PDF Introduction to the Old Testament

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This second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament integrates and interacts with recent developments in Old Testament scholarship. Several distinctive.
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Program Details. Who Wrote the "Books of Moses"? In the Beginning: The Book of Genesis 9. Freedom and Responsibility: The Book of Exodus Introduction to the Deuteronomistic History The Book of Joshua The "Second Canon": Books of the Apocrypha For shipments to locations outside of the U. Ask students to explain what covenants and ordinances are.

Old Testament: A Very Short Introduction - Very Short Introductions

To help students deepen their understanding of covenants and ordinances, organize them into pairs. Assign one student to learn about covenants and the other student to learn about ordinances. Give them time to study their assigned topics using a copy of the Basic Doctrines document from the appendix of this manual, the Bible Dictionary , or the Guide to the Scriptures. Ask them to prepare to explain their assigned topics to their partners.

Then give them time to teach one another what they have learned. After this exercise, students should understand that a covenant is a sacred agreement between God and man and that an ordinance is a sacred, formal act that has spiritual meaning. You may also want to explain that an ordinance can connect the person who receives it with the power of God. Eyring of the First Presidency. Ask the class to listen for the purpose of covenants and ordinances.

How do covenants and ordinances help us overcome our separation from God? Testify that making and keeping eternal covenants is essential in order to return to live with God.

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How well do you think the covenant-making and covenant-keeping process worked for Abraham? Invite a student to read Doctrine and Covenants aloud. Ask students to listen for where Abraham is. Explain that when people in Old Testament times kept their covenants with God they were blessed and preserved. Invite a student to read Deuteronomy —28 aloud. Invite a student to read Ezekiel —28 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the Lord promised to do for His scattered people as they repented and turned to Him.

Write the following truth under the heading on the board: God has promised to gather His covenant people. We gather to Him as we receive sacred ordinances and covenants and worship the Lord at church, in temples, at home, and in our daily lives. When have you been able to help someone else gather to the Lord? What feelings did you experience in that process? You may also want to share an experience of your own. Invite students to look for how the young men in the video participated in the gathering. President Ezra Taft Benson emphasized the importance of daily scripture study:. His word is one of the most valuable gifts he has given us.

Even when the text hits you sideways, Goldingay encourages you not to squirm or run, but to grab hold and go deeper. Under his expert guidance the cordon between faith and criticism swings open into theological and spiritual insight.

A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament

Contributing to the problem is often a gap between what scholars believe is important for students to know and what students want to talk about. Problem now solved! John Goldingay has written an engaging, informative and interesting introduction that adroitly presents the important topics that emanate from scholarly study while also addressing the questions that student minds want to know.

I look forward to using it in my Old Testament courses and seeing the kinds of conversations it sparks in the classroom! This does not yet mention his uncanny ability to mix the two, bringing first-rate inquiry to lay audiences. And his pedagogical panache is unrivaled!

Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament

In this remarkably clever, clear and comprehensive volume, Goldingay does it again, writing what very well may be the ideal first textbook for readers of the Old Testament. This is a wise, learned and immensely shrewd introduction. I will recommend it frequently and consult it often. But if you like to be challenged to think, question, probe, investigate, you'll love Goldingay's An Introduction to the Old Testament. The language is fresh, the questions insightful, the background informative and the approach engaging.

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Good teachers and textbooks! And students often desire active involvement with the subjects under consideration. Goldingay's years of experience in the classroom and with the material shine through, as he provides an inductive, question-based, workbook-style resource that helps readers encounter the biblical texts directly for themselves. Theologically minded readers will find much here to appreciate, but so will anyone looking for the expected essentials.