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Last we left the Exiles, they had traveled to a utopian world where Dr. Victor Von Doom-the savior of mankind-leads a team of heroes made up.
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At the Wal-mart on Atlantic Boulevard in Canton, Ohio employees are being asked to donate food items so that other employees that cannot afford to buy Thanksgiving dinner will be able to enjoy one too. You can see a photo of the donation bins that has been posted on Twitter right here. On the one hand, it is commendable that someone at that Wal-Mart is deeply concerned about the employees that are so poor that they cannot afford to buy the food that they need for Thanksgiving. On the other hand, this is a perfect example that shows how the quality of the jobs in this country has gone down the toilet.

Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the United States and it had operating income of Wal-Mart is not required to pay their employees a decent wage, and it is very unlikely that anyone will force them to. But they should. Because Wal-Mart does not pay decent wages to their employees, the rest of us end up with the bill. As you will see below, huge numbers of Wal-Mart employees end up on Medicaid and other government assistance programs.

Meanwhile, those that control Wal-Mart continue to enjoy absolutely massive profits.

If there were any shreds of hope left that the stunning decline of the middle class could be turned around, Obamacare has absolutely destroyed them. Over the past decade or so, the middle class in the United States has been absolutely eviscerated. The number of working age Americans without a job has increased by 27 million since the year , median household income in the U. And now here comes Obamacare. As you will see below, Obamacare is causing millions of Americans to lose their current health insurance policies, it is causing health insurance premiums to explode to absolutely ridiculous levels, and it is systematically killing jobs even though the employer mandate has been delayed for a while.

All of this is creating a tremendous amount of stress for millions of middle class families that are already stretched extremely thin financially. According to CNN , a survey that was conducted earlier this year found that 76 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Most of those families simply cannot afford to pay much higher health insurance premiums for new policies that also come with much larger deductibles and significantly increased out-of-pocket costs. Millions of those families will ultimately end up choosing to do without health insurance altogether, and that will create a whole host of new problems.

This is a disaster that is so enormous that it is really hard to put into words. And now Obamacare is going to bring the entire U. The Federal Reserve is creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air and using that money to buy U. Since the middle of , these purchases have caused the Fed's balance sheet to balloon from under a trillion dollars to nearly four trillion dollars.

This represents the greatest central bank intervention in the history of the planet, and Janet Yellen says that she does not anticipate that it will end any time soon because "the recovery is still fragile".

Origin of The Maestro Hulk (Exiles World Tour: Future Imperfect)

Of course, as I showed the other day , the truth is that quantitative easing has done essentially nothing for the average person on the street. But what QE has done is that it has sent stocks soaring to record highs. Unfortunately, this stock market bubble is completely and totally divorced from economic reality, and when the easy money is taken away the bubble will collapse.

Just look at what happened a few months ago when Ben Bernanke suggested that the Fed may begin to "taper" the amount of quantitative easing that it was doing. The mere suggestion that the flow of easy money would start to slow down a little bit was enough to send the market into deep convulsions. This is why the Federal Reserve cannot stop monetizing debt. The moment the Fed stops, it could throw our financial markets into a crisis even worse than what we saw back in China just dropped an absolute bombshell, but it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States.

And of course the biggest chunk of that was made up of U. For years, China has been accumulating dollars and working hard to keep the value of the dollar up and the value of the yuan down. One of the goals has been to make Chinese products less expensive in the international marketplace. But now China has announced that the time has come for it to stop stockpiling U.

Year: 2009

And if that does indeed turn out to be the case, than many U. Needless to say, all of this would be very bad for the United States. Can the U. As you will see below, Obamacare is going to be the biggest expansion of the welfare state in U. It is being projected that a decade from now 17 million Americans will be receiving Obamacare subsidies and an additional 21 million Americans will have been added to the Medicaid rolls. At a time when we are already running trillion dollar deficits, is this really something that the government should be taking on?

In addition, it is being projected that bringing millions upon millions of new people into the Medicaid program will also cause enrollment in many other federal welfare programs such as food stamps to surge. Right now, the percentage of Americans that are financially dependent on the U. The more Americans learn about Obamacare, the less they like it. They were promised that under Obamacare they would be able to keep their current health insurance plans, that health insurance premiums would be lower, and that millions more Americans would be able to get coverage.

But none of those promises are turning out to be true. Right now, millions of Americans are receiving cancellation notices from their health insurance companies — including many Americans that are in a life or death battle with cancer.

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You are about to see some shocking examples of this. And now that the reality of Obamacare is really starting to sink in for the American people, the popularity of the law is starting to drop like a rock. According to a brand new CBS News poll that was just released, only 31 percent of all Americans still approve of Obamacare while an astounding 61 percent of all Americans now disapprove of it. Perhaps if we get that number to 70 or 80 percent, the politicians in Washington D.

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So please share this article with as many people as you possibly can. The following are 10 Obamacare horror stories that are almost too crazy to believe… Read More I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec.

I bought the policy when I retired and moved to NC to be closer to my aging parents. She and her husband are in their early 60s. After the insurance company drops them, it will offer them a different plan that it admits will be more expensive. The Cantors are especially worried because their doctors cannot assure them that [the MD Anderson Cancer Center] will still accept the new plan. We used to insure about of our employees.

The rest opted out. Under obamacare, none can opt out without penalty, and the rates are double or triple, depending upon the plan. By mandate, we have to pay Obamacare will kill their propensity to seek medical care. More money for less care?

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How does that help them? I went back to school and got a second degree and finally found work at a gym. I work nights and only get 32 hours a week for eight dollars an hour. I have asthma, ulcers, and mild cerebral palsy. Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. This law has raped my future. It will keep me and kids my age from having a future at all. But this past September, he was surprised to receive a letter saying his policy was no longer available. His monthly premium is just about half of his monthly take-home pay.

Back in , he found out he had an incurable form of leukemia that requires ongoing treatment until he dies. Bill Elliot : Fox News host Megyn Kelly shared a heart rendering story Thursday night of a South Carolina man with cancer who is being forced to make what he sees as a life or death decision after his health insurance plan was cancelled because of Obamacare.

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So what do you think about Obamacare? Please feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment below…. So much of what we have been taught about ancient history is simply not true.