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Feb 7, - Here are 10 things you can do to build up your self-confidence. Visualize yourself as you want to be. Affirm yourself. Do one thing that scares you every day. Question your inner critic. Take the days of rejection challenge. Set yourself up to win. Help someone else. Care for yourself.
Table of contents

It also gets you attention of opposite sex. To put it simply: it helps you get what you want in life. On the other hand, shyness and lack of self-confidence can seriously sabotage your efforts and stop you from getting what you want and what you deserve. This is why I decided to dedicate a whole blog post to building your self-confidence. You need to remember something. The following 12 ways to do so will work best if applied all together and consistently over time. Confidence is not something that happens to you. It is something under your control and dependent on you.

To feel more self-confident, you can use positive affirmation — positive statements that are meant to reprogram your mind to seeing yourself in a better light. There are a few ways to do it. You can write down your own mantra and repeat it to yourself every morning or every evening before going to bed. You can write the positive statements on a piece of paper and put it somewhere where you will always see it stick it on a wall or on a fridge , you can also write your affirmation on a mirror.

Every morning when I get ready I have no other choice but to look at it. I got another idea for how to incorporate positive affirmations to your life. When people act in a self-confident way towards others, they actually feel more self-confident themselves. This is one of the most amazing rules in our lives. If you want to have something, act as if you already have it.

The way our mind works, is that the more familiar an idea is, the truer it will seem. And how to make an idea familiar? By repeating it! If you want to be more self-confident, act like somebody who already is confident! If you ever lack confidence, the easiest way to boost it by dressing like an authority. Smart outfit is an international symbol of status, so no matter in which country you are, you can always wear it. Things such as suits, shirts, nice shoes, accessories, gadgets — they all add to our confidence.

The way you talk and the way you project your voice is directly linked to your confidence.

8 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence – SheKnows

Shy people tend to keep their voice low. You probably have noticed it yourself in meetings. When do you usually sit at big events? Do you rush to take a seat in the first row or do you rather go in the back? My bet is the latter, just like many other people do. But let me ask you something. Who usually sits in the first row of all official company meetings? Who sits in the first row of fashion shows?

The most important people. You give others the signal that you are one of the most important people and so they treat you accordingly. The attention is on you, the light is on you. You have no other choice but to feel confident. Confident people have a different body language. They walk tall. They keep their head up. They look into the eyes of others. They also keep their body open.

Whenever we feel bad about ourselves, we feel down or hurt, we tend to close down. And not just emotionally but physically too. We curl up, so we limit the surface of exposure. Lack of self confidence manifests itself in such a body language. A way to build confidence is to adopt a body language of somebody who does feel confident. We have a few extra kilos which makes us want to hide. Our haircut is out of fashion. Our skin not taken care of. No make up. And so on… Compare it to models and celebrities.

They feel beautiful, they feel sexy and attractive. It boosts their confidence! Do the same for yourself. Go get a nice haircut. Get a manicure. Revamp your wardrobe. Work out to get toned. You might be awesome at public speaking, or a great cook, or a very talented businessman. Look at all areas of your life.

This will help you believe in how good you are and increase your value.

Preparing Yourself for Success!

Imagine somebody tells you, you look really nice. What would you respond? What do you usually say when somebody pays you a compliment? We rarely just accept a compliment. But think about it. Why are you tempted to downplay it? If you did a good job, take ownership of it. Embrace it!

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Allow yourself to believe in all the good things people tell you. You can always be better, you can always be faster, you can always do more. Stop trying to do everything and do it flawlessly. Perfectionists usually have lower self-esteem, because they criticise themselves all the time. Have a look at some of the confident people around you. Are they perfect? Give yourself more acceptance and be more tolerative of your own mistakes and shortcoming.

Our confidence is dependent oh how much we believe we are successful. Join our list and be among the first to know when we publish new articles. Get useful news and insights right in your inbox. Celebrate effort.

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Expect them to pitch in. Homework and after-school activities are great, but being needed by your family is invaluable.

Self Esteem, Confidence, How to Love Yourself, Human Needs & Humanistic Psychology

Embrace imperfection. Instead, remind them that being less than perfect is human and totally okay. Set them up for success. Challenges are good for kids, but they should also have opportunities where they can be sure to find success.

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