500 Tips for TESOL Teachers

Summary. There has been a growth in the number of teachers involved in teaching English as a foreign or second language. This handbook contains practical.
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500 Tips for TESOL Teachers

Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Summary There has been a growth in the number of teachers involved in teaching English as a foreign or second language. This handbook contains practical suggestions for EFL teachers, and aims to lead to ideas which can be tried out at once. Lists of useful resources and pro-formas are included.

500 Tips for TESOL Teachers

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  2. 500 Tips for TESOL Teachers (eBook)!
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  5. Tips for TESOL Teachers - CRC Press Book.
  6. Download 500 Tips For Tesol Teachers (The 500 Tips Series);
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  8. Activities like listening for gist, listening for specific information or listening to confirm predictions can wean learners away from trying to follow every word. This type of activity is easiest with texts that are not too dense, and which include features like hesitation, repetition and redundancy, which we associate with real time communication in the world outside the classroom.

    For more ideas on role plays, see A good way to generate language without putting learners into roles is to ask them to collaborate towards an objective, for example, to list the qualities of a good teacher. Language is then a means to an end as well as a subject of practice. Tasks like this can feel very realistic to learners.