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The number of rows and columns of a matrix, written in the form rows×columns. The matrix below has 2 rows and 3 columns, so its dimensions are 2×3. This is.
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For that, we should use nchar :.

Lesson 4.1 - Naming the Dimensions of a Matrix

It is also possible to assign a new length to a vector, but this is an unusual thing to do, and probably indicates bad code. If you shorten a vector, the values at the end will be removed, and if you extend a vector, missing values will be added to the end:. Labeling the elements can often make your code much more readable.

You can name some elements of a vector and leave others blank:. You can add element names to a vector after its creation using the names function:. This names function can also be used to retrieve the names of a vector:. If a vector has no element names, then the names function returns NULL :. Oftentimes we may want to access only part of a vector, or perhaps an individual element. This is called indexing and is accomplished with square brackets, []. Some people also call it subsetting or subscripting or slicing. All these terms refer to the same thing.

R has a very flexible system that gives us several choices of index:. If you use positive numbers or logical values as the index, then missing indices correspond to missing values in the result:. In practice, it is usually better to make sure that your indices are in range than to use out of range values:.

Noninteger indices are silently rounded toward zero. This is another case where R is arguably too permissive.

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If you find yourself passing fractions as indices, you are probably writing bad code:. Not passing any index will return the whole of the vector, but again, if you find yourself not passing any index, then you are probably doing something odd:. The which function returns the locations where a logical vector is TRUE.

This can be useful for switching from logical indexing to integer indexing:. So far, all the vectors that we have added together have been the same length. If we try to add a single number to a vector, then that number is added to each element of the vector:.

Problem 2287. Find the dimensions of a matrix

When adding two vectors together, R will recycle elements in the shorter vector to match the longer one:. Adding a scalar value to a vector is okay, but otherwise we are liable to get ourselves confused. It is much better to explicitly create equal-length vectors before we operate on them.

The rep function is very useful for this task, letting us create a vector with repeated elements:. Like the seq function, rep has a simpler and faster variant, rep.

Custom Dimensions: Item or Matrix? — Lightspeed Community

Recent versions of R since v3. The vector variables that we have looked at so far are one-dimensional objects, since they have length but no other dimensions. Arrays hold multidimensional rectangular data. Matrices are a special case of two-dimensional arrays. To create an array, you call the array function, passing in a vector of values and a vector of dimensions.

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Optionally, you can also provide names for each dimension:. The syntax for creating matrices is similar, but rather than passing a dim argument, you specify the number of rows or the number of columns:. This matrix could also be created using the array function. The following two-dimensional array is identical to the matrix that we just created it even has class matrix :. When you create a matrix, the values that you passed in fill the matrix column-wise.

5.3.1 Matrix Sheet Dimensions and XY Coordinates

For both matrices and arrays, the dim function returns a vector of integers of the dimensions of the variable:. For matrices, the functions nrow and ncol return the number of rows and columns, respectively:. The length function that we have previously used with vectors also works on matrices and arrays. In this case it returns the product of each of the dimensions:. We can also reshape a matrix or array by assigning a new dimension with dim. This should be used with caution since it strips dimension names:.

The functions NROW and NCOL are counterparts to nrow and ncol that pretend vectors are matrices with a single column that is, column vectors in the mathematical sense :. In the same way that vectors have names for the elements, matrices have rownames and colnames for the rows and columns.

For historical reasons, there is also a function row. As with the case of nrow , ncol , and dim , the equivalent function for arrays is dimnames. The latter returns a list see Lists of character vectors. Indexing works just like it does with vectors, except that now we have to specify an index for more than one dimension. As before, we use square brackets to denote an index, and we still have four choices for specifying the index positive integers, negative integers, logical values, and element names. It is perfectly permissible to specify the indices for different dimensions in different ways.

The indices for each dimension are separated by commas:. The c function converts matrices to vectors before concatenating them:. More natural combining of matrices can be achieved by using cbind and rbind , which bind matrices together by columns and rows:. For example, both arrays must be the same size when adding, and for multiplication the number of rows in the first matrix must be the same as the number of columns in the second matrix:.

If you try to add a vector to an array, then the usual vector recycling rules apply, but the dimension of the results is taken from the array. In each case, the dimension names are taken from the first input, if they exist:. Instead, this can be done using the solve function: [ 16 ]. By passing two extra arguments to diag , you can specify the dimensions of the output.

Create a by matrix with ones on the main diagonal. Now add a row of zeros above this to create a by square matrix, where the ones are offset a row below the main diagonal. Products that are not Matrices have a null "Matrix" description.

So now, when we save and run, we should see the Matrix description where one is available, and we should a Product description if no Matrix is available…. Now that we have a Matrix or Description field, we can hover over the starter dimensions of "Description", select the gear icon, and "Remove". Let's do the same for the "Matrix" and for our first "Null Matrix" Dimensions.

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If we want some additional clarity, we could make a duplicate of our "Null Matrix Copy" We'll also get identifiers about whether we are looking at a matrix grouping or a single product! Calculations Home. Spoiler Alerts Below Often, when running a retail store, we'll have some products prepared as Matrices, and other products, not. Post edited by josephmckeown on June Tags: Lightspeed Analytics.