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May 6, - Grandpa: Wise, loving, fun — the list goes on and on. You can always count on him to inspire you with amazing advice and make your day just.
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In June, Ashley asked grandpa if he would give her 3 boys woodworking lessons. When the boys showed up for the first lesson, Grandpa had building kits for each of them and a lesson plan written out.

On Gratitude

He told Ashley he probably only had enough information to teach 2 or 3 lessons. Those 2 or 3 lessons turned into several months and only ended when Grandpa could no longer be in his workshop. His final days covered in sawdust were spent with his great grandsons passing down lessons that go far beyond wood and hammers. We might have laughed a little as we told him in all our years we had never seen him lose control. In that moment he began sharing how his mom never expressed anger, even when disciplining him. Her life made a profound impact on him and we told him that he must be a lot like his mom.

His life has always made a profound impact on ours and the lessons he taught us we think about daily.

Grandpa Steiner Saves the World (from Illegal Aliens (from Space)) - Eric Muss-Barnes - Google Buku

Just last week, he talked with us about trusting Jesus more and more each day. And goodness was he smitten with grandma. He might have been our biggest fan, but his whole heart belonged to his Joyce. You rarely saw one without the other…. For those interested, here are a few older posts about my sweet grandpa:. Your email is never published or shared. May God bring your family peace and comfort knowing you will be reunited one day in Heaven.

What a special man! Southern Gal - As I sit and read your words about your sweet Grandpa, I am fighting back tears and that makes my throat hurt. What a beautiful example he lived for his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But that legacy of a lifelong love has got to be the best.

Thank you for sharing your Grandpa with us through the years. I feel as if I know him in a tiny way. And even that little bit has me missing him, too. Still praying and thinking of you and your whole family. There is hope in Jesus and eternity. My family were able to encourage my Opa grandpa to do the same thing before he passed several years ago. We still get together and read those words. They reach down generations. Sending strength to you and your family. AmyK - My heart is so sad for you. What a special man— thank you for sharing him with us over the years.

Dani M. I feel blessed to have just read about your grandpa. Kristin - What a lovely tribute to a wonderful man. I am sorry for your loss, and am so glad that you and your children spent so much good time with him. Prayers especially for your grandma. Dawn Ritchie - I was so sorry to read the posts on IG last week about his passing. My thoughts are with you and your family. Melanie - Ashley… such beautiful words about your grandpa. He must have been a very special man.

Through your many blogposts I feel like I know him.

Riley Green - I Wish Grandpas Never Died (Audio)

I hope your grandma is well. Avenlea Bixby - I am so sorry for your loss, Ashley! I will be praying for you and your family. Kathy - I am so sorry for your loss.

Learning About Happiness From My 94-Year-Old Grandpa

His legacy lives on in your life and the lives of your children; what a gift you gave your children, all the hours spent with their loving great-grandparents! May the love of family and friends, and all of your cherished memories sustain you through your grief. Kristin S - Oh, Ashley! This post alone needs to be a memory book. That picture of you guys as littles…. How fun to look at photos!

Cathy - Ashley, I am so sorry for your loss. You have captured so many beautiful memories in your photos, they tell the story of a kind and gentle man. Thank you for sharing his story.

  • Highway to Heaven.
  • The Grandpa Stories: Tales of Otherworldly Adventure - Roger Grimson - Google Buku;
  • Grandfather Death Poems.

I have loved reading about your grandfather over the years. This post make me cry big tears. Your stories about your grandparents have always reminded me of mine. Those of us that get to have our grandparents in our lives so much are truly blessed. Love and hugs to you and your family. Alicia - I am so sorry for your loss. I stopped on my way home Friday and had a donut in his honor. Thank you for sharing him with us! P Koziol - Amazing tribute to your grandfather—and entire family as all of you seem to honor the legacy he passed on to you.

I see Corbett in that first picture. Callie - So sorry for your loss.

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What an incredibly beautiful life and legacy. Those photos are such a treasure. Caitlin E - What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing his life and legacy with us. Also marriagoals!! Tracy R. It is an honor to get to know him thru your posts.

  1. Book of Oil paintings by Gazelle (Art by Gazelle);
  2. The Magical Dumplings and Other Chinese Fables - Katherine Chew - كتب Google?
  4. Prayers to your family. I have to say, when I scrolled and saw the pics of your grandpa as a younger man, I instantly saw your oldest son! What a beautiful legacy he has left! What an amazing man! The fact that he and his mother did not get angry with their children just humbles me and blows me away.

    Grandpa’s Calling

    Thank you for sharing his life with us. Miranda - I have been reading your blog for around 5 years. The posts of your Grandpa have always warmed my heart. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but I know that he is so happy looking down on you all. Your words were so beautiful. Your post made me cry. I am so happy that your children were able to share their life with such an amazing man. MC - So sorry for your loss.

    I never met my grandfathers, you are all so lucky to have had him. I think your oldest looks like him a lot. Arlene - Ashley, thanks so much for sharing about your kind, amazing and role-model grandpa. I am praying for you all as you continue to celebrate his life, his Home-going, and grieve your loss. Linda - This is so sweet! Thanks for sharing your grandpa with us! How luck you were to have your grandpa for so long and what a wonderful legacy he has left in you and your children!

    I feel like I knew him, too. His goodness and love just jumped right off the page and into my heart. His memory will be a blessing. Rae - The most beautiful post and tribute to a wonderful man.