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In volume two of her compelling new Shadows of Brierley series, renowned LDS author Anita Stansfield once again weaves a rich narrative her readers can.
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I think I saw it in Layton! Love and prayers to you sweet sweet Lady. I feel like it ended on a cliffhanger there and I would love to know what happens next! I was wondering if you were going to post book notes for the books you have written since A Raven's Heart. I love knowing the back story behind the books. They are all wonderful. Post a Comment. Sort order.

Apr 09, Jana rated it really liked it. I know there is a lot of criticism of this book, but I like these stories. The simple faith of the characters is inspiring to me. It gives me a little look into what it may have been like to be an early convert of the church and to find the Book of Mormon. It makes me remember the gifts I have been given in my life and that I take for granted. It makes me want to be a little better. Dec 20, Tiffany rated it liked it.

Still rolling my eyes, but I'm also still reading the series! Oct 22, Abbie Butcher rated it it was ok. Way too preachy for my taste, I really thought since this book is part of a four-book series that it would only get better and better from book 1. Still boring.

Still preachy. I'm only reading the next to say that I finished the series, not because I've enjoyed it in the least.

A Far Horizon

Aug 22, Bethany rated it it was ok. Just finishsed!!! I liked the first book better and I'm not really sure I care to read the next book. I'm content with the story ending with this book. I lost interest towards the end and started skimming as quickly as I could just to be done. I have a hard time reading her books. Her books tend to be a little too cheesy and unrealistic to me.


I find that I roll my eyes alot and skip over parts. My mom keeps sending her books to me But I struggle!!! However, Just finishsed!!! However, this series is not bad. I think because I LOVE historical fiction and the fact that this takes place in the early 's the first book was in Scotland There are so many other words out there to use!!

View 2 comments. Many years ago I read an Anita Stansfield book. She is an author not to my liking.

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Too much death, illness, crying and sorrow--without any joy to relieve it all. I gagged my way through it and have never read another of her books which are many until this one. And just why would I force myself to gag down another Anita Stansfield book? Well my mother is in the nursing home and has been too feeble to hold and read a book. She started this book before she fell and so I have been reading it out Many years ago I read an Anita Stansfield book.

She started this book before she fell and so I have been reading it out loud to her. So I read it because I love my mother. I hope she is strong enough to hold a book before she asks me to read the third in the series. I just don't know if I can do it. Jan 04, Mary Ann rated it did not like it. I kind of liked the first book of this series, and was hoping I would like this one, but it was so depressing, and dragged on and on.

I really didn't even want to finish it. One thing I don't like is how she tackles gospel topics.

She writes like she is informing a non-member, so she goes into great detail. Sorry, but I really don't think many if any non-members are reading her books. Get on with the story please! If she actually did that, maybe the book wouldn't have to be a series. Maybe she could write one really good book instead a series of long, boring books! Mar 12, Aleisa rated it liked it. Anita Stansfield can write. Some of her books have been well-crafted. But her real talent lies in being a storyteller.

She can create some compelling stories--and this is why I always come back to her for a fun story. In recent years though, her writing has become more shallow and her books are just mediocre updates on characters she talked us into loving. The stories are still ultimately enjoyable but it's like listening to someone tell you a long-drawn out story when you would really just like Anita Stansfield can write.

The stories are still ultimately enjoyable but it's like listening to someone tell you a long-drawn out story when you would really just like them to get to their point. May 25, Jodie rated it liked it. It took me awhile to get "hooked" on this one. I feel as if Anita's story was too wishful and unrealistic. What bothered me the most was that she used terminology that was LDS church related for someone who knows nothing of the LDS church. These terms would only be used by someone who was. I feel as if she needed to do more research on how someone would actually feel as an investigator of the church and how they would have been raised so that the picture they would feel would be more acurate.

May 31, Evelyn Sheehan rated it it was amazing. Anita has done it again!

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