A Reflection of Tomorrow

Reflections on the Readings used in the daily celebration of the Eucharist in the Catholic Church. Also includes biographies of saints celebrated during the.
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The Lord then says that those who follow him must also take up their crosses if they are to be his true disciples. The Christian faith is not without its trials and these too have to be taken on board if we are to attain eternal life in the Kingdom. When we prevent the Kingdom of God from being realised on earth — even if it is simply because we do nothing — then we are no better than Satan who does not want the Kingdom of God to become a reality.

In our second reading, the author again exhorts the people to faith in practice, to an active faith. It is very easy for someone to say that they believe in God, and for that faith to go no further than mere words. A true faith is one which sees the believer going into action because of the faith, which is a living and dynamic faith, a faith which informs all that the Christian does.

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There are those who are unable to act for a variety of reasons, but the vast majority of people can act and the author is calling on those people to act and live out their faith. For the author, faith without good works is a lifeless or dead faith.

Reflections on a New Tomorrow by Robert Sheldon

Of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time. In our first reading for today St Paul is admonishing the Corinthians for the manner in which they celebrate the Eucharist. He reminds them of the true significance of the Eucharist.

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This passage is also the earliest record in the New Testament of the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday night. Jesus meets a centurion in our Gospel today whose faith is far stronger than many of those who follow him. He does not need Jesus to come to his house for his servant to be cured but only wants Jesus to will it or say it.

This is the faith which we are all called to have — complete trust and belief in the Son of God no matter what.

Weekday Homily Resources

The first reading from the letter to the Ephesians is one which was quoted from by St Albert in the Rule of Life he left for the first Carmelites. The passage reminds us that even though has been won by the Christian is to remain vigilant because the forces are still at work, trying to lead people away from God. In his Rule , Albert exhorted the early hermits to be aware of the presence of the evil one and to arm themselves against him. The gospel text reminds us that we are servants to one another and are not to be served.

We are servants of God, servants of the Gospel, and servants of one another.

A Catholic Moment

This is very much found in the Carmelite Rule where the Prior is first among equals and is not their lord or master, but is their leader for a time. These readings are particularly important for us as Carmelites as they give scriptural grounding to our way of life. In our first reading today St Paul uses the analogy of the body to speak about the Church. The body is made up of many diverse parts and yet they all work together to form a seamless and organic unit.

Wisdom leads to equilibrium and balance in our judgments and assessments. We prepare for this gift in our effort to make good decisions and live by them.

Perpetually Dissatisfied

The supernatural gifts build upon the human virtues. Lord Jesus, I am indebted to you for your teaching and your example. Help me to learn from your life and your example, and keep me from ever dismissing them as irrelevant. Help me to be constant in my resolutions so that I will continue to grow closer to you and serve you better. You are not subscribed to the Daily Reflection.

WEEKDAY HOMILIES | Justmehomely's Blog

Toggle navigation A Resource for Catholic Priests. English Spanish Luke 7: Lord, give me discernment and constancy in my efforts to follow you. St Matthew, apostle and Evangelist 21 September. St Matthew, apostle and Evangelist September 21st, 1st Reading: Saturday, Week 25 22 September. Saturday, Week 25 September 22nd, 1st Reading: Monday, Week 25 24 September. Monday, Week 25 September 24th, 1st Reading: Tuesday, Week 25 25 September.

Tuesday, Week 25 September 25th, 1st Reading: Wednesday, Week 25 26 September. Wednesday, Week 25 September 26th, 1st Reading: Thursday, Week 25 27 September. Thursday, Week 25 September 27th, 1st Reading: Vanity of vanities Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities!

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