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Pain and consciousness: A constructivist approach. Functional brain imaging studies reveal the complexity of brain activity during pain. If pain is a dynamic product of a self-organizing brain, then pain research needs a theoretical framework to address the observations that functional brain imaging yields.
Table of contents

How different are humans from other animals?

  1. Pretty Deadly #10.
  2. Jumbo Aesops - The Crow and the Nightingale.
  3. The consciousness illusion!

The similarities and differences between human. The pursuit of human nature in sociobiology.

Westworld Doesn’t Understand the Nature of Consciousness

Sociobiology and sociology. Is the acquisition of social categories based.

  1. The Carnation House!
  2. To the Lighthouse.
  3. Airboy Comics v7 1 [72].
  4. Decoding the neuroscience of consciousness?
  5. Why can’t the world’s greatest minds solve the mystery of consciousness? – podcast.

It is in fact the only thing in the universe whose ultimate intrinsic nature we can claim to know. It is utterly unmysterious. The nature of physical stuff, by contrast, is deeply mysterious, and physics grows stranger by the hour.

Pain and consciousness.

Or rather, more carefully: The nature of physical stuff is mysterious except insofar as consciousness is itself a form of physical stuff. I think Russell is right: Human conscious experience is wholly a matter of physical goings-on in the body and in particular the brain.

Pain as a Portal to Consciousness : Shefali Tsabary

A model is described, progressing from unconscious sensori-motor and limbic processing of spinothalamic and spino-parabrachial input, to an immediate sense of awareness supported by coordinated activity in sensorimotor and fronto-parieto-insular networks, and leading to full declarative consciousness through integration with autobiographical memories and self-awareness, involving posterior cingulate and medial temporal areas.

This complete sequence is only present during full vigilance states. We contend, however, that even in unconscious subjects, repeated limbic and vegetative activation by painful stimuli via spino-amygdalar pathways can generate implicit memory traces and stimulus-response abnormal sequences, possibly contributing to long-standing anxiety or hyperalgesic syndromes in patients surviving coma.