Manual The White Sultana (Sultane Blanche (La))

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This is the story of two women. One of those women is Lady Sheringham, interviewed in her manor house, the other is Emma Piggott, who has just passed away.
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Interesting take on the road not taken. In one version of this story, a school teacher answers an ad to be a tutor to children of an aristocrat in the Shanghai, after WWII. In the other versions, she writes the letter, but never sends it. Which life is real? It isn't really important to the story. We follow her exciting adventures, a a servant of the upper classes of the British, as the Empire goes the way of all flesh, but she survives and thrives.

As you can see below, the gray drawings are of Interesting take on the road not taken.

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As you can see below, the gray drawings are of the woman who didn't go to Shainghai, dying alone, and the brightly color images are of the woman, at the end of a life well spent, but very much alive, telling her story to us. A little flashy, very old British Empire, and adventures, and wealth.

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It is a pleasant enough story, but not terribly exciting. A good quick sort of read. Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review. May 15, Richard rated it liked it. A quite remarkable story and cleverly adapted for the format of graphic novel. It is either two stories about 2 different women who have a connection in their love for the Far East.

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Or it is one story of a life that could have gone two ways based on a response to a job advertisement in s newspaper. In one version a woman tells of her full life, often marred by sadness and grief but fulfilled in the homes she lived in, the clothes she wore and the places she went to during her lifetime. In the A quite remarkable story and cleverly adapted for the format of graphic novel. In the other account a similar woman maintains her love for the Orient by collecting memorabilia and clippings of a more romantic lifestyle while living and working all her life in Whitechapel.

One is full of colourful illustrations, the trappings of wealth and the richness of places once part of the Empire. The other is grey and colourless with a sense of an empty life as seen in a lonely death. That this is managed in this medium is quite clever and the piece is open in which interpretation is the real one.

The missed opportunity and a lifetime of what might have been or he reality of grasping your destiny.

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If it is two separate lives somewhat linked it still works but again throws up the stark differences in the role and opportunities for women in this period. Based either on making a good marriage or being a spinster left without family in your later life. My only comment against the story is that these nuances are not clear and have to be attached to the work rather than drawn from the intended narrative.

Therefore, the reader gives it more depth and resonance or finishes the tale somewhat confused. Worth a look and a read as has historical value as well as strong female characters. Apr 22, Wayne McCoy rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. The book goes back and forth between two women. One is Emma Piggott a woman who has just died in London after a life of being a schoolteacher at St. Her story is told in black and white.

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The other is the story of Lady Sheringham, who answers and advertisement to be a governess and finds her life changed forever with wealth and 'The White Sultana' by Pierre Christin with art by Annie Goetzinger is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel about how one decision can change our lives. The other is the story of Lady Sheringham, who answers and advertisement to be a governess and finds her life changed forever with wealth and adventure. She sometimes dreams of Emma, and she finds it troubling. The art is some of the best I've seen lately in a graphic novel.

There is depth and detail that show that great care was taken in the art of this book. On the art alone, I would give it 5 stars.

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But the story feels like a forced morality tale where it seems obvious which choice we should take. Lady Sherinham's life is full of color and wealth and privilege. We don't get much detail in Emma's life, but she must have made a difference in the life of a student or had very loving reasons for living her life. Those are never shown. Instead, we see the medical "professionals" who pick over her belongings, leading us to believe it's better to be rich than dead.

I'd prefer to make my own choices and not have them made for me. I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Europe Comics and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel. Oct 10, Oneirosophos rated it did not like it. White Sultana is a beautiful and fragile, but empty and thus boring vase.

Apr 15, Theediscerning rated it really liked it. Hmmm… Looks-wise, this certainly deserves five stars. It's a beautiful book, about a beautiful woman, who gets to see the High Society of late colonial life and beyond in the Far East.

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And it's a dreary piece of a woman who's already dead, with a bare sustenance on her kitchen shelves and no telephone in her home, who's having her belongings picked over by a doctor and ambulance driver which is the only place unrealism turns up, in both the second chap being a solo ambulance driver, and their Hmmm… Looks-wise, this certainly deserves five stars.

And it's a dreary piece of a woman who's already dead, with a bare sustenance on her kitchen shelves and no telephone in her home, who's having her belongings picked over by a doctor and ambulance driver which is the only place unrealism turns up, in both the second chap being a solo ambulance driver, and their criminality. We're supposed to wonder at and enjoy the possibility the dead woman is reality and the lovely pastel wardrobe and scenery of the Asian scenes fantasy, or one of the two plots just the result of a chance decision or change of mind.

I can see that's the point of the book, but I really didn't enjoy having to come off the fence of the creators' own making and decide for myself. Still, there are storytelling merits to add to the looks of the piece, and the way the French people behind this get the nuance of the British spirit abroad is wonderful.

It's not often I start a four star review with the hesitancy of my ''hmmm'', but such is the nature of this script you could be pondering its truths for some time. Apr 13, Ije the Devourer of Books rated it liked it. An interesting story about a woman and the life she lived and the life she could have lived. In one life she never leaves her home town and she lives a very safe life of dull boring colours.

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In the other life the woman takes up a position abroad in the colonies and she lives a life of adventure, privilege and wealth. We are not told which life is the real life but we get to see the vibrancy of a life in which risks are taken and one which is safe, but drab. It is a good story with excellent An interesting story about a woman and the life she lived and the life she could have lived. It is a good story with excellent artwork and the two stories are told in a contrasting way.

It conveys a silent message about living to our fullest and seizing opportunities. The story is made powerful by the contasting colours and you may find yourself hoping that this young woman lived the vibrant life. Unfortunately we are not told. I think this is a good graphic novel with bright artwork and a fascinating story. Apr 14, Alina rated it really liked it Shelves: manga. The plot is quite interesting about our heroine and the life she lived or the life she could have lived. In one version of the story ,Emma ,a school teacher answers an ad to be a tutor to children of an aristocrat in the Shanghai, marries the aristocrat and a number of other fabulous adventures follows.

In the other version, she writes the letter, but never sends it and she never lives her hometown- This is a beautifully balanced historical piece about British nobility and post WWII in Asia. In the other version, she writes the letter, but never sends it and she never lives her hometown- it's a matter of decisions! The story is presented like parallel universes.

The White Sultana

The beautiful illustration work perfectly conveys the period too. I also loved the fact that this comic comes in colors! I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is a graphic novel that is basically a parallel lines story- what happens if you take this road, and what happens if you take the other. The two differing stories are made evident by black and white illustrations as opposed to coloured ones.

Just as a pointer for anyone who might be sensitive- there is a touch of nudity I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Just as a pointer for anyone who might be sensitive- there is a touch of nudity and flashes of frilly knickers etc. I enjoyed the story line but without giving any spoilers, I think I would have preferred a more definitive ending. Still a good read though and I would recommend. Apr 12, Online Eccentric Librarian rated it really liked it Shelves: arc , graphic-novels , historical.