Stumbling Into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Lisa Harper is a hilarious storyteller and theological Stumbling Into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman - Kindle edition by Lisa Harper. Download it once and read it on your.
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Stumbling Into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman

Part diary, part devotional, Stumbling Into Grace weaves hilarious and poignant stories from Lisa Harper's life with intimate encounters from the life of Christ. I persona Before picking up this book I'd never heard of Lisa Harper. I personally HATE pantyhose! I was so surprised how easy it was for me to relate to her stories. Every single chapter I felt as though I could have said some of the same things about myself or I had an "aha! Harper is honest about the times she has 'stumbled' and is therefore able to encourage others to keep pushing forward in their walk with God.

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Her honesty is like a gentle push to keep striving for a better relationship with Him. I appreciated that after each bible story, Lisa broke down the pieces of the story and applied it to life principles. I think that Stumbling Into Grace will be a book I refer back to and reread several times. I think the passages and the questions are very healing for the soul. Disclosure of Material Connection: I was not required to write a positive review.

The opinions I have expressed are my own. Aug 09, Teela rated it it was amazing. But then I noticed the picture of the little Diva wannabe on the cover and I thought, hum So glad that I got this book from Booksneeze. Lisa Harper has such a wit and charm as she shares stories and then uses those stories to get across a point about Grace. One of the stories she share When I first saw the title of the book, Stumbling into Grace by Lisa Harper , I wondered if this would be a stuffy book about Grace One of the stories she shares is when she and one of her besties is in a hotel in Chattanooga and during the wee hours of the morning, the fire alarm goes off.

Well, her dear friend is confined to a wheel chair, so she tells of enlisting an able bodied man to assist her in getting her friend, wheel chair and all down the staircase, since the elevator is out of commission during fires. After all is said and done and they are safely on the ground, and the help walks away, her friend says, that was a different kind of accent, I could not quite place it and Lisa says, that's because he was drunk as a skunk! It wasn't an accent! She uses this lighthearted scenario to segue into the thought that the people God places around us can be amazing carriers of His grace.

I would recommend this book for gift giving as well as using as a personal growth book. Aug 09, Ellen rated it liked it Shelves: Stumbling Into Grace is the diary-devotional of one woman's honest, ongoing, bumbling journey of faith and how she finds encouragement through a deeper understanding of Christ's time on earth.

Within each chapter she alternates her often humorous memoir with stirring portraits of Jesus and his own encounters as recorded in the New Testament. Both intimately relevant and "Humorous yet poignant stories from Lisa's life help readers relate to spiritual truths found in the life and ministry of Christ. Both intimately relevant and refreshingly inspirational, this book will help readers to jettison the theological misconceptions, guilt, shame, and hypocrisy they struggle with, exchanging them for a vibrant, passionate relationship with Christ that results in a more abundant, joyful life.

She covers such personal topics as forgiveness, rest, contentment, gratefulness, and more. She brings Bible teaching to a level we all can understand.

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I really needed to hear the sections on "Rest" and "Contentment" Thanks Lisa for such a timely reminder! Oh, don't you just love the cover of the book! Dec 25, Lisa rated it it was amazing. I found Stumbling into Grace to be very encouraging while faced with a life that is not playing out as I had planned. Although her snake story did cause me to shiver!!

J I found myself chuckling as I identified with the personal stories, and occasionally wondering how I had missed different points she made about scripture. I feel that Stumbling into Grace is a book that females will more easily identify with and I highly recommend it. Aug 08, Autum rated it it was amazing.

Okay I must say that I am now a fan of Lisa Harper! I had never heard of Lisa Harper before when I picked up this book.

  1. Stumbling Into Grace — Lisa Harper;
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I must say I am glad I did, the title seemed to call to me. Alas I have been in a stump for awhile now. So when I saw this book title, I really felt this would be something I could relate to. I was so on target in that thought. This is a book I am happy to say will be one that.

