Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Pl

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Barkun argues that this statement is partly facetious the claim of "conspiracy" and " treason " and partly serious—the desire to encourage trilateral cooperation among the U. The statement, however, is taken at face value and widely cited by conspiracy theorists as proof that the Council on Foreign Relations uses its role as the brain trust of American presidents, senators and representatives to manipulate them into supporting a New World Order in the form of a one-world government.

In a 13 November interview with Canadian journalist Benjamin Fulford, Rockefeller countered that he felt no need for a world government and wished for the governments of the world to work together and collaborate. He also stated that it seemed neither likely nor desirable to have only one elected government rule the whole world. He criticized accusations of him being "ruler of the world" as nonsensical. Some American social critics , such as Laurence H. Shoup, argue that the Council on Foreign Relations is an " imperial brain trust" which has, for decades, played a central behind-the-scenes role in shaping U.

William Domhoff , argue that it is in fact a mere policy discussion forum [53] which provides the business input to U. All the council does is sponsor discussion groups, debates and speakers. As far as being secretive, it issues annual reports and allows access to its historical archives. Wells promoted cosmopolitanism and offered blueprints for a world revolution and world brain to establish a technocratic world state and planned economy.

When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people. Wells's books were influential in giving a second meaning to the term " new world order ", which would only be used by state socialist supporters and anti-communist opponents for generations to come.

However, despite the popularity and notoriety of his ideas, Wells failed to exert a deeper and more lasting influence because he was unable to concentrate his energies on a direct appeal to intelligentsias who would, ultimately, have to coordinate the Wellsian new world order. British neo-Theosophical occultist Alice Bailey , one of the founders of the so-called New Age movement, prophesied in the eventual victory of the Allies of World War II over the Axis powers which occurred in and the establishment by the Allies of a political and religious New World Order.

She saw a federal world government as the culmination of Wells' Open Conspiracy but favorably argued that it would be synarchist because it was guided by the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom , intent on preparing humanity for the mystical second coming of Christ , and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. According to Bailey, a group of ascended masters called the Great White Brotherhood works on the " inner planes " to oversee the transition to the New World Order but, for now, the members of this Spiritual Hierarchy are only known to a few occult scientists, with whom they communicate telepathically , but as the need for their personal involvement in the plan increases, there will be an "Externalization of the Hierarchy" and everyone will know of their presence on Earth.

Bailey's writings, along with American writer Marilyn Ferguson 's book The Aquarian Conspiracy , contributed to conspiracy theorists of the Christian right viewing the New Age movement as the " false religion " that would supersede Christianity in a New World Order. By this logic, anything that is not Christian is by definition actively and willfully anti-Christian. Paradoxically, since the first decade of the 21st century, New World Order conspiracism is increasingly being embraced and propagandized by New Age occultists , who are people bored by rationalism and drawn to stigmatized knowledge —such as alternative medicine , astrology , quantum mysticism , spiritualism , and theosophy.

Skeptics argue that the connection of conspiracy theorists and occultists follows from their common fallacious premises. First, any widely accepted belief must necessarily be false. Second, stigmatized knowledge—what the Establishment spurns—must be true. The result is a large, self-referential network in which, for example, some UFO religionists promote anti-Jewish phobias while some antisemites practice Peruvian shamanism. Conspiracy theorists often use the term " Fourth Reich " simply as a pejorative synonym for the "New World Order" to imply that its state ideology and government will be similar to Germany's Third Reich.

They cite the influence of ex-Nazi scientists brought in under Operation Paperclip to help advance aerospace manufacturing in the U. This neo-Nazi conspiracy is said to be animated by an "Iron Dream" in which the American Empire , having thwarted the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and overthrown its Zionist Occupation Government , gradually establishes a Fourth Reich formerly known as the "Western Imperium"—a pan - Aryan world empire modeled after Adolf Hitler 's New Order —which reverses the " decline of the West " and ushers a golden age of white supremacy.

Skeptics argue that conspiracy theorists grossly overestimate the influence of ex-Nazis and neo-Nazis on American society, and point out that political repression at home and imperialism abroad have a long history in the United States that predates the 20th century. Some political scientists, such as Sheldon Wolin , have expressed concern that the twin forces of democratic deficit and superpower status have paved the way in the U.

