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Skunks are widespread and fairly common in the Albuquerque area.

  1. Releasing a Skunk;
  2. My Grandmother Struts Her Stuff.
  3. About Skunks.
  4. How to Trap a Skunk Trapping Tips and Bait.

They are nocturnal and rarely observed, although their distinctive odor often lets homeowners know one may be in the neighborhood. Trapping skunks is not recommended in most instances. Skunks that are trapped and removed from a site must be euthanized because the animals cannot be relocated. Simply removing the skunk does not address the reason for conflict. Another skunk will likely move into the area quickly and continue the problem.

Nuisance Wildlife

Following simple steps can often reduce conflict with these animals, and eliminate the need for professional assistance with a skunk issue. For more information on resolving skunk conflicts please call or the City of Albuquerque Urban Biology Division If you suspect the skunk may be injured or sick, report it to the City. More information about skunks in Albuquerque can be found here.

Odor Removal While often recommended, tomato juice and vinegar are not effective.

Helping Wildlife – Skunks

For those that have skunks coming in to the garden, examine the perimeter fence around your garden to see how the skunk is getting in. They are creatures of habit, and putting a trap near the entry point to your garden will often prove to be very successful. Baiting Your Trap The skunk is known to be a great scavenger, which is why they are such a pest in urban areas, but this also means that many different foods can be used as bait.

Meat products such as chicken entrails and cat food will often work well, as does canned fish. Many people will also have success in trapping the skunk using cracknels or a bread crust covered in peanut butter, and marshmallows are a great bait to use for skunks. Leave a small amount of the bait outside the cage, and then place the rest inside the trap.

Read more about what bait catches skunks on this page. Handling The Skunk It is important to take precautions when handling a skunk, and because an adult can accurately spray its scent up to a meter away, this is the main danger to avoid.

Skunk Odors

Once you have identified a skunk is caught in the trap, throw a blanket over the trap which will calm the animal and will also catch any spray that is released. It is best to use an old blanket, as the skunk scent is very difficult to remove.

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  • How to Trap a Skunk Without Getting Sprayed!
  • Wait, of course, until the animal is out of the den. Usually only a groundhog will exhume the fill. Squirrels are a species that tends to get on the nerves of many homeowners. Their most common crimes are digging in flower beds, chewing on expensive bird feeders and houses, and taking food from bird feeders.

    They can be excluded from bird feeders by placing feeders on a pole with a squirrel baffle and located away from trees. Removing bird feeders during summer and early fall also compels squirrels to relocate elsewhere. Trapping and transferring squirrels also is effective, but squirrels — particularly in places where large numbers converge — can become trap-shy rather quickly. Good baits for trapping squirrels include: peanut butter, ear corn, sunflower seeds and apple slices.

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    • Skunks — City of Albuquerque.
    • Lawn raiders and ransackers such as skunks, Canada geese, groundhogs and moles all present somewhat differing approaches to resolve. Canada geese, which can quickly lay waste to any yard near water by smothering it with feces, can be discouraged by exploding devices, scarecrows, fencing and hunting. Geese currently cannot be killed unless hunted legally because they are protected by federal laws.

      Skunks, which occasionally rip up lawns in search of grubs or get drawn to a compost pile, can be deterred with fencing.

      How to Remove Skunk from Havahart Trap from a Safe Distance!

      Trapping is used to eliminate skunks. Should you or your dog be sprayed by a skunk while attempting to alleviate a problem, use the follow concoction to eliminate skunk odor: mix one quart of hydrogen peroxide with a quarter-cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of liquid soap. Groundhogs and moles are lawn excavators that can make a mess of a yard quickly. Both problem animals are best handled through trapping. Groundhogs can be caught with baits such as apples, carrots or lettuce.

      Wading birds such as great blue herons and great egrets also have become the bane of many rural and suburban areas because they are pilfering the expensive fish property owners are putting in backyard ponds. Solutions to this problem are few. The basic choices are put rocks or other cover in the water for fish to hide around, or locate your pond close to the house. Some people draw wildlife into neighborhoods or onto their properties by offering wildlife foods such as seed or suet; throwing table scraps out back; improperly storing garbage; outside pet feeding; or maintaining a grease-loaded grill.

      Litter — even discarded candy — also will attract wildlife.

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      Stopping these activities can certainly make a difference when wildlife has become a nuisance in your area. Cleanliness should be a standard operating procedure for those not interested in sharing their space with wild animals. This is especially true in areas where your property appears to be an island in a sea of suburbia. And they do seek out super-sized meals like road-killed deer and all-you-can-eat cornfields and blueberry patches.

      But given the chance to raid a birdfeeder filled with suet or sunflower seeds, many bears will come running, even to feeders very close to houses. The oil in sunflowers and the fat in suet can create an aromatic trail that can lure bears, not to mention squirrels, for a considerable distance. Put them out in winter when the cold weather returns. Other factors that can lure wildlife to your home or property include: reduced human activity; homes with warped or loose soffit or siding; trailers without skirting or loose skirting; homes with open, unscreened attic windows; improperly stored garbage; and pet dishes with uneaten food.

      Repeated shooing can convince the bird not to return. Owl and hawk decoys — even a fake snake — also may convince the bird to stay away. Woodpeckers are protected by state and federal wildlife laws. Mouse In The House — Field and other mice have a knack for invading our homes and outbuildings. They build nests in our shoes, chew lawnmower and clothes dryer parts, raid cereal boxes and race across our floors when we least expect.

      The most inexpensive and effective way to straighten out a mouse problem is to set traps.