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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Title: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Vol. Title: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: [8. Edwards, Inc. Availability: Amazon. Title: Huckleberry Finn Illus. Availability: Amazon UK.

  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Illustrated)!
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  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Huck Finn And Tom Sawyer) by Mark Twain.
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Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Title: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : Children's literature. Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Title: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Vol. This is actual literature from over years ago. Yes it takes work to get through the dialogue. It is not exactly a page turner in that regard. But if you can be patient, and "get into the groove' of the dialect, then you will soon be able to read through the conversation with less effort.

It is rewarding! Of course, I am reading this as an adult, and because I chose to do so, and not for a homework assignment.

1st Edition - 1885 Facsimile

I am glad I took the time to do so, because this to me is what literature is all about. It's rewarding - not just a book you cruise through in two days, and then give it to your 10 year old who also reads it in two days. There is a lot of social commentary, as well as commentary about the inherent decency of man, and what we do to screw up our kids along the way. Critics are correct, this is not a children's book. It just happens to be about a child. Mark Twain was a masterful writer.

I hope you take the time to work through this book. Also, the Dover Thrift version does not appear to be censored - as some of the other books are purported to be.


I got this for my daughter's summer reading assignment. I guess I wasn't paying attention, because the first big hint that this is a terrible copy is that they the cover reads "Huckleberry Fin.

  • 1st Edition - 1885 Facsimile.
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There isn't a title page or any publishing information, so this is probably done by someone in their garage, and it shows. Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I wonder if somewhere in the Great By and By Mr Clemons is having himself a little chuckle every time some English teacher assigns his tome to another class of befuddled students. Surely the man who created the least literate, most rebellious, and most happily ignorant character in American Lit would appreciate the irony. He might even crack wise at the serious sermonizers and pretentious pontificators lauding his deeply flawed novel as the prodigious.

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Of all people, Mark Twain would know a sham when he saw one. Even taken in the context of the day, this novel's glaring inadequacies and blunders are hard to miss. But then, he would also recognize the American-ness of the response, as well, the salesman's spiel, the overblown praise, the pumped up pomposity, the urgent, if insecure, need to apply superlatives. Hence schools are banning the reading of There is nothing I can say about Huck that has not been said a thousand time already. Mark Twain is, or was, Mark Twain. And the book reflects the era in which it was written.

Jim is the story's most noble of character. Jim is a runaway slave. Jim is black. And, almost always, Jim is introduced by the N-word. A word that is so pejorative today, was surely not intended to be offensive when it was used to introduce kind, loyal, powerful and patient Jim. Today that N-word is only used as a disgusting insult. Hence schools are banning the reading of the book. In my view Mark Twain would understand and would support deleting the word completely or, perhaps, substituting something less hurtful.

But, without the author's blessing, that would be considered destructive of literary authenticity. I will leave it to society to determine what should be done.

‎Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Illustrated) on Apple Books

I am glad I could just re-read the book after many years solely for my enjoyment, just as the author intended. I first read about Tom Sawyer, the Huck Finn when I was seven or eight years old, and have reread both several times. That's what makes a book a Classic, is that you can read them time after time, over a lifetime, and they will still set your imagination on fire, and, you will always find some little conceit, some word play, or opinion, that Twain has added to the story line.

As with the differing speech patterns, dialects, etc, noted in the preface, Mr Clements writes with a precision, and a smooth flow, that one becomes so involved in the story, ends up reading Jim's, or Aunt Sally's neighbor's accents as if that's your very own lingo. My first and second grade teachers have me good grades, besides notes on every report card, saying things like.

Well, Duh, I was reading at a sixth-grade level before I ever heard of stupid " Dick and Jane", and their babyish buddy's. See all reviews from the United States. Top international reviews. Verified Purchase. Ashamed to say that I had reached my 60s before actually reading the whole of Huckleberry Finn after having read Tom Sawyer, also for the first time, and you do need to have read that first. I hadn't realised how good a story-teller Mark Twain was, and if you haven't already done so I would thoroughly recommend them to you.

OK, the world is rightly more politically correct now and you have to remember the culture that Twain was writing into, but even this is something of an eye-opener on the white-black divide in Mississippi at the time, but with a good deal of humour mixed in. The story requires you to suspend reality checks to some extent; for example, Huck is totally uneducated and in his early teens, but seems to have an excellent grasp of the geography along the river; perhaps he had just hitched rides on the riverboats and kept his ears open.

Unlike 'Tom Sawyer', this book is written in first-person and with phonetic spelling; you just have to read with a Deep South accent! The loss of one star is for the Kindle version, which had an irritatingly large number of words joined together - e. If you've not read it - now's your chance. This is a really entertaining read that gets better and better the further you get into it, and becomes hilarious once Tom Sawyer arrives on the scene towards the end. My understanding is that this book was removed from being taught in school on the grounds of racism, which I find utterly bizarre.

But the book is a reflection of its time and this word is primarily used by white people to illustrate their bigotry and ignorance. Throughout the book slaves are portrayed as altruistic, considerate, warm-hearted and family orientated, whilst all the fraudsters and violent drunks, including Huck's father, are white.

That aside, this is a very funny book in which Huck gets into all kinds of scrapes along with Jim, a slave he is trying to free.