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The gun had dropped from Rudge's hand and was now lying on a narrow board balanced across the edge of the gaping hole like a gangplank. Rudge reached.
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Scientists have a few ideas for what dark matter might be. One leading hypothesis is that dark matter consists of exotic particles that don't interact with normal matter or light but that still exert a gravitational pull. Several scientific groups, including one at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, are currently working to generate dark matter particles for study in the lab.

Other scientists think the effects of dark matter could be explained by fundamentally modifying our theories of gravity. According to such ideas, there are multiple forms of gravity, and the large-scale gravity governing galaxies differs from the gravity to which we are accustomed. Dark energy is even more mysterious, and its discovery in the s was a complete shock to scientists. Previously, physicists had assumed that the attractive force of gravity would slow down the expansion of the universe over time.

But when two independent teams tried to measure the rate of deceleration, they found that the expansion was actually speeding up.

Black Holes Are Invisible. But Now There Are 3 New Ways to ‘See’ Them

One scientist likened the finding to throwing a set of keys up in the air expecting them to fall back down-only to see them fly straight up toward the ceiling. Scientists now think that the accelerated expansion of the universe is driven by a kind of repulsive force generated by quantum fluctuations in otherwise "empty" space. What's more, the force seems to be growing stronger as the universe expands. For lack of a better name, scientists call this mysterious force dark energy.

The recent scientific surprise involves a black hole from the second class, with a mass of about million times that of our sun, that existed when our universe was a mere million years old. Don Lincoln. So why is that surprising? Black holes are like humans.

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They start out small and they grow over time. There is a lot of exciting and mind-blowing science that goes into understanding this most recent observation. The first point is that black holes are, well, black. They don't emit any light at all. Thus, what scientists observed was not the black hole itself, but rather a thing called a quasar, the first of which was discovered in Quasars, short for quasi-stellar object, are the brightest persistent things in the universe.

They appear to be small and emit energy prodigiously. The reason they seem small is because they are so incredibly far away.

  1. The Invisible Universe Exposed.
  2. Untangling the Mystery of Black Holes.
  3. Heart of Darkness: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe?

They were initially a mystery, and in the s there were all sorts of types of speculation as to what they were, including that they might be a sort of "white hole" -- the other side of a black hole, where the mass and energy of a black hole was emitted into our universe. We now know that quasars are actually supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies. These celestial monsters are millions or even billions of times the mass of our sun.

But not all supermassive black holes are quasars. To be a quasar, the black hole must be feeding -- consuming the gas and stars around it at a breathtaking pace. As that matter spirals down into oblivion, it heats up to outrageous temperatures and emits light. It's that light that we see, and why we know that there is a large black hole at the center of this distant galaxy. Something is wrong with dark matter. The recent observation is the most distant quasar ever observed.

The mystery of the early universe's enormous black hole (Opinon) - CNN

It is powered by an enormous black hole, and it existed when the universe was in its infancy. Rovelli and his colleagues previously estimated that it would take a black hole with a mass equal to that of the sun about a quadrillion times the current age of the universe to convert into a white hole. However, prior work in the s and s suggested that black holes also could have originated within a second after the Big Bang, due to random fluctuations of density in the hot, rapidly expanding newborn universe.

Areas where these fluctuations concentrated matter together could have collapsed to form black holes. Even white holes with microscopic diameters could still be quite massive, just as black holes smaller than a sand grain can weigh more than the moon.

Bullet Holes

Now, Rovelli and study co-author Francesca Vidotto, of the University of the Basque Country in Spain, suggest that these microscopic white holes could make up dark matter. As its name suggests, dark matter is invisible; it does not emit, reflect or even block light. As a result, dark matter can currently be tracked only through its gravitational effects on normal matter, such as that making up stars and galaxies. The nature of dark matter is currently one of the greatest mysteries in science.