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Jan 4, - But that naming struggle was nothing compared with figuring out what to call the parts of the world we cover. Third World? Developing world?
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Thus, the aggregate term "Third World" was challenged as misleading even during the Cold War period, because it had no consistent or collective identity among the countries it supposedly encompassed. Therefore, the United States and the Soviet Union went to great lengths to establish connections in these countries by offering economic and military support to gain strategically located alliances e. Throughout the Cold War and beyond, the countries of the Third World have been the priority recipients of Western foreign aid and the focus of economic development through mainstream theories such as modernization theory and dependency theory.

By the end of the s, the idea of the Third World came to represent countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America that were considered underdeveloped by the West based on a variety of characteristics low economic development, low life expectancy, high rates of poverty and disease, etc. Rostow argued that Take-off was the critical stage that the Third World was missing or struggling with.

Thus, foreign aid was needed to help kick-start industrialization and economic growth in these countries. Many times there is a clear distinction between First and Third Worlds. When talking about the Global North and the Global South , the majority of the time the two go hand in hand.

To counter this mode of thought, some scholars began proposing the idea of a change in world dynamics that began in the late s, and termed it the Great Convergence.

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Goldstone and his colleagues put it, "in the twentieth century, the Great Divergence peaked before the First World War and continued until the early s, then, after two decades of indeterminate fluctuations, in the late s it was replaced by the Great Convergence as the majority of Third World countries reached economic growth rates significantly higher than those in most First World countries".

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It has been suggested that Third-Worldism be merged into this article. Discuss Proposed since April A term coined during the Cold War and for a while used to denote developing countries in general. For other uses, see Third World disambiguation. Main article: Third-Worldism. Main article: Development aid. Density function of the world's income distribution in by continent, logarithmic scale: The division of the world into "rich" and "poor" is striking, and the world's poverty is concentrated in Asia. Density function of the world's income distribution in by continent, logarithmic scale: The division of the world into "rich" and "poor" has vanished, and the world's poverty can be found mainly in Africa.

Asia and Oceania. Oxford Dictionaries - English. Dictionary of Human Geography 5th Ed. Journal of Contemporary History.

  1. Third World | international relations | Britannica.
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Carolina Academic Press : On the structure of the present-day convergence. Campus-Wide Information Systems. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Volume 95, June , Page South—South cooperation and Third Worldism. Landlocked developing countries Least Developed Countries Heavily indebted poor countries. Emerging markets Newly industrialized country Transition economy. Trade and development. North—South divide. Economic classification of countries. Developed country Developing country Least Developed Countries World Bank high-income economy Newly industrialized country Heavily indebted poor countries.

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  • By country past and projected per capita per capita. By country future estimates per capita per capita per hour worked per person employed. The volume edited by Robert McMahon, The Cold War in the Third World , demonstrates the richness of possible inquiries into the ways in which the bipolar conflict shaped the histories of the Third World, or in turn, the ways the Cold War was shaped by momentous events occurring outside of the United States and the Soviet Union. For example, the Cold War intensified anticolonial struggles in Asia and Africa throughout the s and s.

    Tying together this vast body of new research is a patient excavation of sources from an increasingly wide array of archives. While multi-lingual and multi-archival research has long been a hallmark of international history, this method has proved indispensable to scholars looking at the global Cold War, especially as archival collections from the former Third World begin to open and permit foreign researchers to access them.

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    At once clarifying and confounding, multi-archival scholarship raises a host of practical concerns. The sheer difficulty of such research—wrought by time, expense, and inconsistent access—is brought to the fore when considering the Third World. Moreover, the scholarly debate over the origin of the term, the Third World, captures a core issue embedded in the enterprise: how can one identify what sources to study when no consensus exists on what the Third World was?

    This conceptual challenge has confronted scholars since its first use by the French geographer Claude Bourdet in Many leaders of the Third World resented being designated as such and even suggested alternate spatial configurations for talking about the global South.

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    And yet, the use of the Third World as a political or spatial framing device continues to animate Cold War scholarship. Scholars have been careful to address the location problem, but certain sites continue to appear in many treatments of the Third World.

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    Because of the important role neutralist and non-aligned states played in organizing other Third World leaders, some of the most exciting archival research in the new Cold War history comes from these countries. However, several lesser known archives offer important perspectives from the Cold War period, illuminating the diplomacy and politics of the Third World from within.

    The National Archives of Myanmar, the National Archives of Sri Lanka , and the National Archives of Cambodia all have generous admission policies for researchers, provided one has some knowledge of the relevant native or colonial languages. These three countries played key roles in advancing the neutral platform during the Cold War and assumed different degrees of engagement with the superpowers.

    Together, the histories of these neutralist states suggest a broader and more complex spectrum of Cold War correspondence than is conventionally considered. Third World leaders also waged their own Cold War campaigns inside their territories. For example, the eruption of near-simultaneous communist insurgencies across Southeast Asia in brought the Cold War to the region early.