ERG: Unit of Power

The erg is the standard unit of energy in the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) or small-unit metric system. It is an amount of energy equivalent to that expended by a.
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After the steam engine was invented, James Watt, an inventor and an engineer, worked on improving it and on making it more efficient. Power is one indicator of efficiency — if a given engine is modified and its power output increases, so does its efficiency. To show efficiency of the improved engine Watt suggested horsepower as a unit of power.

Until the invention of engines, humans relied mainly on human and animal manual labor, so it was natural for Watt to compare the power output of the new steam engine with the power of horses, especially because not every mine where he marketed his steam engine used technology; some used only horses. Thus, having a standardized measure was useful for comparing the power output between different engines and horses.

This measure was later used for other machines such as automobiles. Watt measured this unit of power by observing and evaluating the work of draft horses in a mill.

Unit Converter

One horsepower is equivalent to watts. It is now believed that horses are not capable of working at this capacity for a long period of time, but the unit stays unchanged. Even though watts as a unit have existed nearly as long as horsepower, the latter is more commonly used in automobile industry. Household appliances generally have their power indicated on them. Light fixtures sometimes allow only light bulbs of or below a certain power, for example 60 watts.

Units of Energy | Energy Fundamentals

This is because light bulbs with greater power may damage the lamp or the fixture due to heat they produce. In household lighting this problem may be solved by using lamps that are not incandescent, as those generally consume considerably less power for the same brightness output.

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  • Erg Per Second Conversion Chart (Power Units Converter, Common Units).

Most manufacturers are working on improving the efficiency of appliances, as well as light bulbs. Brightness or luminosity of a light bulb depends on power and on the type of bulb. It is measured in lumens. Below is a comparison of power of different light sources for home use, with luminous power information.

It is evident from the comparison above that the LEDs require less power, thus they are more efficient in operation. A unit price for an LED light is still high compared to incandescent lights, but over the long-term use it is cost-efficient. Some countries implemented or are planning to implement a ban on incandescent lights because of their low energy efficiency. Power of household appliances differs by the maker and the model and they have different power while performing different types of work, but here are some examples of average and approximate values. Machines are not the only objects that can be evaluated through power.

Work produced by animals and humans can be measured using power.

Convert erg/second [erg/s] watt [W]

For example, power of an athlete throwing a basketball can be calculated by finding the force, with which she propels the ball for a given distance, and the time during which she completes this work. For example, this calculator shows that a person cm tall and weighing 70 kg will produce a power output of Some athletes use special devices for these calculations, record their performance with respect to power output, and then analyze it to determine the effectiveness of their workout program.

Power can be measured by a special device, a dynamometer. This is a small unit of energy, equivalent to 0. To convert from joules to ergs, multiply by 10 7. Conversely, multiply by 10 It has been suggested that 1 erg is approximately the amount of energy required for a mosquito to take off. This unit is seldom used today, but it can be found in some older scientific literature, especially in Europe. Please check the box if you want to proceed. The Whistleblower Protection Act of is a law that protects federal government employees in the United States from A smart contract, also known as a cryptocontract, is a computer program that directly controls the transfer of digital currencies A risk map, also known as a risk heat map, is a data visualization tool for communicating specific risks an organization faces.

Erg Per Second Conversion Chart

Access control is a security technique that regulates who or what can view or use resources in a computing environment. An ethical hacker, also referred to as a white hat hacker, is an information security expert who systematically attempts to Your contribution may be further edited by our staff, and its publication is subject to our final approval. Unfortunately, our editorial approach may not be able to accommodate all contributions.

Our editors will review what you've submitted, and if it meets our criteria, we'll add it to the article. Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Other units of energy also are used, in specific contexts, such as the still smaller unit, the electron volt, on the atomic and subatomic scale. Joule , unit of work or energy in the International System of Units SI ; it is equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one metre.

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Named in honour of the English physicist James Prescott Joule, it equals 10 7 ergs, or approximately 0. Help us improve this article!