Since the late s, extraterrestrials from other habitable planets or parallel dimensions such as " Greys " and intraterrestrials from Hollow Earth such as " Reptilians " have been included in the New World Order conspiracy, in more or less dominant roles, as in the theories put forward by American writers Stan Deyo and Milton William Cooper , and British writer David Icke. The common theme in these conspiracy theories is that aliens have been among us for decades, centuries or millennia, but a government cover-up enforced by " Men in Black " has shielded the public from knowledge of a secret alien invasion.

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Motivated by speciesism and imperialism , these aliens have been and are secretly manipulating developments and changes in human society in order to more efficiently control and exploit human beings. In some theories, alien infiltrators have shapeshifted into human form and move freely throughout human society , even to the point of taking control of command positions in governmental, corporate, and religious institutions, and are now in the final stages of their plan to take over the world.

Skeptics, who adhere to the psychosocial hypothesis for unidentified flying objects , argue that the convergence of New World Order conspiracy theory and UFO conspiracy theory is a product of not only the era's widespread mistrust of governments and the popularity of the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs but of the far right and ufologists actually joining forces. Barkun notes that the only positive side to this development is that, if conspirators plotting to rule the world are believed to be aliens, traditional human scapegoats Freemasons , Illuminati , Jews , etc.

Antiscience and neo-Luddite conspiracy theorists emphasize technology forecasting in their New World Order conspiracy theories. They speculate that the global power elite are reactionary modernists pursuing a transhumanist agenda to develop and use human enhancement technologies in order to become a " posthuman ruling caste ", while change accelerates toward a technological singularity —a theorized future point of discontinuity when events will accelerate at such a pace that normal unenhanced humans will be unable to predict or even understand the rapid changes occurring in the world around them.

Conspiracy theorists fear the outcome will either be the emergence of a Brave New World -like dystopia —a "Brave New World Order"—or the extinction of the human species. Democratic transhumanists , such as American sociologist James Hughes , counter that many influential members of the United States Establishment are bioconservatives strongly opposed to human enhancement , as demonstrated by President Bush's Council on Bioethics 's proposed international treaty prohibiting human cloning and germline engineering.

Furthermore, he argues that conspiracy theorists underestimate how fringe the transhumanist movement really is. Just as there are several overlapping or conflicting theories among conspiracists about the nature of the New World Order, so are there several beliefs about how its architects and planners will implement it:.

Conspiracy theorists generally speculate that the New World Order is being implemented gradually , citing the formation of the U. An increasingly popular conspiracy theory among American right-wing populists is that the hypothetical North American Union and the amero currency, proposed by the Council on Foreign Relations and its counterparts in Mexico and Canada , will be the next milestone in the implementation of the New World Order. The theory holds that a group of shadowy and mostly nameless international elites are planning to replace the federal government of the United States with a transnational government.

Therefore, conspiracy theorists believe the borders between Mexico, Canada and the United States are in the process of being erased, covertly, by a group of globalists whose ultimate goal is to replace national governments in Washington, D. Skeptics argue that the North American Union exists only as a proposal contained in one of a thousand academic and policy papers published each year that advocate all manner of idealistic but ultimately unrealistic approaches to social, economic and political problems.

Most of these are passed around in their own circles and eventually filed away and forgotten by junior staffers in congressional offices. Some of these papers, however, become touchstones for the conspiracy-minded and form the basis of all kinds of unfounded xenophobic fears especially during times of economic anxiety. For example, in March , as a result of the lates financial crisis , the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation pressed for urgent consideration of a new international reserve currency and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development proposed greatly expanding the I.

Conspiracy theorists fear these proposals are a call for the U. Judging that both national governments and global institutions have proven ineffective in addressing worldwide problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve, some political scientists critical of New World Order conspiracism, such as Mark C. Partridge, argue that regionalism will be the major force in the coming decades, pockets of power around regional centers: As such, the E. The question then is not whether global governance is gradually emerging, but rather how will these regional powers interact with one another.

