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Apr 9, - Hmm, I wonder if this book is essential. I don't think Dr Baggini would be terribly impressed if I used the term – he cites "essential reading".
Table of contents

It depresses me too, and I feel robbed as well.

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I lost so many of my years to depression and pain and rejection. I also have difficulty treating myself and living a comfortable life…I make it difficult for myself. The fact that people would rub it in my face when I told them the truth about my family problems, would hurt me even more. Of course the grass is never greener, but who knew? My parents brainwashed me to be the most pessimistic person for myself only and I am finding it extremely hard to get out of that mentality all of a sudden.

The problem is that the damage has been done and now I find it super hard to put myself and the pieces back together in a totally new mentality. Not impossible I know. I compared my life often with others — I felt the divorce was the problem at that ime if they only had remained a couple — cause most kids had married parents still and seemed happier —. As a child and maybe even as an adult I always believed the grass was always greener on the other side. The fantasy of my parents breaking up was always my excuse to why I was never happy, why my parents were never happy and why my sister was never happy.

I knew deep down things would probably have been worse if they did split up , but in my mind this was another way to dream that MY life would miraculously be perfect. The stress of living with two NPD parents was too high for us. I was so sheltered, this was my outlet.

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the new people and thanks everyone for all the new shares here! I have enjoyed catching up!

Tennessee's Congressional Republicans Think You're Stupid

I also remember my NM never answering or talking to me in a calm voice. It was either really sarcastic, cocky, put downs, degrading or plain rude. Any time I talked or questioned anything in my life or in general, she would just scream and scream until she got me into tears or had a massive verbal fight with me. Her hostility became so normal I only realized this just now, just how bad her attitude really was to me.

I knew she was taking her problems out on me as she and my father were never happy together. I also remember thinking, and I always wished my parents would have split up. It was such a burden on my sister and I, they kept saying they stayed together for us, but I know now it was just a power trip for them both as they tore us apart. Their lies never end and their excuses are unnecessary. No wonder there was so much anger and violence around me always.


I am glad to be calmer now and finding myself ever so slowly. I no longer have to scream and fight to have my opinion heard. Thank you Darlene. Even though I have seen a lot of violence and have been physically abused through stages in my life and then there is the alcohol abuse as my father is a functioning alcoholic. I could deal with those issues and never knew why I was so screwed up. I had no idea emotional and psychological abuse came from home. I have also been ignored by everyone in my life. Even when I would have people sleep over my house for 5 days and I would pamper them the whole time they were good to talk as much as they wanted but, as soon as I would, they were literally not interested.

I remember when my sister finished University with High Distinction and my parents told us NOT to tell anyone as it would make them too jealous. I was so confused why we had to do that, while praising others for absolute minor things.

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It has been such a cold existence. I was put down instead and called stupid for finishing, even though NM wanted me to quit that too amongst other things I did. No wonder I NEVER felt deserving of anything good, that it was unreachable for me due to the rotten foundations I had from a baby until I broke the loop. What a shame it took me this long. I am not getting any younger and the best years of my life have been ruined my my own FOO.

It truly depresses me. This is how my anger issues manifested. I still wish I had the loving supportive family I always longed for. Every time I speak to them on the phone I realize how much they still want to hurt me. I am sad they are the way they are. Oh my I feel terrible for you. They have painted the wrong picture of what true love really is. We have never had a falling out spat even when truth ,rebukes and chastening was put into action.

That all comes with the territory of parenthing. Because they recognized that I loved them enough to Empower them still through love rather than Overpower because of my own self worth. The bible says love covers a multitude of faults. Your parents are hurting and needs to be healed. They are living in fear and have missed out on many years of what the power of love brings.

I will pray for them that the Holy Spirit will convict their hearts. If you too can cry out to God for your healing for the damage done to you.

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You will be good to go. Because Free people Free people.? Time and time again I would run into these people at the grocery store, so I would go up to them and say hello.

Gee lady, I seem to recall you saying you were too busy to talk! So, helping a customer interferes with your job? This was all well and good, until I attempted to respond.

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  • Evidently this routine applies to me and me alone. I kept attracting abusive behaviour — I thought if I could just explain to them what they are doing and that I know what they are doing and present a solution to do things differently. I guess in the end I started to believe the world was only filled with abusive behaviour — so it was best to try ot deal with it tha tway —. Ihoped that if this occurredonce more and I d tell people about it — they now would believe me — but it didn t happen — they kept dismissing whatever I had to say — it could never be that bad — I just liked to exaggerate — whatever I did to prove these things exist — it never worked — I remained the problem, the crazy one — and they still got away with anything and everything —.

    I also had an other incident with my sister when I was still single, when she was getting married and I was running around like crazy to set everything up for her happy day. We were chatting about life in general and then she got to a question that stunned me for life. That I was not educated or talented enough to be anything other than a hooker. This was the life-long accomplishment of my NM.

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    • The discerning hurt and abuse she spread. You sound like me. I have been in the same boat as you for most of my life. I am going through a phase of meeting new people and smelling the abusive ones from a mile away. I cannot believe that only just a year ago I would have begged those same people for their love and attention. I am still with no friends but I can honestly say I am so much more happier this way than being a doormat to any user.

      Cheers to your words! I had an incident when I was a child and discovered I can draw, my teacher and NM got really angry at me and it never made any sense to me why was I getting into so much trouble when I was good at something? I also had many more people tell me I am hopeless for other things and I believed them, which made me become a dreamer too. That made me give up on so many things I loved, imagine being told you are crap when you have natural talents and a passion for life?

      No wonder I gave up on everything, even on myself. Thankfully the fog is lifting. Cheers, Hope xx. I can t please them, it s not even about pleasing, I never did anything wrong to begin with — misunderstandings happened and then the dynamics that were already present in the team that I had noc lue about at that time — began to work their mojo — so here we are now —. Thank you for your honesty. I say honesty, because I can truly relate.