Understanding a Womans Place of Authority

As people who live under the authority of the Word of God, we must explore the culture; if they disagree, we must stand with our best understanding of the Word of God and against Just what is a "woman's place" in God's scheme of things?.
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I agree that consumerism, long working hours, "money worship" although more like debt addiction, since the average income is very modest and celebrity culture have undermined some areas of the family. The mental health of the young, in part due to family breakdown, is also a concern that you have rightly highlighted for years. But I would challenge your notion that women are somehow closer to the battle for a decent quality of life simply because they have the capacity to bear children. Doesn't centuries of conditioning have an influence?

Shouldn't fathers be responsible too? Indeed, in this month's Atlantic Magazine , Anne-Marie Slaughter describes how she had a high-powered five-day-a-week job in Washington DC while her husband cared for their two sons in New Jersey. And, crucially, not until men are enlisted in the cause of ensuring a better balance between work and home. Of course children need stability, time, love, fun and interest from the adults in their lives. But you seem to conflate a working mother mixed with a little mea culpa when you stayed out late with potential severe damage.

Aren't most children and families more robust? Don't sons and daughters benefit from knowing a life beyond that which Mummy controls? Some parents can, and do, hold down three part-time jobs to survive. That's very different from the woman who permanently chooses to party rather than mother. The latter isn't feminism at work, it's selfish immaturity. And it's been witnessed down the ages. I share your view that men should have the opportunity to be equally involved in caring and sharing, and that they, along with women, should be making it a political issue for a government that bangs on about how it cherishes the family.

Feminism: where exactly is a woman's place these days?

After all, we know that a quality home life helps men's and women's relationships remain intact. Some commentators seem to believe that I am saying that mothers shouldn't work. Not so, but I do think we need to keep children's feelings in mind — as men should — and that we need to understand what our concern with fighting the good feminist fight may mean for their happiness.

So rather than women going for the male model of "juggernaut" jobs as a way of proving equality, we might do better to lead a revolution to get home valued for the benefits it offers society. I do believe that, as the sex which nurtures a child inside, and is usually the first line of physical bonding, we can bring a particular emotional strength to the battle for home life, the place where children spend much of their formative time.

This is not to exclude men, but to recognise nature and nurture. On the issue of nature and nurture: She says that since they are apart for stretches of time it is unrealistic to expect Cassel to do without sex. Because he's a man and, as they said in Victorian times, men have "uncontrollable natural urges"?

Or is she the dutiful wife standing aside while her husband has his cake and eats it? Various social changes, like relentless tidal waves, may try to loosen the anchor of domesticity, but the miracle is how resilient and hard-wearing family life has proved to be, reshaping and surviving against the odds. You tackle the issue of how to keep a relationship intact and suggest we shouldn't be judgmental about, for instance, infidelity on the side via a dating site called confusingly, Loving Links, and polyamory. So, Meg, "a frolicsome redhead", lives with her husband Matt and her boyfriend Dave, sharing a "kingsize bed".

The alternative might be living miserably, as you say — but it might also be a relationship that deepens and flourishes over the monogamous years. Or, alternatively, a relatively well-managed separation in which two harmonious homes emerge from one fractious household. I know a number of women who would consider it unreasonable to be expected to go without sex for long stretches, and act on it.

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But Bellucci is speaking just for herself and Cassel. I talk of re-imagining home because in the 21st century I think there are so many pressures to believe that life outside the home — building careers, networking, socialising, being spotted at some glitzy party — is preferable to what then appears the comparatively mundane domestic environment.

So I wanted my book to look at how home can be — if we make time and enthusiasm for it — a source of support and joy.

Myles Munroe - The Purpose Of Woman

But of course this does not apply to abusive homes or those functioning on "emotional terrorism". Supporting polyamory families is progressive re-imagining because I believe that having a wider than nuclear unit makes them happier and more inclined to stay put in their home caring for children. But I am not an advocate for, nor judgmental of, individual sexual mores. Absolutely, I agree that a well-managed separation may be better than conflict, and that a long-term monogamous relationship may be a source of closeness. But essentially I wrote my book to say let's look from today's perspective — a time when the notion of home has been downgraded — at what a source of happiness it can be, a place where we can be our authentic unvarnished selves.

It's about what we may gain from home if we value mundane huggermugger togetherness among people we have chosen to be with, or just luxuriating in our refuge alone. I agree with you about valuing home and making it a source of comfort and connection now helped by Skype! Of course, that can be highly pleasurable and brings its own rewards. But where we part company is in making this primarily a female exercise, based on some mythical notion that we are "natural" homemakers tell that to Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen!

This fossilises men and women in time and does the opposite of the "future proofing" that you advocate.

One more step

A danger lies in assuming that one's individual experience applies universally; diversity of experiences is surely welcome? Living inter-generationally, for instance, is a habit that has never gone away among many Asian families.

In Home, A Short History of an Idea , Witold Rybczynski points out that "comfort" comes from the Latin comfortare — a genderless definition, to strengthen or console. How to put that into practice inevitably requires trade-offs, particularly if children are a priority. However, paradoxically, among the most depressed groups are fulltime mothers and "long-hours" dads. Other arguments merely skirt the issue.

Does the fact that Paul omits women from his list of resurrection witnesses negate the truth that the risen Savior called Mary Magdalene by name, telling her to broadcast the good news? Some evangelicals feel the matter is settled once for all by asserting that it is the liberal wing of Protestantism that rejects biblical authority and therefore ordains women pastors and elders. Women are aware of other cultures, the current world scene, and lessons from history.

Questions are bound to arise about matters long taken for granted. Judaism gave women a dignity unknown to pagan cultures. Christianity elevated womanhood to a position that could never have been known otherwise. She was honored as a person in her own right, a human being made in the image of God. Nevertheless, later Christian leaders overlooked these teachings and twisted the teachings of Paul.

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You are the unsealer of that forbidden tree: You are the first deserter of the divine law: You are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. On account of your dessert — that is, death — even the Son of God has to die. She belonged to her husband and had no legal entity apart from him.

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In Europe, a woman was burned at the stake for allegedly seeking relief from the pain of childbirth. Education for women was decried on the grounds that it was contrary to Scripture.

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Is it reasonable that a candidate for immortality, for the joys of heaven, an intelligent being, who is to spend eternity in contemplating the works of Deity, should at present be so degraded, as to be allowed no other ideas, than those which are suggested by the mechanism of a pudding, or the sewing of the seams of a garment? Women have voted for less than fifty years in our country.

Likewise, readings in psychology and sociology raise doubts about the contention that women think differently from men and are ill equipped for subjective Bible study and teaching. Those holding this view acknowledge that Priscilla taught Apollos but say it occurred in private. The fact remains, however, that she did teach a man! Women who sincerely want to obey God often wonder about these matters; yet they are seldom discussed by men who feel the issue is settled.

May a woman lead youth groups? Serve as Christian education director? Sing a solo in worship services? And what about writing? Is it all right for a woman to write Bible study materials, yet not permissible to teach them in the local church? Many of our finest hymns and gospel songs have women authors. Should we cease singing them, since Colossians 3: In this rapidly changing era, women have demonstrated abilities in the arts, professions, business, and government. Where do such women fit into our churches? Suppose a church has men with no special financial training, but a woman is a certified public account.

Is it unscriptural to elect her as church treasurer? Are women excluded from passages which speak of teaching e. He led a Bible study attended by one other man and several women. Attempting to be scriptural, the women were required to keep silent. God has given a variety of gifts to women, just as He has to men.