Following the Rex 84 and Operation Garden Plot plans, this military coup would involve the suspension of the Constitution , the imposition of martial law , and the appointment of military commanders to head state and local governments and to detain dissidents. These conspiracy theorists, who are all strong believers in a right to keep and bear arms , are extremely fearful that the passing of any gun control legislation will be later followed by the abolishment of personal gun ownership and a campaign of gun confiscation, and that the refugee camps of emergency management agencies such as FEMA will be used for the internment of suspected subversives , making little effort to distinguish true threats to the New World Order from pacifist dissidents.

Before year some survivalists wrongly believed this process would be set in motion by the predicted Y2K problem causing societal collapse. Skeptics argue that unfounded fears about an imminent or eventual gun ban, military coup, internment, or U. Conspiracy theorists concerned with surveillance abuse believe that the New World Order is being implemented by the cult of intelligence at the core of the surveillance-industrial complex through mass surveillance and the use of Social Security numbers , the bar-coding of retail goods with Universal Product Code markings, and, most recently, RFID tagging by microchip implants.

Claiming that corporations and government are planning to track every move of consumers and citizens with RFID as the latest step toward a -like surveillance state , consumer privacy advocates, such as Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre , [73] have become Christian conspiracy theorists who believe spychips must be resisted because they argue that modern database and communications technologies , coupled with point of sale data-capture equipment and sophisticated ID and authentication systems, now make it possible to require a biometrically associated number or mark to make purchases.

They fear that the ability to implement such a system closely resembles the Number of the Beast prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Following public criticism that the development and deployment of these technologies could potentially lead to a mass surveillance system, the IAO was defunded by the United States Congress in Although DARPA eventually removed the logo from its website, it left a lasting impression on privacy advocates.

American historian Richard Landes , who specializes in the history of apocalypticism and was co-founder and director of the Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University, argues that new and emerging technologies often trigger alarmism among millenarians and even the introduction of Gutenberg's printing press in caused waves of apocalyptic thinking.

The Year problem , bar codes and Social Security numbers all triggered end-time warnings which either proved to be false or simply were no longer taken seriously once the public became accustomed to these technological changes. Conspiracy theorists of the Christian right , starting with British revisionist historian Nesta Helen Webster , believe there is an ancient occult conspiracy—started by the first mystagogues of Gnosticism and perpetuated by their alleged esoteric successors, such as the Kabbalists , Cathars , Knights Templar , Hermeticists , Rosicrucians , Freemasons , and, ultimately, the Illuminati —which seeks to subvert the Judeo-Christian foundations of the Western world and implement the New World Order through a one-world religion that prepares the masses to embrace the imperial cult of the Antichrist.

They believe that these conspirators use the power of occult sciences numerology , symbols Eye of Providence , rituals Masonic degrees , monuments National Mall landmarks , buildings Manitoba Legislative Building [80] and facilities Denver International Airport to advance their plot to rule the world. For example, in June , an unknown benefactor under the pseudonym " R.

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Christian " had a huge granite megalith built in the U. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the occult structure in many languages to serve as instructions for survivors of a doomsday event to establish a more enlightened and sustainable civilization than the one which was destroyed.

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The " Georgia Guidestones " have subsequently become a spiritual and political Rorschach test onto which any number of ideas can be imposed. Some New Agers and neo-pagans revere it as a ley-line power nexus while a few conspiracy theorists are convinced that they are engraved with the New World Order's anti-Christian " Ten Commandments. Skeptics argue that the demonization of Western esotericism by conspiracy theorists is rooted in religious intolerance but also in the same moral panics that have fueled witch trials in the Early Modern period , and satanic ritual abuse allegations in the United States.

New World Order (conspiracy theory)

Conspiracy theorists believe that the New World Order will also be implemented through the use of human population control in order to more easily monitor and control the movement of individuals. Conspiracy theorists argue that globalists plotting on behalf of a New World Order are neo-Malthusians who engage in overpopulation and climate change alarmism in order to create public support for coercive population control and ultimately world government.

