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Because to me, that is one of the ways we scale, by certifying others. But a lot of people I've talked to have said they've tried it and walked away from it. So I wanted to hear why you walked away from it. Jo: It's just such a pain in the butt! But it's just not an easy thing to do, to really embody someone else's curriculum and life's work and be able to deliver it in a heartfelt, meaningful way.

Maybe I'm a bit lazy. Honestly, to me, I couldn't be bothered doing it. I just wanted to get out and work with these women myself. It seemed too precious to me. That time spent with them is just so, so precious to me. Denise: I understand. He eventually gave up. I have also tried it with three different trainers without any success. Fortunately, I didn't spend three years and millions of dollars!

Denise: So then you have this credo. Talk to me about how your credo came about. Jo: It just came to me one day. I was creating this blog, and I was thinking, "Well, what are the categories? I'm not sure how else to put it. Denise: Divine inspiration?

Excessive speed

And that's how the curriculum showed up as well. The curriculum just kind of downloaded into my head -- a full two-day program appeared one day, and I'm so glad it did, but I'm not sure why it happened. Denise: Well, prepared luck, I think. There were so many people who said words to that effect. That it just downloaded into their brain. We do get these divine inspirations. But it's prepared. The brain is prepared to hear it.

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But it is a real gift when that happens, isn't it? Jo: Yeah, it's just awesome and also a bit scary. What if that didn't happen? Let's try not to think about that.

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Denise: Hmm. That's where the whole brain freeze comes from, we all try to avoid that. But how does having this credo…how does that guide your behavior or guide the work that you do? Jo: That is really interesting.

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These are the three categories Lead — Climb — Thrive that are important to my audience. But also, they resonate strongly with me. I try to make sure that I'm balancing between the three. So when I'm blogging or looking for articles by guest authors. I think, have we been all about leading recently?

Maybe it's time to talk about thriving. What challenges are people dealing with? I make sure I'm kind of hitting on all three topics fairly evenly. I tend to focus on the climb most often. I have a very dominant focus on the climb and have to remind myself that the other two are of equal importance. So it's just kind of a gut check for me to make sure I'm really being of service to my audience. Denise: Did you do some sort of a check, "Does this resonate with my community?

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Jo: I probably should have. I should have done a survey or something like that, but I feel like I know the community so well.

I just kind of made an executive decision. Denise: Well, it's your job to do that. Jo: Whenever I do a workshop, I have people fill in a pre-workshop questionnaire, and I gain a lot of insight from that. When I'm doing a speaking engagement, I always listen for what are the questions that people ask. At the end of the session, who's lining up to ask questions?

And what are those questions?

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    See our disclaimer. This is a major contributor to the increasing number of road accidents observed here especially on the highways. In India, we have only right-hand drive cars so we drive on the left side of the road. As a general rule as you move to the right side of the road, the speed you should be maintaining increases. So the leftmost side of the road is only for slow moving traffic. In the cities, you are mostly going to witness 2-lane roads. So when you are cruising at leisurely speeds, you would have to stick to the leftmost lane.

    How Road Trains Work

    In the event that you have to overtake someone, you first look at the right lane and ensure if it is empty. Then you indicate to the side you are switching and overtake the person in front of you. You will also often be faced with a situation where you are on the leftmost side of the road and it is leading to a left turn. So what will you do in case you wish to go straight here? Usually, it is advisable to keep an eye out for such turns and change your lane beforehand into the straight road. By doing this, you are not moving in the way of incoming traffic willing to take a left turn.

    Otherwise, all you have to do is indicate to the side you are shifting to and complete the change in one smooth motion. Look out for the traffic behind you and slow down just a bit in case you see a vehicle approaching really fast. Let that vehicle pass and then perform the change. Be at the right speed and ensure you are not making any sudden direction changes.

    Highways are the major source of accidents in the country. And again it is mostly because people are not aware of how to drive on the highways. Unlike the city roads, there are no signals here. Nowadays 3-lane highways have become pretty common in our country. So here, the structure works as slow, medium and fast as you move from the leftmost to the rightmost lane. It is the safest bet to be on the middle lane on the highways. The slower vehicles will mostly be on your left while the faster ones will easily overtake you from the right. You can switch back to the fast lane after the faster vehicle has crossed.

    Another important pointer to keep in mind is the use of the high beam. On the highways, there is a lot of windblast at higher speeds. The honking of the horn might not be audible over the wind noise in such situations.