I will revisit and recommend to friends every chance I get. That would be me, I am sorry to say. She tells wonderful stories that made me laugh and cry at the same time. Stories that a reader can relate to and gives readings. That go with the story she is telling us. She reminds of us of the never ending love our Creator has for us.

Even when we may think we are undeserving of that love she points out to us in scripture and in her teaching. That God loves us rather we are on track, stumbling, or all out falling from grace. Mar 27, Krystal rated it it was amazing.

Stumbling Into Grace Quotes

I have never read anything by Lisa Harper before and all I can say to that is that I have missed out! As I read I felt like she was in the same room as me, drinking coffee and talking. She is very witty and down to earth. One moment you will be laughing your head off and the next feeling close to tears. Aug 04, Coranne rated it it was amazing. This is a sweet devotional. I love the cover- it is girly, pink, and has a sweet little girl on the front. That is what drew me to the book. I had never heard of Lisa Harper to be honest, but I have had a good history with reading Women of Faith books.

The author did a great job! I love the set up of the book: I think she did a great job! This is not a hard hitting devotional. I found This is a sweet devotional. I found myself laughing at the author's stories and reading the Biblical insights and feeling refreshed.

Stumbling Into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman - Lisa Harper - Paperback

This a great devotional for any woman or teen and would make a great gift! Thanks to BookSneeze for providing this book. Aug 03, Kelly Hager rated it really liked it. Lisa Harper is very active on the Christian lecture circuit, specifically with the group Women of Faith. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the fact that her book reads more like half of a conversationchances are, this book is taken from a series of lectures.

I am just pointing that out. I like nonfiction to be conversational in tone, so this worked for me. One very interesting thing about this book is that each chapter is followed by a series of questions and a writing prompt. I t Lisa Harper is very active on the Christian lecture circuit, specifically with the group Women of Faith. I think this would be very effective for book club discussions, too, if you're in a Christian book club. Oct 23, Sarah rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Girls ages 14 and up.

Having never heard of the author I debated about buying this book when I found it for 4. In the end, I decided it was worth the risk. I'm I glad I did. Lisa has a wonderful way of sharing her life and bringing you closer to God. I found my self laughing, pondering, and drawn to my knees by her words She touches on the fact that she was sexually abused as a young girl.

However, unlike so many women who that happens to, she didn't define herself by that. I was greatly encouraged and convicted by t Having never heard of the author I debated about buying this book when I found it for 4. I was greatly encouraged and convicted by this book.

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I can't wait to read more by Lisa Jun 08, Deana Pittman rated it it was amazing. The author does a great job of introducing each topic, then relating it to a story from her own life, and then further exploring it through Biblical principles and examples. I cannot wait to read more by this author! Jul 27, Karie Hall rated it it was amazing. My opinion of this book is it is awesome, a must have for every woman. It will pull you out of that miserable feeling of short comings. I laughed so hard I cried, I was able to see myself in every story.

I believe that everyone can relate to the author. I always say I am God's personal comedian and the author is also! She has a great way of rephrasing the Bible into a story more people can understand, it isn't all stuffy and rigid. The questions really make you think about your life and how you My opinion of this book is it is awesome, a must have for every woman.

The questions really make you think about your life and how you can grow in God. Sep 16, David Bennett rated it really liked it. It is a great book or resource for someone who is struggling about life issues. It gives a real glimpse into the recovery side of tragedy. It is so easy to label yourself as the cause of what took place and feel unworthy or dirty.

She does an excellent job of helping anyone in this situation rise up and get back on track. As someone that works with individuals in this situation it is a helpful tool to give hope to those who feel very hopeless at time. May 12, Ratforce added it Shelves: If you like Beth Moore, you might also try Lisa Harper. She writes inspirational non-fiction about life and the fact that humans make mistakes.

The humor she throws into her books will make you laugh out loud. Try her Stumbling into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman. Oct 08, Heidi rated it it was amazing Shelves: I speed-read it and loved it.