Agenda 21 is condemned as "reconcentrating" people into urban areas and depopulating rural ones, even generating a dystopian novel by Glenn Beck where single-family homes are a distant memory. Skeptics argue that fears of population control can be traced back to the traumatic legacy of the eugenics movement's "war against the weak" in the United States during the first decades of the 20th century but also the Second Red Scare in the U. Social critics accuse governments, corporations, and the mass media of being involved in the manufacturing of a national consensus and, paradoxically, a culture of fear due to the potential for increased social control that a mistrustful and mutually fearing population might offer to those in power.

The worst fear of some conspiracy theorists, however, is that the New World Order will be implemented through the use of mind control —a broad range of tactics able to subvert an individual's control of his or her own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. Skeptics argue that the paranoia behind a conspiracy theorist's obsession with mind control , population control , occultism , surveillance abuse , Big Business , Big Government , and globalization arises from a combination of two factors, when he or she: The first attribute refers to people who care deeply about an individual's right to make their own choices and direct their own lives without interference or obligations to a larger system like the government , but combine this with a sense of powerlessness in one's own life, and one gets what some psychologists call " agency panic," intense anxiety about an apparent loss of autonomy to outside forces or regulators.

When fervent individualists feel that they cannot exercise their independence, they experience a crisis and assume that larger forces are to blame for usurping this freedom. According to Domhoff, many people seem to believe that the United States is ruled from behind the scenes by a conspiratorial elite with secret desires, i. In the past the conspirators were usually said to be crypto-communists who were intent upon bringing the United States under a common world government with the Soviet Union, but the dissolution of the USSR in undercut that theory.

Domhoff notes that most conspiracy theorists changed their focus to the United Nations as the likely controlling force in a New World Order, an idea which is undermined by the powerlessness of the U. Although skeptical of New World Order conspiracism, political scientist David Rothkopf argues, in the book Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making , that the world population of 6 billion people is governed by an elite of 6, individuals.

Until the late 20th century, governments of the great powers provided most of the superclass, accompanied by a few heads of international movements i. According to Rothkopf, in the early 21st century, economic clout—fueled by the explosive expansion of international trade, travel and communication—rules; the nation-state 's power has diminished shrinking politicians to minority power broker status; leaders in international business, finance and the defense industry not only dominate the superclass, they move freely into high positions in their nations' governments and back to private life largely beyond the notice of elected legislatures including the U.

Congress , which remain abysmally ignorant of affairs beyond their borders. He asserts that the superclass' disproportionate influence over national policy is constructive but always self-interested, and that across the world, few object to corruption and oppressive governments provided they can do business in these countries. Marxists , who are skeptical of right-wing populist conspiracy theories, also accuse the global power elite of not having the best interests of all at heart, and many intergovernmental organizations of suffering from a democratic deficit , but they argue that the superclass are plutocrats only interested in brazenly imposing a neoliberal or neoconservative new world order—the implementation of global capitalism through economic and military coercion to protect the interests of transnational corporations —which systematically undermines the possibility of a socialist one-world government.

Skeptics of New World Order conspiracy theories accuse its proponents of indulging in the furtive fallacy , a belief that significant facts of history are necessarily sinister; conspiracism , a world view that centrally places conspiracy theories in the unfolding of history, rather than social and economic forces; and fusion paranoia , a promiscuous absorption of fears from any source whatsoever. Domhoff, a research professor in psychology and sociology who studies theories of power , wrote in an essay entitled There Are No Conspiracies.

He says that for this theory to be true it required several "wealthy and highly educated people" to do things that don't "fit with what we know about power structures". Claims that this will happen goes back decades and have always been proved wrong. Partridge, a contributing editor to the global affairs magazine Diplomatic Courier , wrote a article entitled One World Government: Conspiracy Theory or Inevitable Future? He says that if anything nationalism, which is the opposite of a global government, is rising.

He also says that attempts at creating global governments or global agreements "have been categorical failures" and where "supranational governance exist they are noted for their bureaucracy and inefficiency. Although some cultural critics see superconspiracy theories about a New World Order as " postmodern metanarratives " that may be politically empowering, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative structure with which to question what they see around them, [90] skeptics argue that conspiracism leads people into cynicism, convoluted thinking, and a tendency to feel it is hopeless even as they denounce the alleged conspirators.

