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There are several everyday feng shui practices and principles designed to promote good health. Discover how feng shui in your home can improve your health, wealth and overall happiness! Good Feng Shui Home Design for Health.
Table of contents

Feng Shui Bedroom: Great Sleep by Design

Four thousand years ago Feng Shui practitioners would survey the landscape to find a place where a family would best prosper by having the proper food, water and protection. These practitioners discovered the ideal place was not too high on a mountain where a family would be threatened by the extreme winds and not too low in a valley where a family would be threatened by high waters.

Feng Shui translated from Chinese means wind and water. Feng Shui practitioners learned that to achieve comfort and safety one must begin by balancing extremes. Interior design magazines tend to display extreme environments, such as all white rooms, or rooms with all metal furnishings.

Often these rooms are beautiful to behold, but they do not always feel good to live in. Feng Shui supports creating a home that is both beautiful and comfortable.

The Top Feng Shui Rules for Every Room

Choose comfortable furniture. Pay particular attention to places where you spend a good deal of time, such as a desk chair or bed. Position yourself so that you have a view of the door. This view will allow your body to relax more fully, unfretted by the possibility of someone startling you from behind. Choose furniture with rounded edges.

Feng Shui for luxury homes

When this is not possible soften sharp corners and edges with plants or fabric. Be mindful of the air you breathe. Keep the air in your home healthy by using natural cleaning products, maintaining houseplants and opening windows. Decorate with healthy materials, furniture and fabrics. When purchasing new furniture for your home or office, invest in natural materials such as solid wood, untreated cotton, linen, wool, etc… Pressed wood, like particleboard or MDF, contains chemicals like formaldehyde that can off gas.

Also, consider buying an organic mattresses and look for natural, untreated fabrics. Set an intention for harmony in your home and life by decorating with a variety of colors, textures and materials. For example, balance an all white room by using red accents in pillows or flowers. Soften a predominantly metal kitchen by adding herbs in terra cotta pots or baskets of fresh fruit.

Create environmental affirmations. Feng Shui teaches us that there are nine different areas of our home that relate to nine different areas of our life: fame and reputation, love and marriage, children and creativity, helpful people and travel, career, knowledge and self cultivation, health, family, and wealth and prosperity. What is your home saying about your goals in these eight different areas of your life?

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Would you like your finances to be strong and abundant? If so, make sure that goal is reflected in a home that is in good repair and filled with furnishings and objects that feel wealthy to you. You may enhance any area of your life by visually anchoring your intentions in your home.


Take the time to think about your goals for each area of your life. You may even choose to write down a list of successful outcomes.

Let yourself dream and fill your mind and spirit with positive thoughts. Positive outcomes result from positive thinking and energy. Make sure your home encourages and reflects your goals by creating visual reminders. For example, if you desire more helpful people in your life, place happy pictures of mentors, family and friends around your home. SATC vet Cynthia Nixon says there is an interesting parallel between the new film and her old series Grey's Anatomy star Justin Chambers, 49, exits the series after 15 years As the Sussexes plan to become 'financially Thrifty woman transforms her home on a budget by scouring eBay and charity shops for items to upcycle and Five steps to permanent weight loss: Doctor who invented the intermittent fasting diet reveals why we should Bride-to-be reveals her mother is wearing a WHITE dress to her wedding and insists it 'doesn't offend her' The Crown star Victoria Hamilton says Harvey Weinstein visited her trailer to 'look her up and down' before Nutrition consultant, 38, who claims her vegan diet left her too weak to hold a glass of water, revels she's Feminist author claims nude art classes from a young age can make people more 'relaxed' about the human form Woman, 42, claims she lost 6st in six months thanks to a diet pill that fuels your metabolism while you A family cursed: Mother reveals how she lost her three older sisters and her teenage niece within six years Feng shui is an ancient Chinese concept concerning the flow of positive energy, known as qi, and how it relates to objects in a space.

According to its principles, how you arrange the decor in your home matters, and it can impact your sense of wellbeing. Naturally then, when undertaking an overhaul of your belongings, it makes sense to start with your bedroom — the place where you go for peaceful, restorative sleep.

The good news: Making a few feng shui changes is easy. We turned to modern feng shui master and designer Dana Claudat for tips on how to feng shui a bedroom, and in doing so, create a powerful sanctuary in your home. Making feng shui changes in a bedroom can also improve your relationships. Many clients have found ideal relationships, improved their relationships, or ended toxic relationships that they felt stuck in after applying feng shui with a clear intention to bring more love to their lives.

Ideally, your bed will be a comfortable distance from the door , facing it to some extent, but not beside it , with a clear view of anyone entering the room.