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A world where no one lives in fear of sexual harassment or assault. We want every person — across race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, and income level — to be safe on the job and have equal opportunity for economic success and security. TIME’S UP Now is an.
Table of contents

This Fund helps workers connect with lawyers and bring cases of workplace sexual harassment and related retaliation — regardless of industry, rank or role. Workplace sexual harassment and retaliation have often gone unchecked; now is the time to finally stop both.

Help pay legal fees and costs Connect people to and help pay for media and storytelling assistance. I have experienced sexual discrimination or harassment at work, in school, or while trying to get health care, and I need an attorney.

TIME'S UP Legal Defense Fund

What can I do? Start our process by filling out the form at this link. Johnson is one of them.

  • Time’s Up is making progress. Slow progress..
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They help me out a lot. Johnson is now working at two different fast food restaurants. The claim she filed against McDonald's in is still pending. McDonald's did not comment on Johnson's claim, but did address what it calls a "deeply important conversation around safe and respectful workplaces" and said it is committed to the issue. Asked what the biggest obstacle the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund faces, Graves said sometimes people call them too late.

Data Protection Choices

Asked what the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund will look like in five years, Graves said hopefully there will be changes to the laws about harassment. The biggest piece of legislation the group wants to see passed is the national Be Heard in the Workplace Act, which would implement mandatory nondiscrimination policies and fine employees for violating them. Nearly attorneys have joined the network so far.

How the Oscars addressed #MeToo and Time's Up

This will enable many people who could not otherwise afford an attorney to get legal help. Because of you, so many women—and men—are now able to speak out and insist on safe, fair and dignified workplaces.

About - TIME'S UP Now

But there is still so much more to do, and we need your help to continue this vital work. The money raised will help defray legal and public relations costs in select cases based on criteria and availability of funds. Access to prompt and comprehensive legal and communications help will mean empowerment for these individuals and long term growth for our culture and communities as a whole.

Time’s Up supporters gather outside Harvey Weinstein hearing