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triangle between a young woman, her husband, and his best friend. Filled with food and passion, this is the perfect book 1 1⁄2 teaspoons baking soda.
Table of contents

It's not because women will wash dishes in a burning house and men are Lion King slobs. But it took me more than a year of soul searching to begin to see past my rage to understand why and then work out what to do about it. DeGroot runs ThirdPath Institute and for more than a decade, has worked to help families create something entirely new: not the traditional s "first path" families, like my parents. Not the "neotraditional" "second path" families of dual earners with one breadwinner, usually the man, and one flexi- or part-time working spouse, usually the woman, who also tends to be in charge of all the child care and domestic chores — like mine.

The third path, DeGroot explains, is for couples who want to share their work and home lives as full partners, each one with time for work, love and play. These norms are what get us into a state of being so intense I'd come to think of it as the Overwhelm.


And spinning in the Overwhelm keeps us from having the time to imagine a way out. Talk to a father about cutting back on work hours to become more involved at home, and the ideal worker takes a tug. Talk to a mother about stepping aside to let the father do more with the kids and all three cultural norms yank that chain and shut her up. Aren't women just naturally meant to be the better parent? Isn't it selfish for a mother to want to work?

To start down the third path, DeGroot asks people to fight what she calls "the good fight" just when the Overwhelm kicks into gear: when the first baby is born. That one event changes a woman's life profoundly and, until very recently, a man's life hardly at all. To help people like Tom and I get unstuck, she asks couples to pause, to dedicate regular time to what she calls "active listening" — without judgment — to each other to sort through where they are and talk about what they really want for their life together.

She asks them to imagine together how to bridge the gap. Then try little "experiments" to make it happen. Over and over. Until the vision gets clearer, and the path to it better lit. So I took out my notebook and began asking questions. I ranted through 20 years of pent-up anger in weekly "active listening" sessions with DeGroot. I went for long walks with Tom.

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We both slowly realised that we never had talked about what we really wanted. When we said we wanted to be equal partners, we had only a vague notion of what that meant. We just took our assumptions and swallowed them like a bitter pill. Only one father had and he was a 'star'. So I took the long maternity leave.

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I became the default parent and we both assumed it was "natural" anyway. Since I was at home more, I began to take charge of everything else, too. It's just the role they've always had. I've probably always had it in the back of my mind, too. And, I came to see, so had I. Always deferring to his career as more important. Always assuming that if people saw a messy house, I, the negligent housewife, would be blamed. Going overboard with the kids to assuage my poisonous working-mother guilt. Watching angrily as he went to the gym, read the newspaper and worked in long, interrupted stretches, but both of us thinking the reason I didn't was that I just couldn't get it together.

Never realising that it would take both of us to crawl out of the Overwhelm. Now we take turns getting the kids to the dentist and the doctor, and driving to this lesson or picking up from that team practice. Tom puts his email on all the PTA, Cross Country team, Girl Scouts, and other email lists so we both know what's going on, not just me. We trade checking homework. He cooks. The kids and I clean up. Last one out of bed makes it.

The kids have their own chores, so I don't have the mind clutter of keeping track in my head. We plan holidays together, all of us sharing what's most important, then divide the workload required to make that all happen. Tom and I had to agree on common standards — no doing the dishes in a burning house. No Lion King slobbery. Making the bed means not leaving the pillows on the floor.

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Doing the dishes means washing the pots in the sink and wiping the counters. When Tom at first kept shirking on the standards, I didn't just do it for him, like I had for years. I took a photo on my iPhone and sent him a text instead. The following are some illustrative cases of such women:.

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She was not prepared to go back home until he corrected his problem. On the basis of the husband's complaint, the court reconciled the couple and the wife returned to him. When the couple went home, the wife could still smell his bad breath so she went into another room. The husband went crazy and killed her'.

A female dentist divorced her husband because he was not on the same level as her; he had graduated three years after her'. A woman applied for a divorce because her husband used to sit on the floor and eat with his fingers, did not shave everyday and did not know how to socialize with others'. Of course all women are not like this.

Desire & Decorum, Book 3 Choices

There are those who are intelligent, realistic, and aware enough that they do not foolishly jeopardize their marriage and happiness by exaggerating the shortcomings of their husbands. Your husband is a human being like you. He is not perfect, but he may have many merits. If you are interested in your marriage and your family then do not set out to find his weaknesses. Do not regard his small defects as important. Do not compare him with an ideal man whom you have established in your mind. There may be some faults with your husband which are not present in others.

But you should remember that other men may have other defects which are non-existent in yours. Be satisfied with his merits. You will consequently see that his merits outweigh his faults. Besides why should you expect a perfect husband when you are imperfect yourself. If you are proud enough to think you are perfect, then ask others.

Why should you exaggerate a trivial fault?