comedy in a magical land. There is not so much going on that it makes the book overwhelming like many can, it makes it just right! And I love the little quotes at the beginning of each chapter from a book in the land of Fairy-tale : They author also left it open for another book and I so hope this is the case! I would recommend this to anyone that loves this type of fantasy book and just wants a nice little laugh.

There is plenty of smart ssness to go around in the book! View all 6 comments. Mar 21, Rachel E. Carter rated it it was amazing Shelves: have-paperback.

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Simply adorable!!! I recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Ella Enchanted or the Shrek movies. Can't believe it took me so long to get around to this one I think it's because I'm not usually a Dorothy fan -of the Yellow Brick Road variety.

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Underrated and more people should discover this gem:D. View all 10 comments. Mar 07, Bookaholic reads every mortal thing marked it as want Shelves: fantasy. Sep 27, Fafa's Book Corner rated it it was amazing. Mini review: Loads of fun!

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Really liked the characters and their interactions with one-another. Especially loved Dorthea's subtle growth. Highly recommend if you want a fun series!

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View all 3 comments. Aug 21, Masooma rated it liked it. Burn down the world, consumed by flames. Spelled was a story of a ticking fire-bomb, who was haunted by a curse after she made a preposterous wish in all her naivety. She only realized that an ill-worded wish is worse than a curse when all spell broke loose and everything dear to her turned to pixie dust in the chaos. Initially, the novel reminded me of the movie Into The Woods and I couldn't find a single shred of encouragement to urge me to read on 2. Initially, the novel reminded me of the movie Into The Woods and I couldn't find a single shred of encouragement to urge me to read on until finally the roots of the curse were revealed.

It was the part where I felt the story was well thought-out. To me the princess was nothing more than this. She literally pixed me a lot with her IQ of a toddler. Let me demonstrate: Maybe the curse had tainted her. Maybe she had always been destined to be evil. I understood a little bit about loss and pain, about pushing and fighting against your destiny. But to take it out on everyday people If this is how a princess's brain cells function, than I'd rather hang myself. Dot never thought, she only stressed her chocolate-stuffed mind toward the end of the book!

From my side, she can absolutely have the Grimm's award for 'The Whiniest of the Whiny' in the story world since she gathered nothing but these from me: -A fur ball for a prince. Meet Kato: But wait, Kato? Was there some sort of a shortage in the names closet in the hex-ridden fairy world?

Anyways back to the character. Kato was a fur ball who kept enlarging until he turned into a full beast. And for the sake of romance, he also turned into human so that he could kiss the princess and return back to his beast self afterward. So a sarcastic round of applause for that. Other than that his duty and character were good but I liked him much better when he didn't have a soft corner for Dot.

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I don't think it is natural for a slave to showcase such rude language and demeanor the moment she sees the palace crumble down. For the rest of the novel, she switched between the good guys' team and the bad guys' team. Rexi also had some sort of brain malfunction since she frequently shifted between cowardice and bravado. Nonetheless, her character added some good to the novel, of course because of her unexpected shifting of sides -While I found nothing especial in the narrative, I felt these were the best treats Spelled had to offer before the opening of each chapter: True love can overcome anything.

Even fish breath. They all just appeared cute and nothing close to horrific from any perspective. There was one though, hydra, who rocked the entire hexed-up novel. Dot wasn't able to strike an emotional chord or two so when I was supposed to be scared in her aura, I wasn't because I couldn't feel her fear at all. It had an effective impact on the world building. So to get to the happily ever-after of this review, Spelled is a light, good read for anyone who either has a lot of love for fairy tales or has a patience for very whiny heroines.

PS: I never intended foo dis review to be thes long, I guess it might be a hex or somethin'. View all 4 comments.

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Oct 19, Veronica Morfi rated it it was amazing. Rating: 4. I love Dorthea, the main character and how much she grew from being a spoiled princess to an amazing, kick-ass fire-girl! I also loved the humour in this book. It had me laughing almost every other page. But still it managed to break my heart at times with what was going on. I can't wait for the next one.

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And cheesy. This is something you guys gonna either love because of cuteness or dislike because of cheesiness. There is no in between. It's a hotspot of corny jokes and I had a field day with it "Every fairytale comes equipped with a happy ending.

Isnt it a bit too much? Meet Dorthea and her a fairy tale that gone wrong.

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A wise naive princess once said; In the beginning, Dorthea is one of the most spoiled brats I've seen. She is snobby and self-absorbed but at the same time she is a really likeable character. She is so naive. Since she is princess, she thinks her Happily Ever After is written in stone and going be achieved so easily.

It sounds so easy. Except this isnt your ordinary fairytale and Dorthea isnt your ordinary princess. So back to the beginning; Dorthea is very spoiled. Money, shoes, jewelery you name it she has it but the only thing she truly wants is what she can never have:Freedom. Because of a curse that was put on her family, Dorthea is not allowed to go outside of their castle. That is until the day her parent arrange her a marriage of course.

Suddenly facing with a forced marriage with the brooding prince Kato disgusts Dorthea. So to escape such a horrid arrangement, she wishes upon a star that turns out to be cursed and as a result she makes the rules of magic fall apart. When the world she knows careens out of whack, first; Dorthea decides to wait to be rescued.

She is a princess so surely somebody is going to come and rescue her, right? Remember me telling all the rules of magic falling apart. The stupid wish is biting Dorthea in the ass. Everything is changed now. Eventually, Dorthea realizes if she wants to fix her world she gotta do that all herself. Which wont be easy. At all. Most you kinda see coming, the others are a bit 'meh' and some of them just annoyes me.

The plot takes so many turns that I felt like I was lost within specially the first fifty pages. The world building was so rushed. I wanted her to go away so much cause she was sooo pointless and too rude and whinny and annoyed the hell out of me. What an pointless character. Double all the UGHs. It's not a severe change, which is what makes it interesting. Plus, she wasnt the only character that was well-developed and underwent changes - The balance between the romance and the plot was perfect.