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In the present study, an attempt was made to establish the association between the prakriti and BMI. BMI was broadly classified into three categories. The subjects with BMI less than 20, between 20 and 25, and greater than 25 were denoted as low, moderate, and high BMI, respectively.

The impact of the second dosha was also analyzed in relation to BMI; with subjects belonging to kapha constituents and vata prakriti as their second dosha showed lower BMI as opposed to subjects with pitta as their second dosha.

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A similar trend was also observed in vata constituent subjects who showed higher BMI with kapha as their second prakriti. A statistical test to measure the relatedness using the Cramer's test yielded a value of 0. The incidences of each of the blood groups in the three extreme constitutional types were computed and are shown in Table 2. The distribution of blood groups was O Our results are in agreement with national average distribution of blood groups.

Distribution of blood groups in percentage was represented among dominant prakriti. Prakriti assessment is critical to the practice of Ayurveda, which prompted several researchers and ayurvedic practitioners to develop various methodologies. These include pulse detection, psychometric scaling, development of questionnaires and software such as AyuSoft. Prakriti assessment through pulse detection is widely practiced by ayurvedic physicians, which requires experience and knowledge of prakriti prediction. Study on the prakriti assessment using pulse detection by Kurande et al.

Prakriti : Your Ayurvedic Constitution

Recently, Shilpa et al. However, this approach was limited to the psychological traits alone. Several published reports on the prakriti scaling were based on the systematic questionnaires followed by inter-rater variability analysis and lacked quantitative approach. In this manuscript, we have quantitatively analyzed prakriti by using software together with traditional ayurvedic concepts and have shown a moderate level of reliability.

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The prakriti determination in Ayurveda is very important in the context of practice of traditional medicine and for its application in diagnostics, disease management, and prognostication of a disease or a condition. This kind of approach results in significant inter-rater variability in quantitative estimation of doshas , ultimately in the assessment of prakriti. Bhalerao et al.

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  • In the present study, we have compared qualitative and quantitative assessment of prakriti by employing ancient knowledge of Ayurveda and a logical tool, AyuSoft. The prakriti was first determined by AyuSoft followed by a senior ayurvedic physician for each individual. The prakriti determined at the time of conception depend on various factors involving metaphysical aatma, purvajanma-krita karma , psychological sattvaja , protophysical five classical elements , hereditary matraja, pitraja , maternal diet, lifestyle, doshik dominance in the maternal reproductive tract, place of birth, time of birth, age of parents, socio-economic condition, and idiosyncrasy.

    Several research groups have attributed human genetic differences to geographical location and also showed its implications to the modern medicine. Research work carried out by Aggarval et al.

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    In the Ayurvedic texts, it is indicated that five classical elements air, earth, ether, fire, and water combine in different proportions to form the entire range of naturally formed substances including lands, flora, and human doshas-dhatus-malas. For example, water Jala Mahabhuta is dominant in wet lands anoopa desha and kapha dosha , suggesting that wet lands will show a high incidence of kapha prakriti.

    Supplementary file 5 contains table showing impact of geographical location and prakriti [ Supplementary File 5 ]. The above trend is also evident in our present study wherein the topical wet coastal region shows a higher prevalence of individuals with kapha prakriti Hence, our results in general, conform to the ayurvedic texts. It has been reported in the traditional texts that kapha prakriti subjects have slower metabolic rates with plump upachita or well built paripurna sarvanga features. Vata prakriti individuals show features of weight loss apachita , small structure alpa shareera , poor eating habits laghu ahara , and erratic food intake chapal ahara.

    A previous study has mapped differences in lipid profile among specific prakriti and our study appears to support the findings. Using a similar approach, we have observed immune variation in dominant prakriti individuals, selected, based on the same methodology. We have reported a higher level of expression of CD14 markers in pitta and CD25 and CD56 in kapha prakriti , the later correlates with higher immune response observed in individuals with kapha prakriti.

    We found AyuSoft being useful in quantitatively expressing the dosha dominance and this is one of the outcomes of the study.

    The major implications based on the design is that how such a large dipartite human variations can be cohesively partitioned regardless of region within sampled areas in India , place of birth, and then taking one phenotype i. BMI for a prakriti for example. In this preliminary study, we show examples of advantages that can be derived from traditional knowledge for the practice of personalized medicine. We also show what features cannot be used e. Larger implications of this study can only be extrapolated after a concerted study.

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    This large study was an attempt to find correlations between some of the features described in traditional texts and to draw an analogy to contemporary knowledge by using acceptable methodologies. This was also an attempt to understand how the personalized medicine was traditionally practiced. We believe that our systematic interrogation and findings may bring awareness to the researchers and the validity of science behind the traditional medicine. Some of the aspects that we have studied such as desha , prakriti and BMI relates to what is already mentioned in Ayurvedic literature, which may create a strong base for the practical use of Ayurveda literature.

    Our study may provide a foundation for undertaking further research, implementation of various aspects of Ayurveda, and gain new perspective about human variations. The present study exemplifies the association of BMI and place of birth of individuals with their constitution type or prakriti , which is in conformity with textual references in Ayurveda. For example, individuals with kapha prakriti show higher BMI as opposed to vata prakriti.

    In addition, we have also shown that prakriti assessment performed intuitively by the ayurvedic physician has a good correlation with Ayusoft measurements, thereby providing an effective and quantitative instrument to assess the prakriti of individuals.

    Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution (Your Ayurvedic Constitution Revised Enlarged Second Edition)

    This study suggests the importance of interrogating the ancient concepts and procedures of Ayurveda by the tools of contemporary science, which may yield new knowledge of value in the practice of medicine. The authors thank Dr. M Sathye and Dr. Vilas Nanal, senior ayurvedic physicians for their cooperation and support. The authors gratefully acknowledge cooperation of all the volunteers who have participated in this study.

    Source of Support: Nil,.

    Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution - Whitcoulls

    Conflict of Interest: None declared. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. J Ayurveda Integr Med. Bhat , 1 Amrish P. Dedge , 2 Vikram Ram Dhumal , 2 G. Gangadharan , 3 T. Girijakumari , 3 Puthiya M. Rajath Kumar , 1 Sreekumaran Nair , 7 S. Venugopalan Nair , 3 Jayakrishna Nayak , 1 B.

    Prasanna , 1 M. Rashmishree , 1 K. Balakrishna K. Amrish P. Puthiya M. Swagata Halder 5 Institute of Vet. Kalpana S. Rajath Kumar. Venugopalan Nair. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Address for correspondence: Dr. E-mail: ude. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.