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Love,] That wherewith Christ has loved us>, 1 John iv. 10; wherefore some read it thus, Stay,] Or, sustain, strengthen, uphold ye me. The church in her soul-.
Table of contents

7 Habits of Highly Effective People [Summary & Takeaways]

The second component is learning: the growth that comes from gaining new knowledge and skills. Learning can bestow a technical advantage and status as an expert. Learning can also set in motion a virtuous cycle: People who are developing their abilities are likely to believe in their potential for further growth. The two qualities work in concert; one without the other is unlikely to be sustainable and may even damage performance.

Learning, for instance, creates momentum for a time, but without passion it can lead to burnout. Why should I stick with this job? The combination of vitality and learning leads to employees who deliver results and find ways to grow. In short, they are thriving, and the energy they create is contagious.

Over the past seven years, we have been researching the nature of thriving in the workplace and the factors that enhance or inhibit it. Across several studies with our colleagues Cristina Gibson and Flannery Garnett, we surveyed or interviewed more than 1, white- and blue-collar employees in an array of industries, including higher education, health care, financial services, maritime, energy, and manufacturing.

Callings in the Church

We also studied metrics reflecting energy, learning, and growth, based on information supplied by employees and bosses, along with retention rates, health, overall job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. When you put the two together, the statistics are striking. The outcomes on one measure in particular—health—were even more extreme. Some employees thrive no matter the context.

They naturally build vitality and learning into their jobs, and they inspire the people around them. A smart hiring manager will look for those people. But most employees are influenced by their environment. Even those predisposed to flourish can fold under pressure. The good news is that—without heroic measures or major financial investments—leaders and managers can jump-start a culture that encourages employees to thrive.

Sustain Patience, Sustain Effort, Sustain Learning

That is, managers can overcome organizational inertia to promote thriving and the productivity that follows it—in many cases with a relatively modest shift in attention. Our research has uncovered four mechanisms that create the conditions for thriving employees: providing decision-making discretion, sharing information, minimizing incivility, and offering performance feedback. The mechanisms overlap somewhat. One mechanism by itself will get you part of the way, but all four are necessary to create a culture of thriving. Employees at every level are energized by the ability to make decisions that affect their work.

Empowering them in this way gives them a greater sense of control, more say in how things get done, and more opportunities for learning. The airline industry might seem like an unlikely place to find decision-making discretion let alone a thriving workforce , but consider one company we studied, Alaska Airlines, which created a culture of empowerment that has contributed to a major turnaround over the past decade.

Agents embraced the program, which gave them, for instance, the discretion to find solutions for customers who had missed flights or were left behind for any other reason.


The customer had a three-month-old grandchild who had just gone into cardiac arrest. The grandparents were trying to get back to Seattle from Honolulu. Everything was booked. Ron made a few calls and got them on a flight right away. Efforts like this to meet individual needs without holding up flights have led to a number one rating for on-time performance and a full trophy case. The airline has also expanded considerably into new markets, including Hawaii, the Midwest, and the East Coast.

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Flight attendants are often eager to sing, joke around, and in general entertain customers. They also radiate energy and a passion for learning. One decided to offer the preflight safety instructions in rap format.

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He was motivated to put his special talents to work, and the passengers loved it, reporting that it was the first time they had actually paid attention to the instructions. At Facebook, decision-making discretion is fundamental to the culture. On just his second day of work, he found a fix to a complicated bug.

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The challenge for managers is to avoid cutting back on empowerment when people make mistakes. Those situations create the best conditions for learning—not only for the parties concerned but also for others, who can learn vicariously. The Plan was launched with traditional communications but also with a months-long road show and training classes designed to help employees share ideas.

Implementation of a more formal and meaningful open book policy was not easy. The greeter game challenged the host team to greet every customer within five minutes of being seated, with a modest financial reward for 50 straight days of success. It inspired hosts to quickly uncover and fix holes in the service process. Service scores improved considerably over the course of a month. Start Here. Share article: x x. Please allow me to share some core ideas to help you sustain your A-Game every day: 1.

See a Problem?

So you get that the caliber of your associations determines the level of your success… …some intelligent research has been done on the drivers of exceptional performance read Talent is Overrated , for example. And the will to amp up to your next level can be left behind… …what makes true icons is that they know that the top of one mountain just allows you to see the next peaks to climb. Your success partner,. New to Robin? Start here. Want Robin to mentor you? Latest Articles See more.

How billionaires start their days. The Antidote to Procrastination. I'd love to meet you. A giant thank you to all my readers for making The 5AM Club one of the 1 selling books in the world right now. The goals and targets are universal, meaning they apply to all countries around the world, not just poor countries. Reaching the goals requires action on all fronts — governments, businesses, civil society and people everywhere all have a role to play. Sustainable development is in the news every day as the world copes with climate change, biodiversity loss, conflict and resource scarcity.

Follow us on Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn and subscribe to our biweekly e-newsletter to stay connected to the global conversation. There must be a foundation of trust, along with a clear plan to protect vulnerable segments of the population and, ideally, to phase in the reforms gradually. When we talk about solving the climate crisis, we should have more than just a technical lens; we should also be talking about compassion, grief, fear and hope. This book provides a detailed overview of models used in designing projects and policies that integrate sustainable development considerations and objectives.

Adopting recycling in the mining sector and in supply chains is essential to ensure the transition to a low-carbon economy is responsible and sustainable for the longer term. Looking for a book or podcast on sustainable development to enjoy during the holidays?