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General Wood. That is rather The General Wood. I will say this: I think it has clone some remarkable work since it has been in existence. But it does seem to.
Table of contents

The day before they're planning to take off, there's a mix-up with the cars. The idea that the trip might get cancelled has Ruth really upset. But, happily, things get sorted out, and Chrissie, Rodney, Tommy, Ruth, and Kathy are on their way to the seaside town along the coast of Norfolk. With any longish car ride, there's always a little bit of bickering.

And you know that the two having a tiff about the seating arrangement in the car is going to be Ruth and Kathy. But it blows over quickly and they get on their merry way again. When they reach the seafront town by Norfolk, the whole gang is excited just to be out in the world. Freedom and all that jazz.

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We've heard Bath is lovely this time of year. They also daydream about how wonderful it would be to work in a shop. According to Chrissie and Rodney, the possibility of working in a shop could only happen for Hailsham students, because they're extra special. They heard of a Hailsham girl who got to work in a clothes shop in Wales, and a Hailsham guy who got to be a park keeper.

But there's one particular Hailsham perk that Chrissie and Rodney are super interested in. They want to get a deferral so they can spend more time together before they become carers and then start their donations. There have been rumors going around the veterans at the Cottages about these so-called deferrals. Chrissie and Rodney heard that Hailsham students could sometimes get deferrals if they could prove that they were really in love. Of course, Chrissie and Rodney didn't go to Hailsham, but they figure Ruth, Kathy, and Tommy would know all about these deferrals and how to apply.

Throughout this chat about deferrals, Ruth has started nodding, like she knows just what Chrissie and Rodney are talking about. Ruth makes a comment about how they were told a bit about deferrals but didn't talk much about them at Hailsham, which is total cockamamie. But Kathy backs up her friend, just to be nice. Tommy, on the other hand, tells Chrissie and Rodney the truth: prior to the rumors at the Cottages, he's never heard anything about all this deferrals stuff before in his life.

Ruth tries to explain Tommy's ignorance by saying that he wasn't "a real Hailsham student" because he was always teased and left out Ouch, Ruth, that one stings.

Never Let Me Go

After this jab, Kathy looks at Tommy's face, and she sees the old Tantrum Tommy creeping back for a moment. Then they search for the office building where Chrissie and Rodney saw Ruth's possible. When they find it, the gang is amazed. The office building looks just like the one they saw in a magazine and the people at the desks inside all look happy. Working in an office seems totally glamorous. Rodney points out Ruth's possible. She's a fifty-something lady who is talking with a coworker. As she laughs, Kathy realizes that there was "more than a hint of Ruth about" her We're starting to wonder how Ruth feels upon seeing a possible version of herself living her dream life.

Probably not very good. After awhile, the gang realizes they're being watched by others inside the office. When one person waves to them, they freak out and run away. Everyone except Ruth is stoked about how similar Ruth is to her possible. And the fact that she works in a cool office building is a bonus. But Ruth isn't as visibly excited as the rest. Kathy's having a tough time reading her friend's emotional state, so we're still left wondering how Ruth feels. They decide to wait around for a bit, and then go check out Ruth's possible again.

But before they can go back, Tommy spots Ruth's possible leaving the building. The group follows this lady all the way to a little art gallery—creepy much? And it's pretty lucky they aren't seen since they're not exactly the savviest stalkers.

Never Let Me Go

The gang follows Ruth's possible into the gallery and pretends to be interested only in the paintings. Now that they're in the gallery and up close and personal with Ruth's possible, each of them has a sad realization: this lady isn't really similar to Ruth at all. Once they've left the gallery, Ruth declares that she's known all along this woman couldn't have been her possible.

If they want to find their originals, they shouldn't look in nice office buildings. Instead, they should "look in the gutter" Kathy tries to stop Ruth from talking like this, but Ruth insists that they are cloned from the riffraff of society.

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This whole discussion upsets Kathy. So when Chrissie and Rodney head off to visit a friend of theirs who lives in Norfolk, Kathy stays behind. Ruth and Tommy are forced to pick teams. Ruth makes a big show of choosing the veterans, and Tommy sticks with Kathy. Tommy tries to cheer Kathy up about all this possibles talk by telling her that while they were in Woolworth's he was looking for that tape she lost all those years ago. At the time, he'd tried really hard to find it but never could. Remember how in Chapter 6 Kathy said she'd tell us later about the time they found the tape in Norfolk?

Well, Shmoopers, that time has come. They're in England's lost-and-found town, so Kathy and Tommy decide to see if they can find the tape together. As they set off on this adventure, they've gone from depressed to warm and fuzzy inside. Ah, friendship. In a second-hand shop, Kathy finds the Judy Bridgewater tape. Tommy is excited for Kathy but he's also sad.

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All these years, he's imagined finding the tape for Kathy and giving it to her. How sweet is that? Tommy buys the tape for Kathy and they leave the shop. Then, out of the blue, Tommy brings up the idea of deferrals again. He tells Kathy that he's sure no one at Hailsham ever told them about deferrals.

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But if the rumors going around the Cottages that you can apply for a deferral are true, then that would explain the purpose of Madame's Gallery. It all goes back to that tokens controversy at Hailsham. For a refresher, pop back to Chapter 4 and revisit the scene. But here's a quick recap: the students wanted to receive tokens for the artwork taken away by Madame. Tommy reminds Kathy of an important detail that she hasn't told us yet.

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When Roy J. Hmm, makes us think about digging up our old kindergarten finger paintings. Tommy's theory goes like this: if two people from Hailsham are in love, the deferral application committee would need to see proof that their love is real. And if the higher-ups have been collecting their art, which reveals their souls, then they'd have all the evidence they'd need.

The soul-revealing art would help them to weed out the couples who aren't really in love from the ones who are. Kathy is intrigued.

But then Kathy and Tommy have a sad realization: Tommy never got anything into the Gallery.