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The whole Bible is full of talk of enemies, and battles, and metaphors about taking up the fight. We must remember that it is actually spiritual warfare that we are.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. We have met the enemy may refer to: We have met the enemy and they are ours , part of a message from American naval officer Oliver Hazard Perry in after defeating and capturing British Royal Navy ships in the Battle of Lake Erie We have met the enemy and he is us , Pogo creator Walt Kelly's 20th century parody of Perry's quote Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term. Categories : Disambiguation pages.

When you go to sleep upset, you wake up upset. In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. This singing warrior, who possessed a heart that pleased God, shared this wisdom that transcends time and culture. Most of us sleep upon only a single bed just as we each possess only one heart. I believe he understood and was addressing the fact that most anger occurs within relationships.

This would encompass couples, family members, and friends. Back then it was not uncommon for married couples to sleep in separate beds. This king is telling his subjects to go to their beds, lie down, wind down, and calmly search their hearts, laying them bare before God. Know Him as God by allowing Him to reveal Himself in the midst of your pain, conflict, or crisis. Be still and allow God to reveal Himself in the silence. It is a time to gain His insight and perspective and lay down all arguments.

Prayer and meditation before God are often much more about what we hear than what we say. My river of loud and angry words will not wash me clean. They merely express my side, my justifications, my frustrations. No, my wild torrent of reasoning is much too muddy and troubled to cleanse; it only stirs up the bottom and deposits additional debris.

7. Recognizing the Tactics of the Enemy

It is the still and gentle living fountain from the deep that refreshes and removes the guilt and shame. Your frustration and pain are too real and present to release without sleeping with them at least one night. You embrace anger and draw it close as a shield to your bosom. Though you may drift off to sleep quickly, you most likely will experience a restless or tormented night just as I did because:. As a dream comes when there are many cares, so the speech of a fool when there are many words. Instead of waking clean, clear, and refreshed, you will find your mind weighed down by all sorts of sordid and angry thoughts.

Quite possibly nightmares from the previous night will trail their way into the morning light. Their impressions and experiences will seem strangely real. They can cloak you with a dingy shroud of discouragement or fear. You try to shake them off as dreams, but on these mornings they seem to cling tenaciously. When we were first married, I frequently woke up angry with John because of some dream I had had the night before.

I was convinced that he was an active and willing participant in this bad dream. I was almost certain he knew what he had done and probably would do it again in real life at the earliest opportunity. Of course I was being ridiculous, but it all seemed so real in the dim morning light of my unforgiveness.

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Or possibly your night was as void of dreams as it was of rest. You slept, but it was shallow and fitful. Now the remnant of anger from the night before clouds your mind like a dark fog that muddles your thoughts. You forget any apologies or forgiveness and remember only the offense.

Take Heart – Satan Will Not Win

In the morning light it seems to loom more ominous and offensive. If I have learned one thing, it is that I need a lot of mercy, so I have to extend a lot of mercy. Sinning in your anger by postponing its resolution affords the devil access or a legal entrance into the situation.

  1. Spiritual warfare in your personal life.
  2. A Call to Serve: Building Deeper Faith.
  3. The Hymns of Arcanus (New Edition): and other poems (New Edition).
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It is healthy to allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance any grievous word or deed. But this is best accomplished in the stillness of your bed as you read your Bible or commune with the Lord in your heart. What I did, and what I am afraid many of you may do, was to berate myself in the night and then allow the weight of it to smother me as I slept. In the morning I would allow myself to pray and ask forgiveness, but by then guilt had such a stranglehold on me it was difficult to believe His mercy was new every morning.

Jesus understood that the guilt from our sins and failings was too much for us to bear, so He bore it for us.

Know the Enemy - Tim Challies

He wants our faults to be exposed by the light of His truth, which is His Word. This light heals what it reveals. As we draw closer to Him, He dispels the darkness of our lives until it becomes light. Guilt is darkness; mercy is light. The following is one of my favorite verses. It paints a beautiful image of the process of transformation. But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.

You are on the path of the just. Though you are not perfect, you are walking toward the perfect day.

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Now is the time to allow your heart to be purged. If so, pray with me. I have been guilty of sleeping with the enemy. Forgive me. I no longer will sleep with rage, guilt, or anger. I will no longer allow darkness to shroud my heart. I want the light of Your Word and love to permeate my heart with truth.

I will be still and quiet on my bed as I seek Your counsel. I humble myself in obedience under Your mighty hand. I resist the devil, and he must flee from the areas where I have granted him a foothold. Sisters, no more sleeping with the enemy. We need to know when to let anger go. We want sleep to be sweet, right?! Come share your thoughts on letting go of anger on our blog. We want to hear from you!

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Know When to Let Go An integral part of being angry and not sinning is knowing when to let go of your anger. In Psalm , David warned of the danger of inviting anger to sleep with us: In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Know what?

He wants to be the final word you hear before sleep overtakes you. Though you may drift off to sleep quickly, you most likely will experience a restless or tormented night just as I did because: As a dream comes when there are many cares, so the speech of a fool when there are many words. Like the article?