PDF Fraggle’s Second Chance: How a Little Dog’s Life Changed from Bad to Good to Heavenly

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A show like the Simpsons not only has more episodes per season and sells for the same price but the people involved in the Simpsons go the extra mile to satisfy fans: full episode commentaries with writers, producers, directors, voice actors, etc as well as deleted scenes and other special features. Matt and Trey provide generally uninteresting "mini commentaries. I hear this is a good movie, but can't play it as the DVD is visibly damaged.

So what about Quality control? This disc should never have gotten out the door, but the odd thing is, I ordered 2 DVD's from Amazon - different titles, both damaged. Are you guys buying 2nds and pawning them off on us? I usually trust Amazon reviewers on movie reviews, but this time NO WAY! This silly, totally predictable film left us playing with the cat for our evening entertainment, hoping the movie would liven up.

Sadly, it didn't. To those who rave about the film Thumbs DOWN. I liked the shows when the 1st ran on tv; the unrated didn't quite live up to my expectations. Another product of Hollywood's "Karaoke Culture". In an age where we see cinematic remakes of every kind, we have in "U" an outrageous attempt to borrow from the success and acclaim of "Das Boot". But instead of a gripping war drama that reveals the tragic waste of war, we get a cheap flag-waving pile of Hollywood propaganda.

The Old Soak, and Hail And Farewell, by Don Marquis

The lighting, camera angles and claustrophobic set are obviously inspired by DB. But the bigoted innacuracies German submariners machine gunning helpless sailors and absurd scenarios an incredibly lucky stern shot sinks a destroyer in hot pursuit put this ridiculous movie in its own category. U is just another thin, over-promoted, throw-away movie you'll forget the day after you see it. Sat down and saw this one on televion.

Only good service was that now I know buying the DVD would be a waste of money. What was actually achieved by the British is portrayed as an American achievement. Slanders the U-boat men portraying them as heartless marauders. Other than allied Propoganda pieces, There are no incidents of U-boats machinegunning people in lifeboats.

The movie itself I have little respect. Basicly Plotless and unrealistic. Action scenes unbelievable. Characters Two Dimensional. Sure, this movie is a classic. But is it any good? Frankly, I found it to be tedious in the extreme. It's certainly pleasant to look at. The sets are quite amazing, and the cinematography is absolutely beautiful.

The story as described in detail in many other reviews here has potential as both a thriller and a thought-provoking essay ultimately it is neither. The acting is top notch, as are all of the special effects. Those of us who cut our teeth using teletype machines always get a kick out of seeing them in all their anachronistic glory.

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In fact, all of the computer stuff is believable for the era and pleasantly nostalgic. But the whole thing never rises to its premise. The resolution is an afterthought a quick fix in the extreme , and barely even mentioned in about two lines of dialogue after the artificial danger is narrowly, whew! The characters are thin at best, and stock at worst.

This movie is really a slow survey of what people in the early 70s thought technology would be like in the mid 70s. It means nothing to the plot, and is the ultimate contrivance. If a deadly virus actually came back from space, there would certainly be action on many fronts, with plenty of interesting conflict to go around. Some people would try to understand it, others would want only to kill it. There's some potentially interesting tension right there. Some people would argue to keep the danger hidden from the public, others would want to warn them. Again, that could have been a good source of tension.

Someone would surely have suspected that the military wanted to harness it as a biological weapon mentioned in passing, but never developed , while others would try very hard to prevent that. More tension. I'm just saying that this movie is littered with missed opportunities for something more than the collection of boring experiments and pointlessly slow-moving scenes which it actually contains.

This movie is the poster child for boring science fiction, and it would not have had to be that way. I haven't read the book, but I bet it's a lot better. At its core, this movie is a boring dud. Not only was the dialogue of the film trite and the plot much like a pornographic after school special, but the movie unfortunately reinforces a worldview which anti-homosexual groups been touting for years--If you're thinking turning your female frienship into a relationship, don't.

The lesbian always goes crazy and dies in the end. If you're interested in finding out what I'm talking about, Lisa Duggan explains how this ideology gets transimitted and reinforced in her book Sapphic Slashers. Support movies that actually advance queer causes instead of making all of us look like freaks. The shows themselves are wonderful, but the people who put together this DVD set should be ashamed of this paltry effort! There are NO cast or staff interviews about the ending of such a wonderful series.

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NO commentaries. No English sub-titles. NO John Spencer honorarium of any kind. They didn't even take the time to include the 1 hour re-showing of the original pilot they aired before the finale! The only "extras" are two not-special-at-all special features dealing with the debate. Save yourself a lot of trouble and don't buy this if you are from the EU!

Fraggle’s Second Chance

I have always like Denise Austin, however; this was tape was way too fast for a beginner. I thought it was for beginner and on up. Denise went way to fast and she did not explain the poses at all. I will not be using this tape. I was disappointed because normally I love her videotapes and her. I hated this movie. SO unrealistic. Sure, maybe there are some little freaks running around raping and drinking and beating. But I AM a teenager in a city. What the hell is the point of this movie?

By Don Marquis

To scare the crap out of parents? Also, the rape scene was vile. At first I respected the director for showing it and not shying away. It wasn't even artistic, it was just disgusting and truly disturbing. Margarett Mitchell must be rolling in her grave. She wrote a masterpiece in the 's, then Alexandra Ripley bought the rights to her book by conning Margaret Mitchell's heirs to sell out the legacy of their relative. Alexandra Ripley's novel was an embarrasing pile of mush, even worse than a Barbara Courtland romance novel. Beautiful costumes and a good cast - but the script is a soap opera and very poorly written with too many cliche's.

The TV movie version is even worse than Alexandra Ripley's book. I would have given this movie zero stars - but gave it 2 stars solely for the world class acting of Sean Bean as the deliciously evil Lord Fenton.

Dogs: Big and Small (Documentary)

Sean Bean heats up the screen as a sexy, feral villian along the lines of "The Man You Love to Hate" as an unsafe sex symbol. Unless you are a Sean Bean fan, there is nothing worthwhile about this film. The script is trite, cliche'd and very slow moving. Sean Bean is only in Disc 1 and his character is eliminated and the movie slides downhill from there.

Disc 2 is overwrought with very boring, drawn out courtroom scenes I was almost rooting that Scarlett would be hanged for the murder just to see an end to this movie! They are excellent actors wasted in this pile of mush movie. Ann-Margaret's performance as Belle Watling is so bad I wanted to slap her. Do yourself a favor and watch the original Gone With the Wind starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh if you want to see a wonderful film. Unfortunately the experience was ruined when I discovered that there are big sound problems on the second disc.

Loud popping sounds completely cover up the dialogue in an entire scene.

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