Village Improvements and Farm Villages

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Four local authority districts have lost three job centres each which, despite the government's pledge to tackle unemployment in rural areas, local councils have said will result in considerable difficulties - and not just for those seeking local employment. People need to sign on for income support, incapacity benefit and other services. The offices are also a crucial advice point for people who need disability allowance, attendance allowance, child, pension and working credits,' said Govier. Experts warn that these closures are part of a pattern that is getting worse.

It was only when the pub closed five years ago that we suddenly realised the impact of having no communal space at all,' he said. The closures revealed in the research are taking place at the same time as a surge in interest in rural living. More than , Britons a year are exchanging cities for rural lifestyles, a migration fuelled by fear of crime, easier commuting and increasing broadband facilities that enable home working.

How our villages are fighting to stay alive

Experts forecast that numbers are expected to grow over the next two decades. Matthew Taylor, the Liberal Democrat MP who was commissioned by Gordon Brown to carry out a recent National Housing Federation report on rural living, has warned that, far from injecting new life into villages, urban migrants can kill the very thing they seek.

Recent research commissioned by the Prime Minister from the Commission for Rural Communities shows that those left behind in villages are exhibiting a high level of innovation in their attempts to cling on. Such innovation, however, is often strangled at birth, he admitted. Despite the potential, we are still at a place where low wages and limited opportunities confine many young people in rural areas to a stark choice between leaving their communities or staying and lowering their horizons.

How the centre helps us…

This is a tragic waste of potential. The truth is, said Burgess, that most rural villages in England are in such a perilous state that the closure of a single local service can push the community on to the slippery slope towards collapse. And once closures have reached a tipping point, or critical mass, the life of a village is put at serious risk.

Bickington recently found itself in this position. It has been forced to the brink, said Jeremy Christophers, by the recent announcement from Teignbridge District Council that the village's lack of amenities has made it officially 'unsustainable'. It'll kill us off for once and for all as a thriving, live village community. Stuart Hands, a local historian and former parish councillor who has lived in Bickington since the Sixties, is sanguine about the changing nature of his village.

He points out that, although its pub might have fallen to rack and ruin, the village is far from crumbling. They don't want to talk to their neighbours - and why should they? For centuries, village communities were forced to socialise with each other because of an accident of geography. Nowadays, people can create their own communities based around shared interests. Hands believes it is not villages that are under threat - just society's image of them.

I agree that a village is impoverished if its community fragments, but is that what matters?

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If the individual members of a community are still socialising and, more to the point, are doing so in a manner which they have actively chosen, then they are made richer, not poorer, by any change that has facilitated that. They leap at any opportunity,' she said.

But the idea for the ball was generated and organised during casual drinks at the pub. Without the pub, ideas like that don't get off the ground.

Across the country

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