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The 5 Greatest Spankings of All Time book. Showing I wonder if the fact that they lived on a ranch helped them get into trouble as much as it Why Don't Horses Wear Pajamas? Why Don't Worms Have Heads? (Wyatt Wonders, #2).
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Deidre recently posted Some cakes need more than one pair of hands. I just love back-to-school when I can get a matching notebook, folder, planner, pen, pencils and pencil case. And my Neti Pot. Saves me from many sinus headaches becoming full blown migraines.

I literally never leave the house without that massive, heavy camera bag. Heather recently posted Yellow Daisies. Fireworks Popcorn, especially the High Mountain midnight. I eat popcorn almost every day, so this is important. Reach Total Care dental floss. Cannot say enough good about it.

Suebob recently posted Music Matters: A Rant. I love the color and it has a hint of mint that keeps my lips feeling cool.

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My other favorite thing is Ticonderoga Beginners pencils. Terry Pratchett books. I was in a really bad place and the wry, funny humor in the Discworld series gave me a nice place to go when it got dark. I had an e-reader before the Kindles became available in Canada, and then my husband bought me one for Christmas last year.

And then I was super sad when it was done. When did this become about Neil Gaiman? I love that I get to buy books at 3am from the comfort of my bed. Screw you, KOBO!

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Actually I have 2 and I refuse to share either one with my husband. Palmers skin therapy oil—absorbs fast and smells great and is cheap! Thierry Mugler Angel perfume—got me a man… Enid Collins vintage purses—so cute!

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Anice recently posted Lime in the Coconut Part Dos. Who, of course. My public library. Yay libraries! My orthotic flip flops, made by Orthaheels. Because my 42 year old feet think they are 75, but nobody has to know it. I wear them all the time. The internet.

I know that sounds silly, but what I really mean are the friends I have made through my computer machines. Also, ice packs. I was in a serious car accident awhile ago that may-or-may-not have given me a hairline fracture in one of my cervical vertebrae. Ice packs are the only thing that keep me able to sit up straight some days.

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My kindle. Especially flowers. Also, Alan Rickman as the voice of God. I will never be bored waiting for anything again. When I lost my regular Kindle, I decided to upgrade to a Fire. I agree with you on the bath sheets! Love them! Well, this blog, duh. Plus noise-cancelling headphones for plane trips. TravelSkite recently posted A plus and two minuses. Also, rollerblades. The day I get too old to rollerblade, I think I might as well just curl up and die.

Err… Stupendous device! That and Moscato wine. I have the same ones because I have chronically cold feet and metal instead of bones in one of my ankles and these are a life saver. My partner refuses to look at me if I have them on. I love my Twisty Towel for my hair after washing it.

I even take mine with me when I go on vacation or over night visits.

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I really like my one button push to open and close umbrella. Thrift stores in general but mostly Goodwill. Never mind that if I were actually looking for semen and had the tools to do so… I probably would find some. I look for old action figures and Little Golden Books, and happy meal toys. I found these lace socks at Payless that are pretty much the only kind of socks I like, probably because they are spun from moonbeams and unicorn hair.

Rebekah recently posted Ladders. I took them under protest when I replaced my 12 year old car. Who knew that heated seats in a car were the cure for an achy back?

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My dogs. Bath and body works three wick candles. I wake up every morning with him beside me in the same spot, and sometimes he cuddles underneath the blankets with me. He meows on command and when I make a kissy sound at him, he turns his head down for me to kiss the top of it. That is a real thing. Hair Bling is basically individual strands of tinsel that you tie into your hair.

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Comes in all different colors. I prefer the copper, because I have red hair. Apparently, I never outgrew that stage of development where I am distracted by pretty, shiny, sparkly things. Strangely enough, whenever I have bling in my hair, I get stopped by strangers on the street at least once a day. I am an ambassador of sparkly things. Another thing I love. LUSH bath bombs and bubble bars. I save them for special occasions. There is a sparkly one that I love, of course. Nestle break and bake chocolate chip cookies.

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Pledge pet hair rollers. I have 2 cats that shed way too much and the thing works great. Smart, geeky, fun and full of biblio-love and literary inside jokes. Just reread for the hundredth time and I still laughed out loud constantly. Because I am hot for both those guys, but especially the City of London, as portrayed in the series.

Skip the nicotine and the rampant sexism, and bring on those Peter Pan collars Bollywood music on itunes…. My Tervis tumbler. I am one of those people who has to always have something to drink.

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PM: it keeps my wine slushies cold as fuck for the ride to pick the kids up from school. Talenti Double Chocolate Gelato topped with their Roman Raspberry Sorbet has to be the one thing that puts me in that special place. Paula recently posted Oh Hello Spinning Wheel. Not so cheap, but cheaper than other tablets. But my most treasured possession is my sewing machine.