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The Kudzu Kid [Darrell Laurant] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As a series of circumstances assail Southside Echo editor Eddie Fogarty.
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We cultivated, harvested and canned. We played and took long naps. We visited a ranger each week and passed her lists of what we needed, paying her for her time in baskets of vegetables and fresh eggs. I could hold off the specter of money for only so long. Your grandparents were wealthy. If we live lean, mostly off of what we grow and create ourselves, then we will always be taken care of. She understood that the spiders would do most of the work controlling the flies and mosquitos if we left them alone, but still, they bothered her.

The kudzu goes on forever. Shrieking strains of cunning. Traces turned to choking. On days when I felt frustrated and afraid that even I could not keep my daughter safe, I feared the kudzu. I made metaphors and wondered if they applied to us or to the thick vines wrapping our home: outcasts on attack.

Invasive Species: The Threat of Kudzu | The Nature Conservancy

My daughter would wave and sometimes people would stop to talk. We told farmers to plant kudzu, as much as they could afford. Depending on their politics they might say something that led to a private conversation between me and my daughter later that afternoon on hate speech or on how even the best intentioned people sometimes stopped short of looking for the truth. The kudzu had a swagger we admired.

Helium Makes Kudzu Float Away – The Garden Professors™

You know that, but being on your own would be great, too. I cried, too. I remembered taking the train when I was a kid, the way the bug-eyed Amish teens stared at my laptop. I remembered how unassimilated they seemed and wondered if that is how my daughter would look to the outside world. Had we started to communicate in ways that seemed strange and unapproachable?

I asked the ranger to get us bikes and we started to go into town occasionally at first and then every day. We ordered tea in cafes and visited the library to use the computers. I was surprised how quickly my daughter picked up the skills she would need.

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It took a while for the kudzu literati to figure that out. In much of the early s it was heavily marketed as a high-protein cattle fodder with a secondary use as erosion control. Our government disaster involved distributing 85 million tax-payer-funded seedlings across the Southeast. By it was estimated about 3,, acres of kudzu had been planted from Mississippi to Florida. The problem worsened as boll weevil infestation and cotton crop failure across the same turf led farmers to abandon their fields while kudzu sprinted toward North Carolina. It was about that somebody in the United States Department of Agriculture got up off his investigative asset and realized the plant could be a problem.

The Amazing Story of Kudzu - 1996 Documentary

It was only 17 years later — in — that it was declared a weed. It was only another 27 years — in — before kudzu was officially placed on the Federal Noxious Weed List.

This would seem to be a daunting eradication task for a teenage kid at a science fair in Louisville, but she was ready. She was impressive. She had done her research. She smiled.

Kudzu Plant

She was confident. She rattled off about 15 minutes of kudzu facts, with illustrations. She offered some possible solutions to the kudzu problem; chop the vine at ground level, strong herbicides, and the introduction of foreign-raised kudzu eating bugs, although once free, who knows what they will eat next?

Posts Tagged ‘The Kudzu Kid’

Actually, all six of the young plantologists — ages maybe 12 to 18 — showed at least some devotion to duty, an eagerness to seek out and solve horticultural problems. Their research restored my faith in the American educational system — with one warning:. I seem to remember that someone tamed an area over grown with Kudzu with goats who seemed to like eating the stuff. And it all sort of came down to kudzu — the vine that ate the South.

Bioinformatics Whiz that I am, I was asked to help judge the plant sciences stuff. Or at least Mississippi. The estimated population of their starling kin is now north of million.