PDF My Girlfriend #2: My Girlfriends Aunt

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Nov 17, - Now I still find my girlfriend extremely attractive, I love her to the end of the world and Long story short, I've got a thing for my girlfriends sister, and could some #2. Report 8 years ago. #2. Yes ignore it. You are happy with your gf, and even  Unknowingly slept with girlfriends sister - The Student Room.
Table of contents

Selected pages Table of Contents. Contents Cover. Spoonful of Sugar. Walking on Eggshells.

Creamof the Crop. Short and Sweet. Driving Me Bananas. A Piece of Cake. Hard to Swallow. Take It witha Pinch of Salt. Therefore, the introduction is very important in determining whether or not her guy friend will be a friend to you or an enemy. Yes No I need help 3 Know your position. In your relationship, it is important to be close to your girlfriend's male friend, while not taking his friendship with her away. If you do this, it will likely cause problems between you and your significant other.

Some relationships face the issue of the boyfriend not knowing their position with the male friend. They forget that the friend is not only theirs but their girlfriend's as well. You have to make sure that you pace your relationship with the male friend and ensure that you are not spending more time with the friend more than your girlfriend. If this happens, she may get jealous of the relationship and either pull you away from the friend or pull the friend away from you. Was this step helpful? Yes No I need help 4 Have confidence in yourself.

Do not act like you are jealous of her male friend. Be secure with yourself and realize that you are the person she chose to be in a romantic relationship, not her friend. If you act very insecure or jealous, she will likely be turned off by this behavior, and it could even ruin your relationship.

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Trust is one of the most important aspects of a relationship, and if you act suspicious of her relationship with her male friend, she will feel that you do not trust her or doubt her integrity as a person. If your girlfriend is neglecting you or your relationship because she is spending more time with her friend than you, then you have every right to bring it up, but do not project your own insecurities onto their friendship.

Yes No I need help 5 Respect their friendship for what it is. You may not be happy that the male friend is "imposing" and "talking to your girl" too much. However, you must remember that this is not just some guy; he is her best friend.

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The friend has the right to contact your girlfriend when necessary, so handle your dislike for that aspect and understand that he was her friend before you were even in her life. Most boyfriends tend to have the "I don't care attitude" about the male friend, when in reality, you may feel that the male friend is a threat to your relationship in some way. However, if it bothers you that much, talk to your girlfriend and let her know if it makes you uncomfortable.

However, realize that the friend knows everything about your girlfriend before you even knew her, making him incredibly important to her.

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If you have an issue with the friend in the relationship, it is important to let your girlfriend know about the issue. However, ultimatums should not be given to your girlfriend on the matter of choosing between you and the friend.

Pick your battles wisely when challenging the male friend; arguing about the friend is not something that your relationship needs. As stated before, you do not want to make him the enemy. If your girlfriend wants to go out with her male friend, let her go.

Do not argue about it and show complete trust. Unless, of course, if the two of you are enemies and you have a real reason to be concerned. Only in those cases is it OK to question the details of their hangouts. Even though her friend may be your enemy and should be watched carefully, it does not mean you have the right to stop them from being friends.

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Yes No I need help 6 Keep negative comments to yourself. This is one of the most important aspects of handling the male friend, especially if you and the friend do not get along. When with the friend, it is important to not complain about your girlfriend, as the friend will repeat some or everything mentioned in the conversation. This is something that is more likely to happen if you are friends with the male. So your best bet is to not say anything that she would not want to hear during conversations with him.

If he has something negative to say, do not comment on the matter. However, if it is overly offensive, then it would be appreciated by your girlfriend if you defended her. At the same time, respect the friend, and do not make bad comments about him to your girlfriend. This may cause her to tell him about the comments you made, turning him into your enemy, or if he is already an enemy, he will resent you even more.

Keep the conversations positive, and avoid a he-said, she-said situation. Let him help you to guard your girlfriend to avoid others from bullying your girlfriend. Ask him to inform you of your girlfriend's activities, like if he knows where she is going or who she is hanging out with. You can also ask him to notice when others are courting your girlfriend. Take care not to appear like a stalker and pry into her business too much, though. If you ask too much, he might get the wrong idea and warn her that you're being paranoid.

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You can ask him if it would be OK to contact him if you cannot reach your girlfriend. This could be a hard boyfriend's mission especially when we are talking about longtime friends. You may want to talk to your girlfriend or your girlfriend's male friend about how you feel, and instead of keeping him away, why not befriend him too? Your girlfriend may not appreciate feeling like she has to choose between you and a friend.

Unless there is something inappropriate going on between your girlfriend and her male pal, there is no need to keep them away from each other. Yes No I need help That is the first mistake that you can make in regards to your girlfriend's male friend. It is very important that you do your best to either balance out the situation on your own or to address the situation to your girlfriend.

Do not by any means try any tricks or anything to keep them away from your girlfriend in a negative way or by acting negatively towards the friend for you can end up losing her in the act of performing such an action. Yes No I need help Should I be worried if my girlfriend is meeting up with a guy friend? There is nothing to be worried about if your girlfriend only sees her guy friend as a pal and nothing more. It is when you notice that she spends more time with him and seems happier than she is around you that you should start hitting the panic button.

If it is worrying you, then you may want to talk this out with your girlfriend. Tell her that you do not really feel good about her meeting up with this friend on a regular basis.

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If your girlfriend only meets up with her male friend occasionally, then let her. Being in a relationship should not stop you from seeing other friends, especially when the friendship between them was there even before you came around. Yes No I need help One of the basic foundation of having a strong relationship is to have a complete trust in each other. Without trust, a relationship will not prosper or even makes the relationship to break.

In response to your query, if your girlfriend truly loves you and you truly loves her back, you need to completely trust her and try to dispel away the negative feeling of jealousy because it will just only make your relationship at risk for breaking up. Instead, try to be more supportive to your girlfriend and also make friends to her guy friend. In this way, you are positively making yourself more worthy to your girlfriend's eyes and making her know that you totally support all her actions and considers her friend to be one of your friends.

In short, you should not worry if your girlfriend meets with her friend guy. Yes No I need help Jealousy Game. So my girlfriend has a lot of male friends. When her friends are around her she plays a jealousy game with me. I talked about that with her and how it is not good for our relationship, but she still acts the same way. Now, what to do sir should I deal with it or what can I do?

Yes No I need help Since you already asked her to stop and she has not, the next step would be to inform her that you do not want to be around when she is hanging out with these friends. The jealousy game is possible because she does not feel that you care enough about her and is looking for more attention from you. Give her more positive attention and see if she stops. Yes No I need help She has a guy best friend who's clinging a lot to her?

She has a guy best friend, whom I don't like because he's clinging to her and also that our relationship isn't going properly. I feel aggravated if she want's to meet him. I become upset.