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These stories have been taken from the great mass of unwritten lore that is to the boys and girls of the Shan mountain country of Burma what "Rapunzel", "Snow.
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A strong wind from the east blew over the sea and began pushing the water to both sides. As one of the people on the shore stepped into the sea, the earth appeared and a clear path opened up for everyone to cross over! When the Egyptians saw those whom they had ruled for so long leaving them behind, they were amazed. They whipped their horses and ran madly after the people to catch them before they reached the other side. But their chariots got stuck in the muddy earth and the trapped soldiers could not get through.

When the people were all safely across, the wind stopped blowing and the waters of the sea crashed down upon the Egyptians. From the first to the last, everyone had crossed over to freedom! When you first heard and saw the Egyptian army coming after you, what would you do? Now add to your picture the people camped out on the shore of the Sea of Reeds.

When you saw the first person step into the sea, what did you think would happen? What would the people find on the other side of the sea? The clouds and the fire are no longer before you. How will you find your way? Please tell me. The guru told the man to own as little as possible and to live as simply as he could. So the student gave up all his things and moved to a tiny hut far from other people.

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Every morning he woke up at dawn, did yoga, and sat in silence for a long time. One day the man discovered something quite unusual had happened. Since he had nothing else, it seemed he had no choice but to go to the village and beg for another. The villagers were happy to give him one, but only a few days later the birds returned and ruined it again. So the man asked for and got a cat. Then he needed to beg for milk to feed the cat.

After a time the villagers grew weary of giving him milk for the cat. So he went and asked for a cow. Once he had the cow, he needed hay to feed the cow.


His neighbors told him to stop begging and grow his own hay. Surely he could see that there was plenty of farmland to be had. So the simple man became a farmer. Soon he had to build barns and hire workers. After a long time without hearing from his student, the guru came at last to see how he was doing. Do you know where he has gone? Tell a story about how something you did turned out much different than you wanted.

When he was young, Gluscabi went hunting in the forest for some animals to eat. But even though Gluscabi walked very quietly in his moccasins, the animals sensed he was there and hid from him. Gluscabi did not catch a single one.

Grandmother heard his singing and she made him a special game bag with hair from a deer. Gluscabi was not satisfied with it. Then Grandmother wove moose hairs into the bag, but Gluscabi kept on singing. Finally Grandmother took some hair from her own belly and sewed it into the bag. Now the bag could stretch and stretch and become bigger and bigger.

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Gluscabi was pleased with this magic game bag and carried it back to the forest with him. The earth is going to be destroyed.

But have no fear; I have come to help you. The animals were scared but eventually they crept toward Gluscabi and asked how he meant to help them. Gluscabi tied the bag closed with all the animals in it and ran home. He was very happy. Gluscabi showed her the magic bag. I got all the animals to go into the bag. Now whenever we want to eat meat we can take one out.

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  • Shan Folklore Stories from the Hill and Water Country of Burma : William C Griggs : ;

Grandmother was not pleased. There are no animals left in the forest, and all the animals in your bag will die without food and water. They cannot breathe. There will be no animals left on the earth. I want my children, their children, and all their children to live with the animals. I only did this because hunting is so hard. The animals will become wiser too when you hunt them.

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  8. Some will always get away from the arrows you shoot and the traps you set. All will live in balance. This is a good way. Gluscabi agreed. He took the magic bag back to the forest and let all the animals go. You are safe now. And all the animals went back to their place in the forest. Gluscabi listened to Grandmother, so we still see animals everywhere on the earth. What would you do after you found hunting to be so hard?

    Would you ask for help? Would you make a magic bag for Gluscabi? What do you do now? Draw or paint a picture of how they are living now. Once there was a young boy named Onami who dreamed of becoming a great wrestler. He was big and strong and, from the first of his lessons, practiced hard to learn all the moves his teacher taught him. By the time he grew up Onami became so good at wrestling that he could even defeat his own teacher. But that was only when they were alone. If people were watching, it was entirely different. Then even some of the newer students could toss Onami to the ground.

    One day Onami heard about a master teacher named Hakuju who was visiting a little temple nearby. Right away Hakuju was kind to Onami and offered to help. In his heart, Onami knew that what the master said was right, but still he was afraid. Tonight, go sit in the temple and concentrate on being quiet and still. Breath deeply and imagine yourself as great waves coming from a great ocean. Then you will see how powerful you really are! Inside the temple, Onami sat alone and began to see himself as a great wave. Whenever he became distracted, Onami remembered to concentrate on his name again.