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Under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, children and teenagers march against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama, in Thank You, Omu! When the aroma of Omu's homemade stew fills the air, her neighbors arrive, one by one, for a taste until all is gone except for her generous spirit. Stanley the Farmer by William Bee.

It's going to be a busy day down on Stanley's Farm! From plowing the field, to planting the seeds, to harvesting the wheat, Stanley and his friends Shamus and Little Woo have a lot to do. The Remember Balloons by Jessie Oliveros.


James has a bunch of balloons, each of which holds a special memory, but as his grandfather ages and loses his own balloons, James discovers that he is gaining new ones. Take Your Turn! In this attractive hardcover storybook, children will learn about the importance of taking turns. Thomas goes to the Rescue Center to help Fire Engine Flynn and Belle practice emergency readiness drills, but forgets that both rescue engines need a turn at the water tank.

Winter Dance by Marion Dane Bauer. A fox wonders how he should prepare for the coming winter, but what other animals advise will not work for him until another fox comes to his aid. Show More.

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New Juvenile Fiction. Birdie by Eileen Spinelli. Still grieving for her father, twelve-year-old Birdie struggles to adjust to many changes, including when her grandmother, her mother, and her best friends all begin dating. The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson. Twelve-year-old Candice Miller is spending the summer in Lambert, South Carolina, in the old house that belonged to her grandmother, who died after being dismissed as city manager for having the city tennis courts dug up looking for buried treasure--but when she finds the letter that sent her grandmother on the treasure hunt, she finds herself caught up in the mystery.

Penguin and The Lost Treasure. Aspiring Professional Adventurer Mr. Penguin and his colleague, Colin the spider, try to find a treasure rumored to be buried in The Museum of Extraordinary Objects before bandits do. Best Babysitters Ever by Caroline Cala. Mayhem ensues in their sleepy California beach town when three best friends, motivated by unlimited snacks, no parents, and earning money for an epic seventh-grade party, find an old copy of "The Babysitters Club" and decide to start their own babysitting business.

Emmi, a German immigrant, is living in Chicago when the Great Fire breaks out on October 8, , and, separated from her father, she finds herself with her neighbors, Cara and Seamus, braving the smoke and flames trying to escape the danger of the burning city, and searching for all their parents. When Greg and the Musketeers return to Paris and find the city under siege, they leap into action to prevent King Louis from being overthrown and history from being changed forever.

Panda-monium by Stuart Gibbs.

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Teddy Fitzroy returns as FunJungle's resident sleuth when the zoo's newest addition goes missing--before she even arrives! Grenade by Alan Gratz. On April 1, with the battle of Okinawa beginning, fourteen-year-old native Okinawan Hideki, drafted into the Blood and Iron Student Corps, is handed two grenades and told to go kill American soldiers; small for his age Hideki does not really want to kill anyone, he just wants to find his family, and his struggle across the island will finally bring him face-to-face with Ray, a marine in his very first battle--and the choice he makes then will change his life forever.

New Juvenile Non-Fiction. American Moonshot by Douglas Brinkley. July 20, It's a day that has earned a spot in history. It's the day that America was the first nation to succeed in sending two astronauts--Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong--to the moon. But what led to this unforgettable event?

They remained there for a good half an hour before the water temperature began to temper their high spirits. Lettie was the first to admit that she was cold. Elsie nodded in agreement, and one by one, they climbed out, threw towels around their shoulders, and made their way to the blankets. Lettie passed around wedges of watermelon that her mother had contributed, and Rachel bit into a slice.

It was so sweet and delicious that she closed her eyes and groaned with pleasure. She promised to tell me her secret when I get married. Gardening and cooking secrets or everyday greetings, it was always the same. Her mother never spoke directly to her. Her mother hadn't spoken a word to her since, as a teenager, she'd abandoned her Amish upbringing, left home, and joined the Englisher world. Anything her mother had to say to Rachel was always passed to her through someone else.

Rachel recognized it as the ultimate act of love. As awkward as it was, she knew her mother desperately wanted her to return to the safety of church and family. Tart and cold. Sophie, who'd been on the blanket begging watermelon only a minute or two before, let out a piercing bark from a distance. Rachel glanced around.

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Where are you? A miniature white poodle-looking dog of about fourteen pounds would not have been the dog of Rachel's choice. Basically, she'd inherited Sophia Loren when a dear friend had gone to prison a few months earlier.

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Still clutching the towel around her, she plunged into the underbrush, pushing through the thick rhododendron. Come, girl! She couldn't imagine what had Sophie in such a fuss. Maybe a snake. Sophie loved chasing snakes, although what she'd do if she ever caught one, Rachel had no idea. The thought that the bichon might have startled a rattler gave Rachel pause. Rachel, now unable to see the girls in the clearing, forged ahead.

Another ten feet and she pushed aside a thick evergreen bough to catch a glimpse of the white, fluffy bundle bounding up and down. Sophie's plumed tail was at full sail.

My name is Sophie Miller and I am a Succubus : nosleep

Her protests rose to a fevered pitch as she fiercely held some perceived enemy at bay with every ounce of will. Rachel froze. Sophie had taken her stand only a few inches from the edge of the water. Rachel stared through the braches of a massive hemlock, a tree that had grown out over the water. Beneath the intertwined roof of foliage, nearly hidden from view, forty feet from where Rachel and the others had been swimming, a body floated. Rachel's mouth went dry. She blinked, hoping that what she'd glimpsed was only a figment of an overactive imagination.

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But when she dared to look again, the awful sight was all too real Suspended facedown on the surface of the water was the body of a woman in full Amish dress, a white prayer kapp still on her head. She had no idea who it was. None of those with her had been dressed in Sunday clothes. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she reached out. Grabbing a hold of the woman's arm, Rachel seized a low-hanging hemlock bough and, vaguely aware of the crashing sounds of brush as help came, rolled the woman onto her back. For just an instant, in shock, Rachel released her grip on the body.

The girl was dead. Her blue eyes were empty of life and beyond any earthly help. There was no question in Rachel's mind.

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She looked up to see Mary Aaron, her mouth agape, staring down at her. Mary Aaron's face was nearly as white as the girl's, and her pupils were dilated in fear. The girl's prayer kapp began to sink and Rachel grabbed it, wrapping her fingers around the ties. Mary Aaron turned and pushed back into the underbrush as Lettie halted at the edge of the quarry.

She took one look at the floating body and screamed, a high-pitched shriek of utter terror. The other girls were right behind Lettie now. They were crying, one nearly hysterical, but Rachel barely noticed them. Rachel kept her gaze focused on her sister, her voice steady. I can't do it alone. Rachel was afraid to let go of the girl. The bottom was so far below.