Guide Three Wet and Wacky Gray Wednesdays (Sharona Dugan Book 3)

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I have this weird fetish for tractors, implements and lawn mowers that my wife does not share with me. Somehow, we wandered through booths of make up, purses, belts and bed sheets and never ended up near a tractor or a lawn mower. My father-in-law used his super powers to get us back to the beer garden before we finally worked our way to the last stop - the grand stand. There we would be cat called to buy everything from more make up to roasted nuts. This muscular, good-looking dude lured her in with the promise to make her wrinkles disappear. Taxation without representation is the act of being taxed by an authority without the benefit of having elected representatives or a vote.

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The term became part of an anti-British slogan when the original 13 American colonies aimed to revolt against the British Empire. Would it also seem reasonable or fair that a person from Medicine Lodge who owns no personal property, but rents a house, has a bigger voice on issues that affect the individual I described above?

It happens all of the time. In the meantime, we have no say-so on their local issues. Others see it as taxation without representation. You bet he would. How would that affect the small farmer or rancher who is trying to build a herd of cattle? By the way, if you are the renter in the second example I gave, would it be reasonable that your rent will increase? Fast forward a few years after taxes increase drastically.

You know what happens? Land sells to more people from out of county who have no say-so on local issues - Businesses fail - Jobs are lost - People move - Populations decrease even further. Want an example?

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Visit our property in the panhandle of Texas. Once a thriving area, is now full of ghost towns and high taxes. I was drinking coffee and watching the news when it broke. I thought the first plane was just a horrific accident. Ronda was in the shower and I ran in to tell her as the second plane struck the towers.

I was 31 years old. Ronda was We remember like it was yesterday.

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Two of my friends, Nate and Dale, stepped up to serve their country and volunteered to fight the terrorists on their soil. Thankfully, they both returned home to their families, certainly changed by their experiences, but viewed by me as heroes who stood against terrorism. So much of the world has changed since then. The way we fly, the way we get our news and the way we view people who are of a different culture. It changed us.

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Take a moment Wednesday morning to remember that on September 11, , at a. Never forget. It was to be the new poster child of the green movement. Politicians scrambled for cover. Now, largely embarrassed members of the City Council are trying to figure out how to unwind the renewable mess they and their predecessors voted themselves into. On Aug. The city is also raising property taxes. Agree to disagree I guess.

Mike Henry will be happy to know he is the reason we lost a subscriber. Kidding Mike! Could that have been it? No, I doubt that could offend the staunchest of Democrats. I just skip those channels or articles and move on. I really thought the divisiveness over politics had skipped over our tight communities, but I suppose I am too naive to think that my neighbors could think differently about politics and I could still like them. Drop your subscription. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, Martians, Mike Henry, or whatever trips you, tells me what kind of people you really are.

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I also liked the fact that this woman made the phone call while her adult son was in the background telling her what to say. What a great big man you are sir. Your mom actually sounded very polite when she called.

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It was the noise in the background that changed her tone when Ronda asked for examples of what you all were offended by. By the way, I am a registered Republican. I was a Democrat for a while and then an Independent and then a Republican again. I have actually considered the Libertarian Party. I think my views line up more with that party than any.

Regardless, I have many friends and family members with different views about politics. I still love them. We try to just agree to disagree and get along. One last thing: My wife was about to offer you a spot in our paper to express your political views, but you hung up on her before she had the chance The announcement came, as no surprise, to us about a month ago. Most of you in the area know who my daughter is. A lot of you also know Miguel. Miguel has been a familiar face in Medicine Lodge for many years. Together they will be a blended family of 7 and we instantly became grandparents to 5 kids ranging in age from These are two loving adults loving a lot of kids at once.

They will be married on Saturday, August 24th with family and friends present. A reception is planned afterwards. Sunday their time and 7 p. Saturday our time. One more congratulations goes out to Doris Sorg. Doris was with us for Ronda and I are so proud of her and cherish her friendship! Congrats Doris!! We are rejoining forces with Ranch Rodeo and the Powwow to bring an added value to an already great time. We just want it to be yearly and not every three years that you think of coming home and visiting Medicine Lodge and Barber County.

There is no attempt to do any harm and we understand that change is hard. Trust me, no one understands that more than we do.