The Penguin Book of French Poetry: 1820-1950: With Prose Translations

Editorial Reviews. From the Back Cover. William Rees gives us an introduction to each poet, Look inside this book. The Penguin Book of French Poetry: With Prose Translations by [.
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For years now, I've discovered many exciting variations of poetry through the writings of the more widely known French poets such as Lamartine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Laforgue, Cendrars, and Apollinaire. In this collection of some 56 poets writing between and , William Rees brings together many other influential and somewhat less widely known poets such as Corbiere, Nouveau, Jammes, Heredia, and Supervielle, together into a developmental chronology of modern poetry.

This anthology is perfect for readers unfamiliar with the variety of French poets writing in this year period, and who are open to new possibilities. There are brief biograhpical essays on each poet represented, as well as on the "movements" they are associated with, if at all.

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The introduction simply describes Rees's pragmatic intentions in translating often untranslatable verse into prose, and also includes a brief historical explanation of the alexandrine. I've found the anthology to be quite useful when read from beginning to end without dwelling on each poem or poet. In this manner, a reader will gain a general sense of poetry's parallel development with each passing decade or era.

Another reason I like this anthology is that it allows one a taste of the bountiful personalities and styles of poetry being read and re-read all the time, and thus, integrated into contemporary poetry whether it be English, American, or African - wherever there are good students.

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On the whole, and intended or not, it is an instructive and insightful compendium displaying the purpose and essentiality of poetry to civilization. Despite the inherent problems with translating foreign poetry into another language, the content of the poems shine through in their English prose translations; and anyone with a smidgen of French can compare the author's originals to their translations. An exciting time-period in which one writer after another affects the next, and in many places, influence one another side-by-side. Read it straight through, or thumb through it like a phone-book to dial into a brand new personality and take on life.

The poet who painted with his words - Geneviève Emy

Any which way you decide, there are broadly influential contacts here anxiously awaiting fresh readers with whom to converse, debate, or share timeless thoughts and ideas with. Simply exquisite From Amazon You'll have a hard time trying to find a better introduction to French poetry than William Rees' book. The poems are presented in its original French version and they are translated into prose.

Published February 24th by Penguin Classics first published January 2nd To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Dec 12, Takipsilim rated it it was amazing. The beginning of my love affair with all things French and literary. One of my greatest influences. Mais pourtant, ce n'est pas l'un des livres dont je lirais d'une traite. Dec 31, Peter Crofts rated it it was amazing.

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Non obtrusive prose translations and a fantastic selection. If you need a starting point for modern French poetry this is the place to go. Not only do you have a good selection from all of the most known poets but also a gateway into lesser known but very good poetry. Some people seem to have a problem with the literalness of the translations. I'm of the mindset tha Non obtrusive prose translations and a fantastic selection. I'm of the mindset that the less obtrusive the translation the better.

There are very few Pounds out there who can carry out creative translation without doing serious damage to the original. I recently bought a volume of Jules Laforgue's work translated by Peter Dale. Nothing against the guy but he completely warped some of the poems in order to maintain metre and rhyme. If you have no French then pick up or download a French-English dictionary, refer to it when you find the choice of English flat and you'll be fine.

In addition, a lot of the more famous poems can be found being read on Youtube, that's a great way to get the music if you can't read the French originals.

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