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A prison, also known as a correctional facility, jail, gaol penitentiary (American English) . The Mamertine Prison was located within a sewer system beneath ancient Rome and contained a large network of dungeons where prisoners were held.
Table of contents

For security reasons, restrictions apply to the types and content of cards and letters that can be sent. These restrictions vary from prison to prison but may include musical cards and attachments and enclosures such as stickers and photographs. If you are unsure, contact the prison for advice. All mail other than exempt official mail, for example from a lawyer or the Victorian Ombudsman will be checked for contraband prohibited items. The prison may censor the letter if the content jeopardises the security and good order of the prison or is of a threatening or harassing nature.

If a prisoner is transferred to another prison or is in hospital for an extended period, their mail will be forwarded to them. As prisoners do not have access to email or the internet, you cannot communicate with them via email, the internet, online chat or social networking websites such as Facebook or Twitter. The type and amount of personal property, clothing and money you are allowed to send to a prisoner can vary from prison to prison.

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If you are not on either list, you can contact them by writing to the following address. Corrections Victoria will forward your mail. Community work Community work The majority of offenders are required to undertake unpaid community work as a condition of their order.

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Prisons Remand Remand Alleged offenders on remand are held in custody before and during their trial on criminal charges by order of a court. Going to Prison Going to Prison All prisoners undergo reception and assessment before being placed in a prison unit appropriate to the prison and the prisoner's needs. Visiting a prisoner Visiting a prisoner Family and friends can keep in touch with prisoners through personal visits to prison.

Prisoner Restraint System

Contacting a prisoner Contacting a prisoner How to contact a prisoner in the Victorian prison system. Health care Health care The quality and standard of health care provided to prisoners is the same as that provided in the community through the public health system. Programs Programs Corrections Victoria provides a wide range of program opportunities for prisoners to assist in their rehabilitation and successful return to the community after release from custody.

Parole Detention and supervision orders Detention and supervision orders Detention Orders and Supervision Orders are correctional orders established in accordance with the Serious Offenders Act Consequently, in the early 19th century, penitentiaries were established in the U. As use of the new type of prison expanded, administrators began to experiment with new methods of prisoner rehabilitation.

Solitary confinement of criminals came to be viewed as an ideal, because it was thought that solitude would help the offender to become penitent and that penitence would result in rehabilitation. Each prisoner remained in his cell or its adjoining yard, worked alone at trades such as weaving, carpentry, or shoemaking, and saw no one except the officers of the institution and an occasional visitor from outside. Although constant silence was strictly enforced, the distinguishing feature of this system was that prisoners were permitted to work together in the daytime at night they were confined to individual cells.

Both systems held to the basic premise that contact between convicts should be prohibited in order to minimize the bad influence inmates might have on one another. Vigorous competition between supporters of the two systems followed until about , by which time most U.

The prison-industrial complex

The concept of personal reform became increasingly important in penology , resulting in experimentation with various methods. One example was the mark system , which was developed about by Capt. Credits were accumulated through good conduct, hard work, and study, and they could be withheld or subtracted for indolence or misbehaviour. Prisoners who obtained the required number of credits became eligible for release.

The mark system presaged the use of indeterminate sentences , individualized treatment, and parole. Above all it emphasized training and performance, rather than solitude, as the chief mechanisms of reform.

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Further refinements in the mark system were developed in the midth century by Sir Walter Crofton, the director of Irish prisons. In his program, known as the Irish system , prisoners progressed through three stages of confinement before they were returned to civilian life. The first portion of the sentence was served in isolation. After that, prisoners were assigned to group work projects.


Release nonetheless depended upon the continued good conduct of the offender, who could be returned to prison if necessary. Many features of the Irish system were adopted by reformatories constructed in the United States in the late 19th century for the treatment of youthful and first offenders. The leaders of the reformatory movement advocated the classification and segregation of various types of prisoners, individualized treatment emphasizing vocational education and industrial employment, indeterminate sentences and rewards for good behaviour, and parole or conditional release.

The reformatory philosophy gradually permeated the entire U. There are a number of accepted reasons for the use of imprisonment.

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  7. One approach aims to deter those who would otherwise commit crimes general deterrence and to make it less likely that those who serve a prison sentence will commit crimes after their release individual deterrence. A second approach focuses on issuing punishment to, or obtaining retribution from, those who have committed serious crimes.

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    A third approach encourages the personal reform of those who are sent to prison. Finally, in some cases it is necessary to protect the public from those who commit crimes—particularly from those who do so persistently. In individual cases, all or some of these justifications may apply. The increasing importance of the notion of reform has led some prison systems to be called correctional institutions.

    This description of imprisonment applies mainly to the countries of Europe and North America. In China imprisonment was historically used as a means of reforming the minds of criminals, and it obliged prisoners to work in support of the state.