A Look at the Top Ten Conspiracy Theories", in which he personally condemns such conspiracies as an effort of the radical right to undermine society. Concerned that the improvisational millennialism of most conspiracy theories about a New World Order might motivate lone wolves to engage in leaderless resistance leading to domestic terrorist incidents like the Oklahoma City bombing , [93] Barkun writes that "the danger lies less in such beliefs themselves Warning of the threat to American democracy posed by right-wing populist movements led by demagogues who mobilize support for mob rule or even a fascist revolution by exploiting the fear of conspiracies, Berlet writes that "Right-wing populist movements can cause serious damage to a society because they often popularize xenophobia, authoritarianism, scapegoating, and conspiracism.

This can lure mainstream politicians to adopt these themes to attract voters, legitimize acts of discrimination or even violence , and open the door for revolutionary right-wing populist movements, such as fascism, to recruit from the reformist populist movements. Hughes, a professor of religion, warns that no religious idea has greater potential for shaping global politics in profoundly negative ways than "the new world order".

He writes in a February article entitled Revelation, Revolutions, and the Tyrannical New World Order that "the crucial piece of this puzzle is the identity of the Antichrist, the tyrannical figure who both leads and inspires the new world order". This has in turn been the Soviet Union and the Arab world. He says that inspires believers to "welcome war with the Islamic world" and opens the door to nuclear holocaust.

Criticisms of New World Order conspiracy theorists also come from within their own community. Despite believing themselves to be " freedom fighters ", many right-wing populist conspiracy theorists hold views that are incompatible with their professed libertarianism , such as dominionism , white supremacism , and even eliminationism. The following is a list of non-self-published non-fiction books that discuss New World Order conspiracy theories. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article is about the use of the term New World Order in conspiracy theory. For other uses, see New World Order. Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort. The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America. A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. University of California Press; 1 edition. Secrecy and Power in American Culture 2nd ed. University of Minnesota Press.

Alleged LAX gunman had 'new world order' conspiracy tract". Retrieved 10 July A Republic, Not an Empire: Transnationalism as 21st Socialism". The New World Order. Wells and the World State. Retrieved 2 April Retrieved 14 January The New York Times. Archived from the original on 5 April New World Order Review". Decoding hip hop conspiracy theory". Conspiracy Theories and Paranoia in American Politics. Christian Research Journal , Winter , pp. Archived from the original on 8 March How a spirit of fear can distort scripture and history". Archived from the original on 24 July Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart.

A Call to Repentance". Evans and Company, revided edition. Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions. Conspiracy Theories in American History: Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories, The 3rd. New England and the Bavarian Illuminati. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The Jew and American Ideals. Archived from the original on Cecil Rhodes 1st ed. The Commonwealth of God London Council on Foreign Relations. Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller.

Archived from the original on 5 August The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: Huntington House Publishers; Revised edition. Praise him for His mighty protection! A "Brave New World". Using various means like chemicals and electro-magnetic waves, military planners can manipulate feelings, control thoughts, and bypass human Conscious Minds by dumping thoughts and feelings directly into the Sub-Conscious Mind!

Thus, the normal filtering which the Conscious Mind performs is compromised; feelings and attitudes not consistent with Christian attitudes and values can be placed directly into your sub-conscious mind! Is he America's political messiah — or a Manchurian candidate? This technology might be used to fulfill this Bible prophecy:. Nuclear-armed Pakistan is wobbling badly, threatening to allow radical Islamicists to fianlly gain control over nuclear weapons!

A session of the National Assembly, Pakistan's lower house of parliament, has been called for Monday, coincidentally Musharraf's 65th birthday, to start what could be a lengthy process unless the president decides to bow out without a fight. President Bush stands to lose a key ally in his "War On Terror" should President Musharraf be brought down from power. Musharraf was able to back the American President only because his generals supported him completely. Radical Islamic forces were exceedingly angry over Musrarraf's pro-West politics, because they consider him to be such a traitor to the true cause of Islam.

The Pakistani President was able to survive several assassination attempts only because of the backing of his generals. Should the generals now turn on him, Bush will lose his most important ally in the entire region, thus sending his Anti-terror campaign into a dizzying spiral downward. The West is now said to be concerned about the Pakistani nukes which could fall into the hands of radical Pakistani elements.

