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Sizable Chemistry (A Plus-Size Erotica Story) eBook: Elle Jamison: Kindle Store.
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And if you're coming to the Blogger Bar Bash Tuesday night? If you're extra nice to me "Hey Wendy, nice to meet you.

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Wendy love, love, loves historical western romances! I broke that "rule" this month for one reason, and one reason only.

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OMG, there would have been no living with her. Rachel Bailey is an attractive newcomer to Reidsville, Colorado and has set up shop as a seamstress. Half the men in town are crazy about her, including the sheriff, Wyatt Cooper, who takes to watching her walk down the street when she's running errands. However, Rachel pays none of these men any mind. To say she's standoffish and aloof is a bit of an understatement.

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She keeps to herself, minds her own business, and expects everyone else to mind theirs. However it all comes crashing down around her ears when Wyatt delivers her a telegram stating that her former benefactor has died. That telegram sets off a chain of events, including Rachel's inheritance of the railroad that runs through town, and the stipulation in her benefactor's will that she has to marry Wyatt. Yep, before you can say "marriage of convenience" these two are hitched.

Which is a good thing, since it appears that Rachel is going to need Wyatt's protection. Yep, an old enemy is lurking in the shadows I've never read Goodman, but from various comments about her past work I've read online, Never Love A Lawman seems typical in the sense that she takes her time setting the stage. For readers who have been complaining of late that historical romances feature watered-down characters and thin plots and I know you're out there - I've seen you on Twitter!

Goodman takes a huge chunk of this story setting her stage, introducing her characters and essentially painting an entire fictional Colorado town with her pen or computer keyboard - whatever. Yes, I know it's not set in Regency England and it's a western. But honest, there are no such thing as western romance cooties. That I'm aware of at any rate Wyatt sells this book to me.

He's just Amazing in a charming, intelligent sort of way. He's the kind of guy, if he existed in real life, that I would adore flirting with. Back when I was still single and knew how to flirt sort of.

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These days I'm so out of practice I'd likely just embarrass myself. Rachel is a much harder sell for me. I understand why she's standoffish and aloof to the townsfolk - but she also comes off that way to the reader. I never really felt like I was "let in" to her character until much later in the story, and by that point, it seemed a bit late to me.

She's smart, a nice girl - but I just never really warmed up to her much. For that reason, for a good chunk of this story, the romance lacked "anticipation" for me. I liked Wyatt. I liked Rachel well enough. But it took a long time for me to get invested in them being a couple.

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I did have that anticipation and in spades! I'll be honest, I wanted that romance. A ton of it. And instead the author gave me paltry crumbs that I was ravenously flipping forward in the book to get to, and at the end? Let's just say the lack of closure on that score didn't please me. I'm currently deluding myself into thinking this means a full-length book down the line, although it's more likely they'll continue to be "secondary characters.

But I didn't love it. Which probably isn't going to help my reputation for being a completely unreasonable hard-ass. Oh well. I totally "get" why so many people out there loved this book. The characters and writing really are extremely well done. It just didn't sink it's claws into me as much as I wanted it to. Bad timing? Me being a hard-ass?


Or feeling that disconnect with Rachel's character for too long in the story? I'm going with the latter two. Still, I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Goodman can flat-out write, and that's never something to scoff at. It's my turn in the rotation over at Access Romance Readers Gab. Today I'm talking about authors wandering into territories that you the reader don't necessarily want to travel to. Why not head on over , have a read, and leave a comment?

That's because I sort of hit a wall, what with me being spread a little thin these days between work, home and preparing for my trip to Orlando for RWA. Also, with RWA coming up on me at light speed, the next couple of Sundays will be spent posting about that - so RRS will be on hiatus until after the conference. Again, for the three of you who actually look forward to those posts.

We saw Inception. Yeah, wow. Wowee, wow, wow. I haven't seen a movie that good in a long-ass time. Like My Man said, it was just great to see an intelligent, grown-up movie with a good cast and excellent script. We used to go to the theater almost every weekend and these days, it's a monumental occasion for us to bother - mostly because Men who don't act like petulant little boys and women who aren't brainless twits. Seriously, is this too much to ask?

Hence the hardly ever going to the theater these days Oh and another thing? Cute guys wearing suits. Just sayin'. Gammon, age 70, had a long and varied career thanks to his distinctive appearance and even more distinctive gravelly voice. However, he went to his grave probably best known for playing Lou Brown, tire salesman turned manager of the sad sack Cleveland Indians in one of the all-time classic baseball movies - 's Major League. While I consider Bull Durham the all-time greatest baseball movie ever - Major League runs a very close second.

It's one of those movies that I literally have to stop and watch when I run across it on cable. It's funny, it's heart-felt, and it has one of the more realistic portrayals of a librarian I've ever seen in a movie played by the sexy Rene Russo no less! Gammon is survived by his wife of 38 years and two daughters. Oh, and the Indians just happened to sweep my insanely hapless Tigers this weekend in a four game series.

I like to think they did it for Gammon - as opposed to my Tigers just sucking. God speed Lou. Friday, July 16, Arrrrrrmaaaaaannnnnnddddoooooo! So remember a month back when I did a Little Miss Crabby Pants post that involved much frothing at the mouth over baseball umpire, Jim Joyce, losing his damn mind and calling a base runner who was clearly out by like ft. Well it ended well enough - with Armando sucking it up, accepting Joyce's apology, and turning the whole ordeal into the feel good story of the season.


Kudos to the city of Detroit for actually looking good in the media spotlight for a change! See L. No, not the old white guy although nice suit Jimmy! In a suit! And tie! Seriously, this is the closest I'll ever get to posting nekkid beefcake on this blog. Yep, guys wearing suits. Hey, it takes all kinds. I tend to bristle a bit when the romance genre is described as "escapist. Or maybe neon green. This is a story you read on the beach, or on the deck of a cruise ship, while nursing a drink that the bartender, required by law, has to garnish with a tiny paper umbrella.

Cleo Moran, former professional cat burglar, has come out of retirement to steal a statue. Not just any statue, but one that she feels is responsible for a host of problems that has plagued the women in her family for generations. Unfortunately her skills were rustier than she thought, and after being knocked unconscious, she wakes up tied to Alexander "Sasha" Michaels' bed.

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Seriously, we women and gay men should all be so lucky. Sasha needs Cleo's help in tracking down the man who attacked his sister - and the statue is at the heart of the matter. However he did not plan on the sizzling sexual attraction that practically bounces off the walls every time he's near her.