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Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera commonly known as "El Chapo because of his cm (5 ft Guzmán was first captured in in Guatemala and was extradited and sentenced to 20 years in prison in Mexico for murder and drug.
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Today, in coordinated press conferences across the globe, EHT researchers reveal that they have succeeded, unveiling the first direct visual evidence of a supermassive black hole and its shadow. This breakthrough was announced today in a series of six papers published in a special issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The image reveals the black hole at the center of Messier 87 [1], a massive galaxy in the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster.

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This black hole resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6. The EHT links telescopes around the globe to form an Earth-sized virtual telescope with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution [3].

EHT News Blog

Black holes are extraordinary cosmic objects with enormous masses but extremely compact sizes. The presence of these objects affects their environment in extreme ways, warping spacetime and super-heating any surrounding material. Many of the features of the observed image match our theoretical understanding surprisingly well," remarks Paul T.

Creating the EHT was a formidable challenge which required upgrading and connecting a worldwide network of eight pre-existing telescopes deployed at a variety of challenging high-altitude sites. The EHT observations use a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry VLBI which synchronises telescope facilities around the world and exploits the rotation of our planet to form one huge, Earth-size telescope observing at a wavelength of 1.

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The construction of the EHT and the observations announced today represent the culmination of decades of observational, technical, and theoretical work. This example of global teamwork required close collaboration by researchers from around the world. A team formed to take on the challenge, creating a network of telescopes known as the Event Horizon Telescope, or the EHT.

They set out to capture an image of a black hole by improving upon a technique that allows for the imaging of far-away objects, known as Very Long Baseline Interferometry, or VLBI. Telescopes of all types are used to see distant objects. The larger the diameter, or aperture, of the telescope, the greater its ability to gather more light and the higher its resolution or ability to image fine details.

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To see details in objects that are far away and appear small and dim from Earth, we need to gather as much light as possible with very high resolution, so we need to use a telescope with a large aperture. VLBI works by creating an array of smaller telescopes that can be synchronized to focus on the same object at the same time and act as a giant virtual telescope. In some cases, the smaller telescopes are also an array of multiple telescopes. This technique has been used to track spacecraft and to image distant cosmic radio sources, such as quasars.

The more telescopes in the array that are widely spaced, the better the image resolution.

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  • This video shows the global network of radio telescopes in the EHT array that performed observations of the black hole in the galaxy M Credit: C. Fromm and L.

    Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán - Wikipedia

    To test VLBI for imaging a black hole and a number of computer algorithms for sorting and synchronizing data, the Event Horizon Telescope team decided on two targets, each offering unique challenges. An asterisk is the astronomical standard for denoting a black hole. Though not the only black hole in our galaxy, it is the black hole that appears largest from Earth.

    A close-up image of the core of the M87 galaxy, imaged by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Before the team could begin collecting data, they had to find a time when the weather was likely to be conducive to telescope viewing at every location.

    Each telescope used for the EHT had to be highly synchronized with the others to within a fraction of a millimeter using an atomic clock locked onto a GPS time standard. This degree of precision makes the EHT capable of resolving objects about 4, times better than the Hubble Space Telescope. As each telescope acquired data from the target black hole, the digitized data and time stamp were recorded on computer disk media.