In the past, the Bush Administration threatened to send Special Forces into Pakistan to seize control of the nuclear warheads which the Pakistani military has at its disposal. Islamic militants have always squealed with anger whenever any of these reports surfaced, as they rightly considered any American plan to invade Pakistani territory to seize warheads as a violation of national sovereignty. Therefore, any American attempt to seize warheads will only strengthen the militant's cause throughout the entire Middle East region.

America might truly find itself in a "No-Win" situation here. Givent the huge tide of Islamic radicalism which has risen up against Musharraf, I wonder if the Pakistani President should be more concerned about staying alive than fighting impeachment. This is true -- but only because Israel has Scalar Weaponry in her arsenal! Patriot System and the Israeli Arrow system of hitting missiles with missiles is woefully inadequate. Thank goodness Israel is not depending upon them for its air defense! Daniel Milo said Tuesday that Israel has an effective response to all of the ballistic missile threats it faces in the Middle East.

The most important word in this statement by the Israeli Brigadier General is the word "all". By this word, General Milo is communicating to the world that Israel can neutralize 'ALL' ballistic missiles which might be aimed at the tiny state of Israel.

Obviously, General Milo cannot be speaking of the American Patriot Missile System or the Israeli Arrow System; both of these defensive weapons systems are a ballistic missile hitting another ballistic missile in flight. While some critics have rightly compared this defensive network to a bullet hitting another bullet in the air, the difficulty of successfully shooting down incoming ballistic missiles gets a whole lot more difficult when you realize that modern ballistic missiles can swerve in their flight pattern so as to evade the defensive missile.

While the Patriot and the Arrow missile batteries can probably stop a few incoming missiles, they would be totally ineffective in stopping the vast majority of missiles which an enemy like Iran could launch. So, what kind of defensive scheme could General Milo have in mind when he states that the IAF could defend against 'all' the ballistic missile threats in the entire Middle East.

The answer is simple: Israel fields the most effective Scalar Electromagnetic Systems in the world, equal to that of Russia's system. Missiles, planes, and even birds! At this point, let us show you what a Tesla Dome is, how it works, and why it is so important to have one on today's modern battlefield. You will discover that no fleet should sail if its scientists cannot deploy an effective Tesla Dome; no army should march and no air force should deploy without this Dome. As you can see from the information below the diagram, this is a depiction of a test the Russians ran in , over Atlanta, Georgia, for a time period not specified.

Let us pick up the detailed explanation from Colonel Beardon:.

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  4. If the shield had been real and not just practice, any aircraft and missiles flying into it would have been instantly exploded and destroyed. That mode -- 'bottling up' a strategic weapons area -- is useful to nullify an entire strategic ICBM launch complex or a large bomber base, etc.

    It can also 'bottle up' a large carrier task force at sea, including the aircraft and the Tomahawk missiles, the shells from the naval guns, etc. With a real shield, aircraft or missiles flying into it from inside or from outside explode and are destroyed. America At The Brink" , p. This Tesla Dome is absolutely the most powerful weaponry of which I have ever heard! It can stop every flying thing from entering the Dome. If Israel erects a Tesla Dome over her territory, no missile and no plane can enter the protected area. I have always believed that this Tesla Dome is the reason why Israel has allowed Hizbullah to build up an offensive missile threat of over 40,!

    If Israel deploys a Tesla Shield over her tiny country, it does not matter how many missiles Hizbullah, or Hamas, or Iran possesses. We thank Israeli General Milo for making this fact quite plain! As the city of Hiroshima, Japan, celebrated another sad anniversary of the American atomic attack, the world really has to ask the question, "Whom Should The World Fear" as far as a willingness to use nuclear weapons?

    Some 45, people, including Prime Minister Assuror Fukuda, gathered at a memorial to the dead within sight of the A-bomb dome, a former exhibition hall burned to a skeleton by the bomb's incinerating heat. The Japanese have always urged the nations of the world -- including the United States -- to abolish nuclear weapons. After all, the Japanese were the first victims of America's nuclear arsenal, and today remain the most visible victims.

