Guide 1001 Funny and Witty Twitter Tweets

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Funny and Witty Twitter Tweets [Charlie Bennett] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Everyone appreciates a sharp wit. The most.
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It could be because they share valuable, educational content that appeals to your interests and needs. Or, it could be that they give you access to exclusive deals, coupons, or other promotions. Or, maybe they're just ridiculously funny. Truthfully, the best brands to follow in social media should probably have a combination of all those characteristics. But I'd venture to say that many of you are following a brand simply for its entertainment value.

I know I am. You know -- the brands that really tickle your funny bone and sometimes even make your sides hurt from laughter. And while it may not seem like a funny update has any value, surely there's value in showing off your personality and being a lovable brand, right? So to help bring out your inner comedian, we've compiled a list of brands whose social media presence gives us the giggles.

Check 'em out. You mean the toilet paper company? Darn tootin'! Just check out the following series of tweets to see what we mean. Charmin is a great example of a brand whose humor aligns with the products it sells.

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And don't you just love that tweetfromtheseat hashtag? That awkward moment when you use the work bathroom and the seat is warm. CharminAsks : What are you thoughts on streaming while streaming? Taco Bell is known for using humor throughout their marketing and advertising, and their social media accounts are no different. From witty one-liners to clever photo updates, Taco Bell's Facebook and Twitter presence is sure to make you crack a smile -- even when they just tweet a whole bunch of taco emojis and call it a day.

Did you hear about our TacoEmojiEngine? Innocent Drinks is one of my favorite brands to follow on Twitter and Facebook. They may be a smoothie and juice brand, but most of their social media posts aren't about smoothies or drinks at all. Check out the examples below to see what I mean.

1001 Funny Jokes

We've always admired them for their consistently lovable branding. Here's an explanation -- which goes to show how clever their social strategy really is:. Old Spice is known for their funny -- and often ridiculous -- marketing content. And what better place to let their freak flag fly than on social media? My favorite might be their making fun of Twitter polls.

Not everything JetBlue posts is necessarily laugh-out-loud funny, but the brand does a great job of infusing some of its humorous personality into its updates, balancing informational content with lighthearted updates like the Facebook post you see below.

Santa, Scrooge and a gingerbread man walk into an airport. It is now safe to bust a move about the cabin. They're even known for being humorous in their replies to customers' tweets, when appropriate. Here's an example :. As in, the lunar rover.

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These NASA-run social media accounts feature sassy, first-person updates from the rover itself, who incorporates funny pop culture references and a bold attitude. And, oh yeah -- its Twitter account has more than 2. Not too shabby, NASA. True Confession: I double dipped.

Testing the second of three planned sand scoops at Mars' Namib Dune. I'm on a road trip to Mars' Bagnold Dunes. What's new with you? No shame in my selfie game. These pics help my team see the state of hardware over time. Here, let me jog your memory:. The idea is just to keep it authentic. Satan works at mashable pic. The world is scary and surreal.

Oscar Isaac with this little Poe figure is the only thing that makes sense right now pic. The key to social media success for the folks at Wendy's? Simple, hilarious, and kind of The stuff fries dream about.

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Take that, economy. The folks at Moosejaw Mountaineering call themselves "the most fun outdoor retailer on the planet," according to their Twitter description -- and they aren't lying. Some is related to the outdoors, some isn't. Like A24, some of their Facebook posts sound like your best friend telling you an unfiltered story, like the MC Hammer example below. MC Hammer came to me in a dream last night and told me that too legit to quit was based on Kant's categorical imperative. So there's that.

I get so hungry in the morning that I think something is wrong with me. It can be hard for B2B companies to find the balance between humor and professionalism on social media. Money is green, spreadsheets are blue, if you love numbers our Dublin Accounts Payable Administer job is for you.

Would you "Holla for Challah bread"? Whole Foods wants you to, and that's just one of its witty little Facebook updates. Mainly sharing recipe and food ideas through its Facebook page and Twitter feed, Whole Foods adds a dash of humor that makes it a lot more fun to follow than your average recipe source. We love their cheeky HealthYeah hashtag, too. You really should make your own salad dressing It's really, really simple! Whether they're poking fun at the characters in their TV shows or quoting one of their comedies, Netflix is always posting a myriad of funny social media posts to their Twitter and Facebook Pages.

Most of them include short clips or GIFs of their shows, which serve as great visual reminders that we need to get watchin'. Check out some of the most witty ones out there. Running in movies since Form an orderly queue, gents. Olympia, Conan, Terminator, and Governor of California. I killed the Predator.

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Hey, you gotta live, you know? I was in the crowd when Rafiki held Simba over the edge of the cliff, like an African Michael Jackson. Keith does not tweet, dig?