    However, they are by no means the only victim of American nuclear aggression! Whom Should The World Fear"? How much of a threat to her neighbors has her arsenal proven? After all, that is the key to any country who possesses nuclear weapons -- will they handle the weaponry responsibly or will they threaten their regional neighbors?

    There is no indication that Iran has given any of her nukes to terrorist organizations.

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    Since that time, no regular nuclear bombs have been used against anyone by anyone. Untold tens of thousands have been built and deployed, at an untold cost of trillions of dollars; but, no nuclear bomb has been traditionally exploded since America's Harry Truman devastated these two Japanese cities at the very end of World War II.

    What has stopped these nations who control nuclear warheads from launching them against an enemy? One acronym says it all: In other words, a nation contemplating using such nuclear weapons against a neighbor is deterred because he knows his own nation will be bombed back into the Stone Age -- a radioactive Stone Age! Since then, her leaders have achieved a respectable image in the minds and hearts of the peoples of the world.

    Most people throughout the world seem to be comfortable with the idea that America has nuclear weapons and is developing new ones, because they believe the leadership in the White House to be responsible in the manner in which they manage those terrible weapons. In fact, this public perception has allowed America to launch four nuclear wars since since -- and the world seems totally oblivious to this awful reality. Let us list these wars for your education. At this point, you are probably protesting that no nuclear warfare has been unleashed in these wars; after all, you have watched nightly news and you saw no mushroom-shaped white clouds which are so indicative that someone has exploded nuclear weapons.

    If this is your thinking, you are looking for the wrong indicator that American forces are using nuclear weapons. You see, the nuclear war which these presidents have unleashed upon these nations is a silent type of nuclear weaponry -- Depleted Uranium! Effects are felt from days after exposure to up to 20 years later.

    Please take the time to read our section on Depleted Uranium, for we have posted numerous articles where we depict the disastrous medical results of this deadly weaponry which is killing both our own soldiers, the "enemy", and the innocent civilian populations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and nations over 1, miles away.

    The answer to our headline question is clear: The peoples of the world have every reason to fear nuclear war from the United States, not from any "Axis of Evil" nation, so designated by President Bush. We all have to learn to look in the opposite direction of the public rhetoric if we are to hope to discern the truth.

    Are nuclear weapons obsolete? For that matter, are ballistic missiles obsolete? Scalar and HAARP electromagnetic wave weapons systems have rendered both nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles obsolete! But, very few people understand this reality! Brian Williams noted that, during his interview with President Ahmadinejad, the Iranian leader uttered a very cryptic sentence; he said that atomic weapons are "so 20th Century". In other words, atomic weaponry is obsolete and belongs in the 20th Century dustbin of out-of-date weaponry.

    Can it be that, in order to protect more advanced weapons systems, our current leaders are daily sounding the threat supposedly posed by nuclear weapons? At this point, put on your thinking cap, adopting the clear understanding that the truth of any matter can most often be discovered at the opposite end of the public rhetoric Read full details in NEWS This process is protected by patent 4,, This might be the "great" sword being wielded by the forces of Antichrist in Revelation 6: With this weapon, you could attack targets with nuclear-sized explosions without having to deliver nuclear warheads on missiles, or on aircraft, or any carrier!!

    This development could render all military calculations about how to defend against an enemy's attack completely useless. Warheads carried on missiles are obsolete!! If both sides can create nuclear-sized explosions without radiation by HARRP-type radio transmitting towers, you would not need missiles to carry warheads.

    How can you defend against a nuclear-sized attack that is being initiated by silent, invisible ELF radio waves? How do you defend against a nuclear-sized attack when it is being initiated by ELF radio waves that are being generated on enemy territory, fly up to the ionosphere above his territory, and then bounce back down to your territory to create the explosion! The only way a military commander can protect against nuclear-sized explosions being delivered by electro-magnetic waves at the speed of light is by having a Tesla Dome Shield already deployed.

    With this understanding, you can see yet another reason why this nonsensical rhetorical campaign against Iran for her supposed nuclear weapons program is so ridiculous. Why would Iran -- or any other nation on earth -- risk a mighty military attack from America and Israel over a weapons program which is clearly obsolete? Now you can understand why Iranian leadership is so confident that America will never attack.